android Programming Glossary: realize
Android: custom separator (or even item) in ListView depening on content of item all the ListView items in that group. Any idea on how to realize this android listview separator share improve this question..
Send SMS until it is successful was a fail Question 3 How to stop both services after I realize that the SMS was successfully sent This is my code which does..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? do I return something from the Activity inside a TabHost I realize that the problem is that my Class C is actually running inside..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) compile ffmpeg using theses tutorial I am not sure how to realize step 4 to 5. STEP4 Configuring ... STEP5 cd to your NDK root..
Is it possible to create an Android Service that listens for hardware key presses? return true etc. return super.onKeyDown keyCode event I realize Android defaults to the search bar when you type from the home..
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? I very much disagree with Dianne Hackborn and yes I realize she's an Android framework engineer thanks. We are bit by bit..
Android: How to create a directory on the SD Card and copy files from /res/raw to it? only happen once the first time the program is ever run. I realize that this is ridiculously open ended and that I am asking a..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? discovered which I would be interested in hearing about. I realize that delving into the gears that are normally covered up by..
Protected fields not visible to subclasses class Classes like ScrollView apparently can. P.S. I realize that I can call getScrollX but I want to update these fields..
What adapter shall I use to use HashMap in a ListView order you added them. Writing this example has made me realize Don't use HashMap in an adapter share improve this answer..
How to save user state in Android? question As far as I understand the question is how to realize saving a user state in application. If so you can use SharedPreferences..
Why are most UI frameworks single threaded? more performance albeit at the cost of more complexity I realize that the latter is a big deal because thread related bugs are.. and races that people had encountered we began to realize that we were making a promise we couldn't keep. This analysis..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object you get a much faster serialization of your objects. Also realize that Android provides two mechanisms that allow you to pass..
Code samples for Android Bluetooth programming [closed] java android bluetooth share improve this question I realize this is an old thread but I thought I'd jot some notes. The..
Android: parse XML from string problems it is a void method. How do I access my parsed XML data I realize this question is probably trivial but I've been searching for..
I get this error: Data exceeds UNCOMPRESS_DATA_MAX on android 2.2 but not on 2.3 EDIT 2 Looking back on this answer I realize that depending on the size of your file perhaps you could consider..
Could not find Library.apk! It didn't help. I then found this thread that helped me realize that I had uses library in the application's AndroidManifest.xml..
Animated Icon for ActionItem in place. The icon in question is a refresh icon. I realize that ActionBar has support for using custom views Adding an..
Android: custom separator (or even item) in ListView depening on content of item separator can be a TextView saying e.g. 500m 1km followed by all the ListView items in that group. Any idea on how to realize this android listview separator share improve this question Here is one implementation that does exactly what you describe...
Send SMS until it is successful retry every 30 seconds after realizing that the last attempt was a fail Question 3 How to stop both services after I realize that the SMS was successfully sent This is my code which does not work public class sms_sender extends Service @Override..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? instead of RESULT_OK and the returned intent is null. How do I return something from the Activity inside a TabHost I realize that the problem is that my Class C is actually running inside of Class B and Class B is what is returning the RESULT_CANCELED..
ffmpeg for a android (using tutorial: “ffmpeg and”) ffmpeg like it is posted on 1 . Did anybody successfully compile ffmpeg using theses tutorial I am not sure how to realize step 4 to 5. STEP4 Configuring ... STEP5 cd to your NDK root dir type make TARGET_ARCH arm APP ffmpeg org It seems to me..
Is it possible to create an Android Service that listens for hardware key presses? Stuff return true case KeyEvent.KEYCODE_B Stuff return true etc. return super.onKeyDown keyCode event I realize Android defaults to the search bar when you type from the home screen but this really is just for a very particular use...
Singletons vs. Application Context in Android? in advance. java android patterns share improve this question I very much disagree with Dianne Hackborn and yes I realize she's an Android framework engineer thanks. We are bit by bit removing all singletons from our project in favor of lightweight..
Android: How to create a directory on the SD Card and copy files from /res/raw to it? in res raw to that folder... I addition I want this to only happen once the first time the program is ever run. I realize that this is ridiculously open ended and that I am asking a lot... but any help would be greatly appreciated. android ..
Repackage APK file to contain custom assets - what build tool to use? . There might be some other option that I have not listed discovered which I would be interested in hearing about. I realize that delving into the gears that are normally covered up by my ide can lead to diffuculties. But I know that a lot of the..
Protected fields not visible to subclasses my direct subclass cannot access protected fields of its parent class Classes like ScrollView apparently can. P.S. I realize that I can call getScrollX but I want to update these fields calling setScroll has side effects that I don't want. java..
What adapter shall I use to use HashMap in a ListView
How to save user state in Android? like this in Android android share improve this question As far as I understand the question is how to realize saving a user state in application. If so you can use SharedPreferences esspecially if you have only one user state or database...
Why are most UI frameworks single threaded? Wouldn't multiple threaded UI model potentially give you more performance albeit at the cost of more complexity I realize that the latter is a big deal because thread related bugs are nasty but I am wondering if there are any other advantages.. Java team looked at the experience with AWT and with the deadlocks and races that people had encountered we began to realize that we were making a promise we couldn't keep. This analysis culminated in one of the design reviews for Swing in 1997..
Benefit of using Parcelable instead of serializing object serialize the members of your class but in the end you get a much faster serialization of your objects. Also realize that Android provides two mechanisms that allow you to pass data to another process. The first is to pass a bundle to an..
Code samples for Android Bluetooth programming [closed] be appreciated. Thank you very much and I appreciate it. java android bluetooth share improve this question I realize this is an old thread but I thought I'd jot some notes. The Android Bluetooth example already listed has a bunch of issues..
Android: parse XML from string problems is how to USE it. Xml.parse ... ... returns nothing because it is a void method. How do I access my parsed XML data I realize this question is probably trivial but I've been searching for literally hours and have found no solution. Please help. String..
I get this error: Data exceeds UNCOMPRESS_DATA_MAX on android 2.2 but not on 2.3 really simply. http 2010 12 data exceeds uncompressdatamax.html EDIT 2 Looking back on this answer I realize that depending on the size of your file perhaps you could consider downloading the file from a web server and then copying..
Could not find Library.apk! the project then re importing it per the suggestion below. It didn't help. I then found this thread that helped me realize that I had uses library in the application's AndroidManifest.xml referring to MyLibrary. I deleted it cleaned the project..
Animated Icon for ActionItem I want the icon to begin animating more specifically rotating in place. The icon in question is a refresh icon. I realize that ActionBar has support for using custom views Adding an Action View however this custom view is expanded to cover the..