android Programming Glossary: protection
Does proguard work to obfuscate static string constants? for Android DexGuard provides additional application protection techniques like string encryption and class encryption. I am..
Way to protect from Lucky Patcher / play licensing [android] as well but can't seem to find the URL. In general if your protection is dependent on if then logic all someone has to do is patch..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? 2011 11 android permissions protection levels.html After trying Screenshot UX Trial I read the permission..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? protect your application from being modified. And any protection you put in there can be disabled removed. 2. How can I protect..
My Android App shows as “this item is not compatible with your device” with it until I figured it out. When I disabled copy protection on my app suddenly it was compatible with my device Sony Xperia.. and I was able to install through the android market. Copy protection is now deprecated and is being replaced with a new licensing.. developer and some people can't see your app disable copy protection and use licensing instead. I also suggest using the Android..
Android Game Keeps Getting Hacked on a timestamp. Thanks android security google play copy protection share improve this question Taken from my solution from..
How to encrypt HTML+JS assets in Android Phonegap mobile app? this question I've already tried options how to solve copy protection of my sources JS minification obfuscation etc.. but I found..
How to make apk Secure. Protecting from Decompile there are lots of applications are not suitable for this protection. For example Java programs in stand alone programs are unable.. website for APK. It provides Java codes and C codes protection to achieve anti debugging and decompile effects. The operation..
How to prevent an application from being uninstalled? While the Device Admin API doesn't allow for password protection of this particular feature you can password protect your application..
Android: app licensing, copy protection app licensing copy protection I have an apk file that is non free My questions is the following.. 2 If they can what is the best way to make a REAL copy protection Thanks Leslie android copy protection android lvl share improve.. to make a REAL copy protection Thanks Leslie android copy protection android lvl share improve this question 1. Yes they can..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? or plaintext. Galois counter mode GCM provides integrity protection however it is not available in all Java versions is strictly..
Restricting Android Broadcast Receiver from specific app app1 can send intent to app2 Define permission in app2 protection level signature and use that permission in app1 . Service in.. If application define the permission and use it itself the protectionLevel signature seems to have no meaning. Is this true Now I.. ... permission android name com.yourapp.PERMISSION android protectionLevel signature android label @string permission_label android..
Does proguard work to obfuscate static string constants? in its FAQ . Its more recent specialized closed source sibling for Android DexGuard provides additional application protection techniques like string encryption and class encryption. I am the developer of ProGuard and DexGuard share improve this..
Way to protect from Lucky Patcher / play licensing [android] another talk about general patterns to thwart lazy pirates as well but can't seem to find the URL. In general if your protection is dependent on if then logic all someone has to do is patch the code and invert that logic or bypass it all together which..
How to take a screenshot of other app programmatically without root permission, like Screenshot UX Trial? . But some website says it's for signature app only. http 2011 11 android permissions protection levels.html After trying Screenshot UX Trial I read the permission INTERNET for connect to localhost screenshot server for..
How to avoid reverse engineering of an APK file? it in any way she or he finds it feasible . You basically can't protect your application from being modified. And any protection you put in there can be disabled removed. 2. How can I protect all the app's resources assets and source code so that hackers..
My Android App shows as “this item is not compatible with your device” I had this problem when I published an app so I monkied around with it until I figured it out. When I disabled copy protection on my app suddenly it was compatible with my device Sony Xperia Play and I was able to install through the android market... suddenly it was compatible with my device Sony Xperia Play and I was able to install through the android market. Copy protection is now deprecated and is being replaced with a new licensing feature so assuming licensing doens't have the same bug this.. showpost.php p 11626645 postcount 425 So if you are a developer and some people can't see your app disable copy protection and use licensing instead. I also suggest using the Android SDK built in ProGuard feature to obfuscate scramble your code..
Android Game Keeps Getting Hacked a discussion on obfuscation or checking periodically based on a timestamp. Thanks android security google play copy protection share improve this question Taken from my solution from this post Avoid apk cracked Implement your own licensing library..
How to encrypt HTML+JS assets in Android Phonegap mobile app? i know there is no absolute perfect solution. On my way to this question I've already tried options how to solve copy protection of my sources JS minification obfuscation etc.. but I found out that it's very simple to get to the original code using..
How to make apk Secure. Protecting from Decompile through interfaces such as HTTP Web Service RPC etc. But there are lots of applications are not suitable for this protection. For example Java programs in stand alone programs are unable to isolate. 2. Encrypt Class Files To prevent Class files.. 5. Online Encryption APK Protect is an online encryption website for APK. It provides Java codes and C codes protection to achieve anti debugging and decompile effects. The operation process is simple and easy. I suggest you use this last method..
How to prevent an application from being uninstalled? unregistered. This will prevent the app from being uninstalled. While the Device Admin API doesn't allow for password protection of this particular feature you can password protect your application to prevent someone from tampering with the Device Admin..
Android: app licensing, copy protection app licensing copy protection I have an apk file that is non free My questions is the following 1 If Copy Protection is set to true on the market the.. from the device or not rooted non rooted copy apk from device 2 If they can what is the best way to make a REAL copy protection Thanks Leslie android copy protection android lvl share improve this question 1. Yes they can in rooted phones http.. copy apk from device 2 If they can what is the best way to make a REAL copy protection Thanks Leslie android copy protection android lvl share improve this question 1. Yes they can in rooted phones http 2009 11 22 how to backup..
What are best practices for using AES encryption in Android? through XOR with that block to produce the ciphertext or plaintext. Galois counter mode GCM provides integrity protection however it is not available in all Java versions is strictly speaking a cipher rather than a mode and strongly recommends..
Restricting Android Broadcast Receiver from specific app 2 applications. If I use service I can set permission so only app1 can send intent to app2 Define permission in app2 protection level signature and use that permission in app1 . Service in app2 is protected by that permission. In this way only app1.. fake app2 can get intent from app1 which is unexpected BTW If application define the permission and use it itself the protectionLevel signature seems to have no meaning. Is this true Now I can set additional permission app1 Define permission use that.. receiver from unauthorized broadcasts by coding like this ... permission android name com.yourapp.PERMISSION android protectionLevel signature android label @string permission_label android description @string permission_desc permission ... receiver..