android Programming Glossary: reciever
Outgoing call status dial a number OFFHOOK from his phone and When the call reciever person disconnects the call IDLE but there is no State parameter..
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? AFTER PROCESSINVITE So the activity will have a broadcast reciever registered for these intents and will switch its state according..
Android - sendOrderedBroadcast help the Doc's I should recieve 100 back in my DomainBroadcast reciever but it always comes back as 0. Can anyone see why resultReceiver..
Service and a BroadCastReceiver public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Handle reciever String mAction intent.getAction if mAction.equals INCOMING_CALL_ACTION..
Anyone doing C2DM on Android c2dm send d registration_id phoneRegistrationId reciever d data.message StringToPass d collapse_key something k Download..
How to Set Recurring AlarmManager to execute code daily working fine however when I deploy to an actual device the reciever does not seem to be recieving the alarms. I thought it might..
Start app at a specific time Next You need to create a reciever with some code to execute your application ie starting your..
Android Service Listener for the wakelock screen my application would be running. Im juz thinking i need a reciever for it and just wondering wether i will have to create my own..
USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Intent not firing I was not able to see it happen. I'm using a broadcast reciever that i know works when i have it listen for other things such..
Service does not restart after “Clear Memory” + appWidget crashes action applied for the specific package. Within this reciever I start my services again and restarts the widget view calling..
show an alert dialog in broadcast receiver after a system reboot is how i would recommend doing it. From your broadcast reciever start an activity with an alert dialog as such.. public class..
Outgoing call status The onCallStateChanged Function is called only when the Person dial a number OFFHOOK from his phone and When the call reciever person disconnects the call IDLE but there is no State parameter to knowthat does the other end person has recieved the..
More efficient way of updating UI from Service than intents? sendBroadcast x Log.d INTENT SENT INTENT SENT INCOMING CALL AFTER PROCESSINVITE So the activity will have a broadcast reciever registered for these intents and will switch its state according to the last intent it received. Sample code as follows..
Android - sendOrderedBroadcast help com.testnetworks.INT_TEST 100 So according to the Doc's I should recieve 100 back in my DomainBroadcast reciever but it always comes back as 0. Can anyone see why resultReceiver Your own BroadcastReceiver to treat as the final receiver..
Service and a BroadCastReceiver mIntentReceiver new BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context context Intent intent Handle reciever String mAction intent.getAction if mAction.equals INCOMING_CALL_ACTION Do your thing @Override protected void onResume super.onResume..
Anyone doing C2DM on Android auth authFromRegistrationAbove https c2dm send d registration_id phoneRegistrationId reciever d data.message StringToPass d collapse_key something k Download curl from CURL Hope this helps. share improve this answer..
How to Set Recurring AlarmManager to execute code daily for this to go off every two minutes and it seems to be working fine however when I deploy to an actual device the reciever does not seem to be recieving the alarms. I thought it might be an issue with the device being asleep so I added the power..
Start app at a specific time sender PendingIntent.getBroadcast con 0 intent PendingIntent.FLAG_UPDATE_CURRENT Next You need to create a reciever with some code to execute your application ie starting your app public class MyAppReciever extends BroadcastReceiver @Override..
Android Service Listener for the wakelock screen uses this specific code the phone will unlock and then only my application would be running. Im juz thinking i need a reciever for it and just wondering wether i will have to create my own Home screen and a lock screen for my application. any ideas..
USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED Intent not firing purposes i want to be notified any time a device is attached. I was not able to see it happen. I'm using a broadcast reciever that i know works when i have it listen for other things such as the home button being pressed. No matter what i try i can't..
Service does not restart after “Clear Memory” + appWidget crashes cleaners are cleaning memmory. the data row is used to monitor action applied for the specific package. Within this reciever I start my services again and restarts the widget view calling it's onUpdate method in this case public class onRestartReciever..
show an alert dialog in broadcast receiver after a system reboot to show the dialog. Here is a blog post more on this. EDIT Here is how i would recommend doing it. From your broadcast reciever start an activity with an alert dialog as such.. public class NotifySMSReceived extends Activity private static final String..