android Programming Glossary: providers
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called which is super easy to use than GPS Network Location providers. Compatible upto API Level 8 now when i get this weird issue..
How to add a notification badge/count to application icon on Sony Xperia devices? Next I had a look through all available content providers but I found nothing related to app icon badges there. I ran..
Open another application from your own (intent) a process can have multiple activities services content providers and or broadcast listeners. If at least one of them is running..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? to me that I have to spin up two different location providers GPS and NETWORK and manage each's lifecycle. Not only that but.. this question Here's what I do First of all I check what providers are enabled. Some may be disabled on the device some may be.. last known values. I grab last known values from available providers and choose the most recent of them. Here's how I use my class..
What is Context in Android? mode Accessing Components Implicitly Regarding content providers broadcasts intent getApplicationContext .getContentResolver..
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper I've been able to come up with a list of wallpaper providers using Intents. I then get a list of live wallpaper providers.. using Intents. I then get a list of live wallpaper providers also using Intents and remove those from my first list. The.. those from my first list. The gives me a list of wallpaper providers that are not live. Now what Are there other ways to do this..
How to store large blobs in an android content provider? to the client. http guide topics providers content providers.html#creating I am having some difficulty.. http guide topics providers content providers.html#creating I am having some difficulty finding an example...
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? A collection of classes to help you build content providers. The framework is specially designed to help connect your application..
Sending a File using Bluetooth OBEX Object Push Profile (OPP) with no luck I provide a working solution using content providers thanks to KPBird Grab the java class BluetoothShare from here..
Android: column '_id' does not exist problem and simplifying things across databases content providers cursors adapters etc etc In short in order for these various..
Getting events from calendar The page here http guide topics providers calendar provider.html provides a much better overview. A much..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android Why the problem is a problem First off android has two providers network and GPS. Sometimes network is better and sometimes the.. determine the best provider I'm probably gonna use all providers and picking the best of them. Background of the app The app.. return location return bestLocation Checks whether two providers are the same private boolean isSameProvider String provider1..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException only String . To support other types you have to add providers located in META INF services folder of jersey client.jar or..
How to properly insert values into the SQLite database using ContentProvider's insert() method through a CursorLoader? calling a new CursorLoader automatically calls ContentProviders query method. But how can I do the same for insert android.. my blog post on the subject Content Resolvers and Content Providers The CursorLoader has nothing to do with it. Insertion is a totally..
Android Alarm Clock UI class which use Content Providers store the actual information. Holo theme is used by default..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 this else Display a message dialog No Location Providers currently available. Deactivates this provider. This method..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? this else Display a message dialog No Location Providers currently available. Deactivates this provider. This method..
Get a list of available Content Providers a list of available Content Providers Is there a way to programmatically list all available content..
How to obtain all details of a contact in Android question Had to change a bit of the tutorial on Content Providers since it referenced deprecated classes this might help. import..
Android API for detecting new media from inbuilt camera & mic files being inserted into one of the Media Store Content Providers. Also it depends on the application that's putting it there..
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? Android RESTProvider from Novoda Carl Gustaf Harroch Providers offer an abstraction from data sources on Android and the RESTProvider..
When to use a Content Provider to use a Content Provider I understand that Content Providers are made to allow publicly sharing data between applications... are not planning to share data don't think about Content Providers. They are powerful but hard to write and it will be just silly..
What is the use of private Content Providers? is the use of private Content Providers The Android Dev Guide says Content providers are also useful.. to your application and not shared. Generally Content Providers are used for providing data to different applications or sharing..
Android: column '_id' does not exist problem etc. Look at the data model in the docs for Content Providers . Using a unique key in 'databases' of whatever kind is pretty..
Android Location Providers - GPS or Network Provider? [closed] Location Providers GPS or Network Provider closed In my application I would like.. of questions in this regard There are different Location Providers which one is the most accurate The GPS Provider or the Network.. in the best case . Article Reference Android Location Providers gps network passive By Fernando Cejas Code Reference http
Deleting (Raw) Contacts in Android 2.x I have to insert contacts into the Android Content Providers and delete them after running my tests. Trouble is they do not..
how to return value to parameter in between getintent and putintents right way of doing what you want to do is to use Content Providers intents are not supposed to be used to pass persistent information..
