android Programming Glossary: prompted
How do I import jars in an android project? is underlined in red and when I hover over it I'm not prompted with an option to import it. Create class Create interface etc...
Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update one containing my service. In this case the user will be prompted on first run in case he she requires any of the ussd features..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API REDIRECT_URI client_id CLIENT_ID Select Allow access when prompted. The browser will be redirected to your redirect URI with a..
Am I getting the steps right for verifying a user's Android in-app subscription? URI client_id YOUR CLIENT ID and allow access when prompted. Look in the address bar. At the end of the URI you entered..
How to access data/data folder in Android device? adb backup noapk com.your.packagename You will now be prompted to 'unlock your device and confirm the backup operation'. It's..
Google Maps Android API v2 throws GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException, out of date, SupportMapFragment.getMap() returns null extras google google_play_services samples maps I was prompted to install the upgrade and was taken to the Play Store to do..
Android sending lots of SMS messages are being sent . This is not ok for the user to get prompted each time to ask if the app can send a text message. The user..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work to the phone through the standard bluetooth utility. I'm prompted for the PIN which I enter and the device is shown as 'Paired..
How to raise a toast in AsyncTask, I am prompted to used the Looper to raise a toast in AsyncTask I am prompted to used the Looper I have tasks completed by AsyncTask in background...
Disable home button in android toddler app? you enable the childproof mode on those apps the user is prompted to chose and app for the action and the choices are Launcher..
Huh? “SDK Platform Tools component is missing!” Android Development Tools 8.0.1.v201012062107 82219 It prompted for restarting Eclipse and when it restarted it gave me the..
Android - launch google map via web url Edit On further testing I've found that the user will be prompted to open the link in browser or map app for standard html links..
Understanding keystore, certificates and alias alias is supplied at the command line the user is prompted for it. If the private key password is different from the keystore.. is different from the keystore password the user is prompted for it. The private key in the cloned entry may be protected.. no new option is supplied at the command line the user is prompted for the new entry's password and may choose to let it be the..
Generating hash key for app using facebook sdk .keystore openssl sha1 binary openssl base64 I am never prompted for password though i am given the hash key. Thanks in advance..
Android - How can I disable home button temporarily and recreate what Car Home and Toddler Lock have done?
Source attachment for android.jar in Eclipse install Sources for Android SDK under Android 4.0 When prompted by No sources attached... click the button then choose the Directory..
Listen Broadcast Before application uninstall I have tried to uninstall that Antivirus Antivirus has prompted me that 'are you sure you want to remove this application '...
Eclipse Indigo Android ADT - install OK, no “Android” option in Preferences and New Project Once I did that Eclipse restarted and immediately prompted me for the location of my android SDK. As far as steps go Run..
How do I import jars in an android project? envelope.setOutputSoapObject request SoapObject is underlined in red and when I hover over it I'm not prompted with an option to import it. Create class Create interface etc. are options. Any help is greatly appreciated. android..
Android - Implementing USSD features. Binding a service to the PhoneUtils without restarting the phone on every update application the user would interact with and a separate one containing my service. In this case the user will be prompted on first run in case he she requires any of the ussd features to install the second application. I'm worried though that..
Unable to get the subscription information from Google Play Android Developer API response_type code access_type offline redirect_uri REDIRECT_URI client_id CLIENT_ID Select Allow access when prompted. The browser will be redirected to your redirect URI with a code parameter which will look similar to 4 eWdxD7b YSQ5CNNb..
Am I getting the steps right for verifying a user's Android in-app subscription? response_type code access_type offline redirect_uri YOUR REDIRECT URI client_id YOUR CLIENT ID and allow access when prompted. Look in the address bar. At the end of the URI you entered originally will be your refresh token. It looks like 1 ......
How to access data/data folder in Android device? com.your.pacakagename You can use Android's backup function. adb backup noapk com.your.packagename You will now be prompted to 'unlock your device and confirm the backup operation'. It's best NOT to provide a password otherwise it becomes more..
Google Maps Android API v2 throws GooglePlayServicesNotAvailableException, out of date, SupportMapFragment.getMap() returns null
Android sending lots of SMS messages each message sent. The prompt says A large number of SMS messages are being sent . This is not ok for the user to get prompted each time to ask if the app can send a text message. The user doesn't want to get 30 consecutive prompts. I found this android..
Problem with bluetooth on android 2.1 (samsung spica i5700) where pairing works but connection does not work heart rate monitor HxM which I do have. I can pair the HxM to the phone through the standard bluetooth utility. I'm prompted for the PIN which I enter and the device is shown as 'Paired but not connected'. In the Run.GPS application itself I click..
How to raise a toast in AsyncTask, I am prompted to used the Looper to raise a toast in AsyncTask I am prompted to used the Looper I have tasks completed by AsyncTask in background. At some point I need to issue a Toast that something..
Disable home button in android toddler app? apps are acting like a home screen replacement app. When you enable the childproof mode on those apps the user is prompted to chose and app for the action and the choices are Launcher LauncherPro etc. plus the toddler app. You then have to make..
Huh? “SDK Platform Tools component is missing!” installed the following Android DDMS 8.0.1.v201012062107 82219 Android Development Tools 8.0.1.v201012062107 82219 It prompted for restarting Eclipse and when it restarted it gave me the following error message SDK Platform Tools component is missing..
Android - launch google map via web url an Intent. Can you trigger these Intent's from the browser Edit On further testing I've found that the user will be prompted to open the link in browser or map app for standard html links to a href http maps saddr..
Understanding keystore, certificates and alias new destination entry is identified by dest_alias. If no destination alias is supplied at the command line the user is prompted for it. If the private key password is different from the keystore password then the entry will only be cloned if a valid.. is supplied at the command line and the private key password is different from the keystore password the user is prompted for it. The private key in the cloned entry may be protected with a different password if desired. If no new option is supplied.. may be protected with a different password if desired. If no new option is supplied at the command line the user is prompted for the new entry's password and may choose to let it be the same as for the cloned entry's private key . More information..
Generating hash key for app using facebook sdk alias name .keystore keystore ~ .android your keystore name .keystore openssl sha1 binary openssl base64 I am never prompted for password though i am given the hash key. Thanks in advance android facebook graph api openssl single sign on keytool..
Android - How can I disable home button temporarily and recreate what Car Home and Toddler Lock have done?
Source attachment for android.jar in Eclipse improve this question In Eclipse Window Android SDK Manager install Sources for Android SDK under Android 4.0 When prompted by No sources attached... click the button then choose the Directory your Android SDK directory sources android API level..
Listen Broadcast Before application uninstall installed Avg Antivirus for testing purpose. After Testing when I have tried to uninstall that Antivirus Antivirus has prompted me that 'are you sure you want to remove this application '. That prompt screen is generated by antivirus application. After..
Eclipse Indigo Android ADT - install OK, no “Android” option in Preferences and New Project installing the ADT plugin when running Eclipse as an administrator. Once I did that Eclipse restarted and immediately prompted me for the location of my android SDK. As far as steps go Run Eclipse as Administrator Go to Help About Eclipse SDK Installation..