android Programming Glossary: realtime
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? achartengine ready for realtime graphing I'm trying to graph some realtime data realtime here.. ready for realtime graphing I'm trying to graph some realtime data realtime here means 10msec data ideally as low as possible... realtime graphing I'm trying to graph some realtime data realtime here means 10msec data ideally as low as possible. I've been..
Android API for detecting new media from inbuilt camera & mic wondering if there is some service I can hook into to get realtime notifications. java android api multimedia share improve..
Camera on Android Eclipse emulator: improve this question Afaik the emulator wont show a realtime camera regardless. If you need a live camera source to use in..
App on Android market - HTTP notifications don't come filtering checked Please what am I doing wrong Are realtime order notifications supported for Android Market at all If so..
Face Detection in Android? and angles in BMPs. But it's not very fast. Here's a realtime face detection sample using FaceDetector and OpenGL draws rectangles.. . JavaCV strongly recommended There is a sample code of realtime face detection using the camera. See javacv src .zip on the..
Lock android app after a certain amount of idle time long as your Application's process. Save the system time realtime since boot in every relevant Activity 's onPause into a SharedPreference..
How to update Android ListView with dynamic data in real time? grow or shrink based on the background thread supplying realtime data . I would certainly appreciate thoughts from others who.. manually without calling notifyDataSetChanged if you have realtime data and you want the ListView to update with better performance...
Cardio graph for android instead of lineTo. If you want your graph to have a realtime animation effect i.e. sliding to the left while data is coming..
How to view SQL database in Eclipse Debug mode for android Debug mode for android I am looking for a way to see realtime as I debug what is in my SQL database. Does anyone know how..
Get list of active PendingIntents in AlarmManager 480214a0 com.tmobile.selfhelp broadcastIntent ... Elapsed realtime wakeup now 2110632 ELAPSED_WAKEUP #5 Alarm 481c24e0 type 2
TCP-based RPC server (Erlang or something similar?) for iOS/Android app communication applications in both iOS and Android. These apps require realtime updates from and to the server same as any other network based..
FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP in Android all the other activities on top of B here C and D . A realtime example would be an email app with activities ReadMailInInbox..
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? achartengine ready for realtime graphing I'm trying to graph some realtime data realtime here means 10msec data ideally as low as possible. I've been able.. achartengine ready for realtime graphing I'm trying to graph some realtime data realtime here means 10msec data ideally as low as possible. I've been able to get android to fetch and process data.. achartengine ready for realtime graphing I'm trying to graph some realtime data realtime here means 10msec data ideally as low as possible. I've been able to get android to fetch and process data this fast but..
Android API for detecting new media from inbuilt camera & mic provider and filter based on last scan time. I ™m just wondering if there is some service I can hook into to get realtime notifications. java android api multimedia share improve this question There's a special broadcast Intent that should..
Camera on Android Eclipse emulator: in real time android android emulator android camera share improve this question Afaik the emulator wont show a realtime camera regardless. If you need a live camera source to use in your own app for debugging there is a sollution at http
App on Android market - HTTP notifications don't come it's valid Notification as XML checked API version 2.5 Notification filtering checked Please what am I doing wrong Are realtime order notifications supported for Android Market at all If so is there a separate UI for setting those up EDIT any data..
Face Detection in Android? Try FaceDetector in the Android SDK. It returns face positions and angles in BMPs. But it's not very fast. Here's a realtime face detection sample using FaceDetector and OpenGL draws rectangles which works in Android 2.2. OpenCV in Android You'd..
Lock android app after a certain amount of idle time since boot state initially false . This value should live as long as your Application's process. Save the system time realtime since boot in every relevant Activity 's onPause into a SharedPreference if the current app state is unlocked. If the appwide..
How to update Android ListView with dynamic data in real time? changing but the total number of cells in the ListView can grow or shrink based on the background thread supplying realtime data . I would certainly appreciate thoughts from others who have implemented this scenario and how they optimized code.. and you essentially have to update the ListView cells manually without calling notifyDataSetChanged if you have realtime data and you want the ListView to update with better performance. notifyDataSetChanged causes the ListView to rebuild its..
Cardio graph for android sec canvas.drawPath path paint You may also use quadTo or cubicTo instead of lineTo. If you want your graph to have a realtime animation effect i.e. sliding to the left while data is coming on the right you may draw on a SurfaceView in a similar way..
How to view SQL database in Eclipse Debug mode for android to view SQL database in Eclipse Debug mode for android I am looking for a way to see realtime as I debug what is in my SQL database. Does anyone know how to do this I have tried looking through the variables tab but..
Get list of active PendingIntents in AlarmManager count 1 operation PendingIntent 480996e8 PendingIntentRecord 480214a0 com.tmobile.selfhelp broadcastIntent ... Elapsed realtime wakeup now 2110632 ELAPSED_WAKEUP #5 Alarm 481c24e0 type 2 type 2 when 2147485512925 repeatInterval..
TCP-based RPC server (Erlang or something similar?) for iOS/Android app communication for iOS Android app communication I'm building native mobile applications in both iOS and Android. These apps require realtime updates from and to the server same as any other network based application does Facebook Twitter social games like Words..
FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP in Android then you can use this inetent flag. Also what it does is remove all the other activities on top of B here C and D . A realtime example would be an email app with activities ReadMailInInbox OpenMailFullScreen ReplyMail once you reply to your mail you..