Saving Activity State in the onPause including Shared Preferences Files Databases Content Providers I suggest reading this documentation to learn more about each..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? on all Java implementations see the Introduction to Oracle Providers . Thus PROVIDER should not exist and the string BC should probably..
LocationListener of NETWORK_PROVIDER is enabled but , onLocationChanged is never called Location Provider api's via its Google Play Service Framework which is super easy to use than GPS Network Location providers. Compatible upto API Level 8 now when i get this weird issue of Network provider same time Fused Location gives me accurate..
How to add a notification badge/count to application icon on Sony Xperia devices? on Sony devices com.sonyericsson.home.permission.BROADCAST_BADGE Next I had a look through all available content providers but I found nothing related to app icon badges there. I ran the command in this answer to get a system dump file and searched..
Open another application from your own (intent) is slightly an extended one. An application technically a process can have multiple activities services content providers and or broadcast listeners. If at least one of them is running the application is up and running the process . So what you..
What is the simplest and most robust way to get the user's current location in Android? provider. It seems like it shouldn't be that hard but it appears to me that I have to spin up two different location providers GPS and NETWORK and manage each's lifecycle. Not only that but I have to duplicate the same code in multiple activities.. way to accomplish this android geolocation share improve this question Here's what I do First of all I check what providers are enabled. Some may be disabled on the device some may be disabled in application manifest. If any provider is available.. If I don't get any updates and timer elapses I have to use last known values. I grab last known values from available providers and choose the most recent of them. Here's how I use my class LocationResult locationResult new LocationResult @Override..
What is Context in Android?
Choosing background for Live Wallpaper this I can't find an API anywhere for getting a list of wallpapers. I've been able to come up with a list of wallpaper providers using Intents. I then get a list of live wallpaper providers also using Intents and remove those from my first list. The.. I've been able to come up with a list of wallpaper providers using Intents. I then get a list of live wallpaper providers also using Intents and remove those from my first list. The gives me a list of wallpaper providers that are not live. Now.. of live wallpaper providers also using Intents and remove those from my first list. The gives me a list of wallpaper providers that are not live. Now what Are there other ways to do this that I'm missing Please help. android live wallpaper share..
How to store large blobs in an android content provider? that file directly and return a read wrapper for the file to the client. http guide topics providers content providers.html#creating I am having some difficulty finding an example. In particular I wish to use the bitmap in.. and return a read wrapper for the file to the client. http guide topics providers content providers.html#creating I am having some difficulty finding an example. In particular I wish to use the bitmap in the context an ImageView...
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? serious about REST Android Feed Framework A collection of classes to help you build content providers. The framework is specially designed to help connect your application to Web APIs. iphone android rest restful authentication..
Sending a File using Bluetooth OBEX Object Push Profile (OPP) For anyone trying to send a file to a bluetooth device with no luck I provide a working solution using content providers thanks to KPBird Grab the java class BluetoothShare from here Than the following code sends a file on the SD card to a bluetooth..
Android: column '_id' does not exist problem use of the column name '_id' or '_ID' is simply a way of standardizing and simplifying things across databases content providers cursors adapters etc etc In short in order for these various components to work correctly they need a data column with unique..
Getting events from calendar seem to work in ICS definitely the column names are different The page here http guide topics providers calendar provider.html provides a much better overview. A much simpler code to retrieve calendars public class CalendarContentResolver..
Good way of getting the user's location in Android within a threshold ASAP and at the same time conserve battery. Why the problem is a problem First off android has two providers network and GPS. Sometimes network is better and sometimes the GPS is better. By better I mean speed vs. accuracy ratio... or maybe through some 3rd party library. This does not mean determine the best provider I'm probably gonna use all providers and picking the best of them. Background of the app The app will collect the user's location at a fixed interval let say.. else if isNewer isSignificantlyLessAccurate isFromSameProvider return location return bestLocation Checks whether two providers are the same private boolean isSameProvider String provider1 String provider2 if provider1 null return provider2 null return..
