android Programming Glossary: recipe
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock private ImageView viewPicture private RecipeGeneral recipeGeneral private Recipe recipe private String pictures private.. private RecipeGeneral recipeGeneral private Recipe recipe private String pictures private ArrayList Step steps private.. true try setContentView R.layout.recipe_page getSupportActionBar .setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false recipeGeneral..
How to best handle fling gesture for Android ListActivity the X Y coordinate in your list view. If you're using the recipe from # 937313 you should be able to override onFling more or..
|FINALLY SOLVED| How to force stop Intent Service in progress operation. If you are using a typical HttpUrlConnection recipe you check that flag in your loop where you read from the HTTP..
How to create a background with Image, Rounded Corners without borders color. http www.curious 2012 12 11 android recipe 1 image with rounded corners The sample can be downloaded @..
Updating Android Tab Icons the debugger or Log.i you should be able to figure out a recipe to get the ImageView and change it directly. The downside is..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? data member from doInBackground . If you follow the above recipe it will all work. onProgressUpdate and onPostExecute are suspended..
converting a canvas into bitmap image in android If you want to draw using a canvas to a bitmap the usual recipe is Create a bitmap of the correct size using Bitmap.createBitmap..
Android: copy database from asset folder, but only get an empty file some apps come with rather large databases for example a recipe collection . You can obviously not add all these in code. For..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? compatibility After we encode our video with this ffmpeg recipe we also pass the video through qt faststart . This step rechunks..
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock doesn`t make any difference. The same result. public class RecipeActivity extends SherlockActivity private String picture private.. SherlockActivity private String picture private String TAG RecipeActivity private ImageView viewPicture private RecipeGeneral.. TAG RecipeActivity private ImageView viewPicture private RecipeGeneral recipeGeneral private Recipe recipe private String pictures..
Need an example of take a Picture with MonoDroid and MVVMCross It's Video and i can't make it work S The Oficialy Recipe Example It Works but does not implement MVVMCross Thanks Resolved..
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock private String picture private String TAG RecipeActivity private ImageView viewPicture private RecipeGeneral recipeGeneral private Recipe recipe private String pictures private ArrayList Step steps private ImageView viewStar private DataBaseFactory.. private String TAG RecipeActivity private ImageView viewPicture private RecipeGeneral recipeGeneral private Recipe recipe private String pictures private ArrayList Step steps private ImageView viewStar private DataBaseFactory db private NyamApplication.. requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility true try setContentView R.layout.recipe_page getSupportActionBar .setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false recipeGeneral RecipeGeneral getIntent .getSerializableExtra Recipe..
How to best handle fling gesture for Android ListActivity AbsListView.pointToPosition to determine the list item for the X Y coordinate in your list view. If you're using the recipe from # 937313 you should be able to override onFling more or less as follows @Override public boolean onFling MotionEvent..
|FINALLY SOLVED| How to force stop Intent Service in progress the data. Otherwise nothing is going to stop your download operation. If you are using a typical HttpUrlConnection recipe you check that flag in your loop where you read from the HTTP InputStream and write to your FileOutputStream . You set that..
How to create a background with Image, Rounded Corners without borders fill the rounded rectangle with a texture instead of a simple color. http www.curious 2012 12 11 android recipe 1 image with rounded corners The sample can be downloaded @ https file d 0B3dxhm5xm1sia2NfM3VKTXNjUnc edit..
Updating Android Tab Icons an ImageView and a TextView . So with a little fiddling with the debugger or Log.i you should be able to figure out a recipe to get the ImageView and change it directly. The downside is that if you're not careful the exact layout of the controls..
Background task, progress dialog, orientation change - is there any 100% working solution? activity with the task. Step #6 Do not refer to the activity data member from doInBackground . If you follow the above recipe it will all work. onProgressUpdate and onPostExecute are suspended between the start of onRetainNonConfigurationInstance..
converting a canvas into bitmap image in android can even be fetched from the control using getDrawingCache If you want to draw using a canvas to a bitmap the usual recipe is Create a bitmap of the correct size using Bitmap.createBitmap Create a canvas instance pointing that this bitmap using..
Android: copy database from asset folder, but only get an empty file or two shipping a packed DB might not be worth it. Anyways some apps come with rather large databases for example a recipe collection . You can obviously not add all these in code. For small test entries I'd still prefer simply adding them in..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? to the current frame. Increasing this number could affect compatibility After we encode our video with this ffmpeg recipe we also pass the video through qt faststart . This step rechunks the video for streaming. We stream it over HTTP to an embedded..
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock I use requestWindowFeature Window.FEATURE_PROGRESS but it doesn`t make any difference. The same result. public class RecipeActivity extends SherlockActivity private String picture private String TAG RecipeActivity private ImageView viewPicture.. The same result. public class RecipeActivity extends SherlockActivity private String picture private String TAG RecipeActivity private ImageView viewPicture private RecipeGeneral recipeGeneral private Recipe recipe private String pictures.. SherlockActivity private String picture private String TAG RecipeActivity private ImageView viewPicture private RecipeGeneral recipeGeneral private Recipe recipe private String pictures private ArrayList Step steps private ImageView viewStar..
Need an example of take a Picture with MonoDroid and MVVMCross a picture with Camera Doesn't Implement MVVMCross Video Recording It's Video and i can't make it work S The Oficialy Recipe Example It Works but does not implement MVVMCross Thanks Resolved Thanks To Future References Using Master Branch Credits..