android Programming Glossary: reboot
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) a lot even when turning on Mobile Data and might require a reboot of the device. And GO Through this code http
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts is complete except for this problem which goes away when I reboot the phone so that my app is the only thing running. I'm using..
How to start android service on installation that way. Or you are going to need to ask the user to reboot so your BOOT_COMPLETED Intent filter can get control. share..
Programmatically switching off Android phone You could possibly use the PowerManager to make it reboot this does not guarantee that it'll reboot OS may cancel it http.. to make it reboot this does not guarantee that it'll reboot OS may cancel it http reference android.. reference android os PowerManager.html#reboot java.lang.String It requires the REBOOT permission http
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? Android I'm looking for a solution which can be used to reboot a rooted device. I jknow that rebooting a device is very poor.. which can be used to reboot a rooted device. I jknow that rebooting a device is very poor design for the user as stated here.. it's not really for an application. The main purpose is to reboot the phone during my tests I work on a video chat application..
Service not Available - Geocoder Android [duplicate]
Android - Start service on boot at BatteryLogger bin BatteryLogger.apk. Then to test I reboot the tablet and then look at the logs in DDMS and check the Running..
Android USB host and hidden devices name into permissions section Reboot your device. Usb host api should work. Tested on CUBE U30GT..
Android hidden application when the phone reboots only. Step 2. Write your code On Reboot the recevier will fire there you can start your service. class..
Android ADB device offline, can't issue commands a previously working backup Cyanogen Mod Swapped USB cord Reboot Phone Computer multiple times Update android SDK really no clue..
Receive audio via Bluetooth in Android to this key so you will get something like Enable Source Reboot nearby devices should now recognize your device as an A2DP sink..
Offline Speech Recognition In Android (JellyBean) go to the Play Store see if you have the option there. Reboot if you achieved 2 3 or 4 Update Google Search and Google Voice.. you achieved 3 or 4 or if an update is available anyway . Reboot if you achieved 6 Install English UK offline language files.. you achieved 6 Install English UK offline language files Reboot Use utter with a connection Switch to aeroplane mode and give..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? in progress once it asks you to flash it click 'OK' Now Reboot your VM using ADB or an app like ROM Toolbox. If nescessary.. your VM and click 'OK' when asked Once it finishes again Reboot your VM and open the Google Play Store. Sign in using your Google..
How to get an Android WakeLock to work? improve this question WakeLock doesn't usually cause Reboot problems. There may be some other issues in your coding. WakeLock..
HelloAndroid emulator problem in Eclipse. Configure the Android SDK location in Eclipse. Reboot to reduce the CPU utilization Run the emulator from the command..
Android adb “Unable to open sync connection!” errors doesn't help. Reconnect the phone sometimes helps. Reboot the computer kind of drastic haven't tried this yet. Using Ubuntu..
Reboot the phone on a button click the phone on a button click I am making an Android app that..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? Reboot in Android I'm looking for a solution which can be used to..
Power-Off or Restart an android device via Code/Program? condition... Citations to Developer Website Permission to Reboot http reference android Manifest.permission.html#REBOOT.. 28android.content.Context 29 Reboot Method in MonkeyRunner MonkeyDevice http
Google maps SDK with new Intel Atom x86 emulator you just created likely in ~ .android avd name_of_avd.avd Reboot emulator You're done You can use essentially the same instructions..
Sending and Receiving SMS and MMS in Android (pre Kit Kat Android 4.4) real pain as if you do not have it on the message can hang a lot even when turning on Mobile Data and might require a reboot of the device. And GO Through this code http downloadfiles 14286605 Hope this helps. share..
BitmapFactory OOM driving me nuts bytes Seems to me I have plenty available memory. My app is complete except for this problem which goes away when I reboot the phone so that my app is the only thing running. I'm using an HTC Hero for device testing Android 1.5 . At this point..
How to start android service on installation
Programmatically switching off Android phone I used the permission also. android share improve this question You could possibly use the PowerManager to make it reboot this does not guarantee that it'll reboot OS may cancel it http reference android os PowerManager.html#reboot.. improve this question You could possibly use the PowerManager to make it reboot this does not guarantee that it'll reboot OS may cancel it http reference android os PowerManager.html#reboot java.lang.String It requires the.. not guarantee that it'll reboot OS may cancel it http reference android os PowerManager.html#reboot java.lang.String It requires the REBOOT permission http reference android Manifest.permission.html#REBOOT..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? Reboot in Android I'm looking for a solution which can be used to reboot a rooted device. I jknow that rebooting a device is very poor design for the user as stated here and it's not really for.. Reboot in Android I'm looking for a solution which can be used to reboot a rooted device. I jknow that rebooting a device is very poor design for the user as stated here and it's not really for an application. The main purpose is.. device is very poor design for the user as stated here and it's not really for an application. The main purpose is to reboot the phone during my tests I work on a video chat application and sometimes I need to reboot when everything goes south I..