Jersey Client on Android - NullPointerException can use only subset of headers types supported by Jersey I needed only String . To support other types you have to add providers located in META INF services folder of jersey client.jar or from Lucas' implementation and check if they don't cause verification..
How to properly insert values into the SQLite database using ContentProvider's insert() method through a CursorLoader? probably mention the reason I am confused with this is because calling a new CursorLoader automatically calls ContentProviders query method. But how can I do the same for insert android android contentprovider android contentresolver android loadermanager.. cursorloader share improve this question Check out my blog post on the subject Content Resolvers and Content Providers The CursorLoader has nothing to do with it. Insertion is a totally different concept... it has absolutely nothing to do..
Android Alarm Clock UI e. Alarms are managed by a static class which use Content Providers store the actual information. Holo theme is used by default since Android 4.0 on other Android version you may see different..
Map view following user - MyLocationOverlay type functionality for Android Maps API V2 bestAvailableProvider minTime minDistance this else Display a message dialog No Location Providers currently available. Deactivates this provider. This method is automatically invoked by disabling my location layer. @Override..
How to get My Location changed event with Google Maps android API v2? bestAvailableProvider minTime minDistance this else Display a message dialog No Location Providers currently available. Deactivates this provider. This method is automatically invoked by disabling my location layer. @Override..
Get a list of available Content Providers a list of available Content Providers Is there a way to programmatically list all available content providers on a device No real use case I just thought it..
How to obtain all details of a contact in Android making a single query android contacts share improve this question Had to change a bit of the tutorial on Content Providers since it referenced deprecated classes this might help. import android.provider.ContactsContract.Contacts import android.database.Cursor..
Android API for detecting new media from inbuilt camera & mic Intent.ACTION_MEDIA_SCANNER_SCAN_FILE This will only work for files being inserted into one of the Media Store Content Providers. Also it depends on the application that's putting it there broadcasting the intent which all the native Google application..
RESTful frameworks for Android, iOS…? Maybe one of you used some of them or something different... Android RESTProvider from Novoda Carl Gustaf Harroch Providers offer an abstraction from data sources on Android and the RESTProvider Automatically parses RESTful API responses into a..
When to use a Content Provider to use a Content Provider I understand that Content Providers are made to allow publicly sharing data between applications. However I'm wondering if anyone has thoughts about making.. contentprovider share improve this question If you are not planning to share data don't think about Content Providers. They are powerful but hard to write and it will be just silly to implement them if you are going to use them internally...
What is the use of private Content Providers? is the use of private Content Providers The Android Dev Guide says Content providers are also useful for reading and writing data that is private to your application.. are also useful for reading and writing data that is private to your application and not shared. Generally Content Providers are used for providing data to different applications or sharing data among them. I was wondering if there is any use to..
Android: column '_id' does not exist problem handles can be handled correctly by adapters and adapterviews etc. Look at the data model in the docs for Content Providers . Using a unique key in 'databases' of whatever kind is pretty much universal practice and as far as I can tell the use..
Android Location Providers - GPS or Network Provider? [closed] Location Providers GPS or Network Provider closed In my application I would like to determine the user's current location. I do however have.. the user's current location. I do however have a couple of questions in this regard There are different Location Providers which one is the most accurate The GPS Provider or the Network Provider In how far do those available provider differ How..
Deleting (Raw) Contacts in Android 2.x on Unit Tests for my Android app and am doing a lot with Contacts. I have to insert contacts into the Android Content Providers and delete them after running my tests. Trouble is they do not get actually deleted Insertion ArrayList ContentProviderOperation..
how to return value to parameter in between getintent and putintents done you pass it back to your previous activity. However the right way of doing what you want to do is to use Content Providers intents are not supposed to be used to pass persistent information like products between activities. share improve this..
Saving Activity State in the onPause of your Activity. To get this working you have several options including Shared Preferences Files Databases Content Providers I suggest reading this documentation to learn more about each of these options http guide topics data..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? specific providers since not all providers are available on all Java implementations see the Introduction to Oracle Providers . Thus PROVIDER should not exist and the string BC should probably be removed from PBE_ALGORITHM . Implementation 2 is correct..