android Programming Glossary: recipegeneral
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock private ImageView viewPicture private RecipeGeneral recipeGeneral private Recipe recipe private String pictures private ArrayList.. getSupportActionBar .setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false recipeGeneral RecipeGeneral getIntent .getSerializableExtra Recipe Log.d TAG.. getIntent .getSerializableExtra Recipe Log.d TAG recipeGeneral recipeGeneral.toString picture Constants.URL recipeGeneral.getImg_url..
How to add progressbar to ActionBarSherlock private String picture private String TAG RecipeActivity private ImageView viewPicture private RecipeGeneral recipeGeneral private Recipe recipe private String pictures private ArrayList Step steps private ImageView viewStar private DataBaseFactory.. true try setContentView R.layout.recipe_page getSupportActionBar .setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false recipeGeneral RecipeGeneral getIntent .getSerializableExtra Recipe Log.d TAG recipeGeneral recipeGeneral.toString picture Constants.URL.. .setDisplayShowTitleEnabled false recipeGeneral RecipeGeneral getIntent .getSerializableExtra Recipe Log.d TAG recipeGeneral recipeGeneral.toString picture Constants.URL recipeGeneral.getImg_url Log.d TAG picture picture viewPicture ImageView findViewById..