Service not Available - Geocoder Android [duplicate]
Android - Start service on boot the console says it successfully installs it to my Xoom tablet at BatteryLogger bin BatteryLogger.apk. Then to test I reboot the tablet and then look at the logs in DDMS and check the Running Services in the OS settings. Does this all sound correct..
Android USB host and hidden devices
Android hidden application name android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED Your code runs when the phone reboots only. Step 2. Write your code On Reboot the recevier will fire there you can start your service. class ServiceStarter extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public..
Android ADB device offline, can't issue commands mode Reinstall the google USB driver Restore the OS to a previously working backup Cyanogen Mod Swapped USB cord Reboot Phone Computer multiple times Update android SDK really no clue what's going on. Anything else you think I can try I'm all..
Receive audio via Bluetooth in Android sure the Enable key exists and the value Source is attached to this key so you will get something like Enable Source Reboot nearby devices should now recognize your device as an A2DP sink . Now you will have to interact with BlueZ to react appropriately..
Offline Speech Recognition In Android (JellyBean) and Google Voice Search applications. If you can't do the above go to the Play Store see if you have the option there. Reboot if you achieved 2 3 or 4 Update Google Search and Google Voice Search from the Play Store if you achieved 3 or 4 or if an.. Google Search and Google Voice Search from the Play Store if you achieved 3 or 4 or if an update is available anyway . Reboot if you achieved 6 Install English UK offline language files Reboot Use utter with a connection Switch to aeroplane mode.. 3 or 4 or if an update is available anyway . Reboot if you achieved 6 Install English UK offline language files Reboot Use utter with a connection Switch to aeroplane mode and give it a try Once it is working the offline recognition of other..
How do you install Google frameworks (Play, Accounts, etc) on a Genymotion virtual device? onto the Genymotion VM window. It should say File transfer in progress once it asks you to flash it click 'OK' Now Reboot your VM using ADB or an app like ROM Toolbox. If nescessary you can simply close the VM window but I don't recommend it... gapps jb 20130813 or whatever version you got onto your VM and click 'OK' when asked Once it finishes again Reboot your VM and open the Google Play Store. Sign in using your Google account Once in the Store go to the 'My Apps' menu and..
How to get an Android WakeLock to work? really appreciate any help to resolve this. android share improve this question WakeLock doesn't usually cause Reboot problems. There may be some other issues in your coding. WakeLock hogs battery heavily if not released after usage. WakeLock..
HelloAndroid emulator problem folder locations Uninstall reinstall the Android ADT Plugin in Eclipse. Configure the Android SDK location in Eclipse. Reboot to reduce the CPU utilization Run the emulator from the command line and set it to use all CPUs with High or Real Time priority...
Android adb “Unable to open sync connection!” doesn't help. Restart adb adb killserver adb start server no errors doesn't help. Reconnect the phone sometimes helps. Reboot the computer kind of drastic haven't tried this yet. Using Ubuntu 10.4 Eclipse Galileo 3.5.2 Android SDK 7 ADT plugin 0.9.6..
Reboot the phone on a button click the phone on a button click I am making an Android app that needs to have the phone reboot or turn off when a button is..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? Reboot in Android I'm looking for a solution which can be used to reboot a rooted device. I jknow that rebooting a device is very..
Power-Off or Restart an android device via Code/Program? need to restart shutdown my Phone when i meet some specific condition... Citations to Developer Website Permission to Reboot http reference android Manifest.permission.html#REBOOT Permission to Brick the device http http reference android os RecoverySystem.html#rebootWipeUserData 28android.content.Context 29 Reboot Method in MonkeyRunner MonkeyDevice http guide developing tools MonkeyDevice.html#reboot There are..
Google maps SDK with new Intel Atom x86 emulator patient Copy system.img into the avd directory for the avd you just created likely in ~ .android avd name_of_avd.avd Reboot emulator You're done You can use essentially the same instructions using the new ICS 4.0.3 image if you want to use Google..