android Programming Glossary: protocol
Google Drive\Docs API for Android lightweight option would be to use the HTTP based REST protocol of the API directly along with a good XML parser. The protocol.. of the API directly along with a good XML parser. The protocol is described in the documentation of the Google Document List.. the Google Document List API just find the tabs that reads protocol wherever there is code samples in the page. Last option you..
open link of google play store in mobile version android this question You'll want to use the specified market protocol final String appPackageName com.example Can also use getPackageName..
Nexus 7 not visible over usb via “adb devices” from Windows 7 x64 debugging the lesson is ignore the camera and focus on the protocol PTP . This choice is persistent and I'm guessing that with a..
Does Android support near real time push notification is provided in the form of push notifications a bespoke protocol which keeps an always on data connection to the iPhone and messages..
how to create custom UI for android MediaController every time. The class uses its own MediaPlayerControl protocol. This allows customizations such as toggleFullScreen EDIT See..
How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API? guesses. Manually not likely due to volume Implemented the protocol used by the official app by decompiling or observing packets.. comments and images at the moment . Also the reconstructed protocol buffer descriptor market.proto could be used to generate bindings..
handle textview link click in my android app at all I'm guessing it would be possible to set the protocol of the href value to something like myApp and then register.. then register something that would let my app handle that protocol. If this is indeed the best way I'd like to know how that is..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? this should happen when a local file is opened rather than protocol like http . mimeType can be set to to match any mime type. pathPattern..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android . Next You need set our factory for the protocol to https. To do this simply call the SchemeRegistry.register..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? that this works for the Android Market app with the market protocol but can something similar be done with other apps Here is an..
How to listen for a custom URI android uri share improve this question To register a protocol in your android app add an extra block to the AndroidManifest.xml...
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain keystoreType BKS SSLEnabled true clientAuth false protocol HTTP 1.1 scheme https secure true sslProtocol TLS sslImplementationName..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator Address family not supported by protocol 03 05 19 42 15.505 WARN System.err 1823
How to share photo with CAPTION via Android share intent on Facebook?
Using Android to submit to a Google Spreadsheet Form e Auto generated catch block Log.e YOUR_TAG client protocol exception e catch IOException e Auto generated catch block Log.e.. e Auto generated catch block Log.e YOUR_TAG client protocol exception e catch IOException e Auto generated catch block Log.e..
HLS (http live streaming) on Android 3.0 and seeking Look at this which you referred too page It says Protocol version 3 Android 4.0 and above Protocol version 2 Android 3.x.. too page It says Protocol version 3 Android 4.0 and above Protocol version 2 Android 3.x And here you can check draft's for HLS..
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling iOS Custom URI Protocol Handling Just a quick question here. Is there a way to define.. URL loading system Create a your own subclass of NSURLProtocol . Override canInitWithRequest usually you'll just look at the.. of the request as well. Register your subclass MyURLProtocol registerClass Override startLoading and stopLoading to start..
Unable to send ATZ command to ELM 327 after establishing connection with ELM327 in android sendDataToOBD btSocketConnected ATDP r dataRetriever.put Protocol Information1 readDataFromOBD btSocketConnected sendDataToOBD.. btSocketConnected ATSPA0 r dataRetriever .put Auto Protocol readBytesFromOBD btSocketConnected paramClassName methodName..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? ID List UUID 128 8e1f0cf7 508f 4875 b62c fbb67fd34812 Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 1 Language..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol iPad Android Server Communication Protocol I am going to build a client server application. The client..
DEBUG/SntpClient(60): request time failed: Address family not supported by protocol share improve this question SNTP is the Network Time Protocol. The emulator tries to fetch the actual time. I think this has..
Very large SOAP response - Android- out of memory error like an InputStream perhaps This is my code public Protocol getProtocols String METHOD_NAME GetProtocols String SOAP_ACTION.. an InputStream perhaps This is my code public Protocol getProtocols String METHOD_NAME GetProtocols String SOAP_ACTION urn protocolpedia#GetProtocols.. my code public Protocol getProtocols String METHOD_NAME GetProtocols String SOAP_ACTION urn protocolpedia#GetProtocols Log.d service..
android: Bluetooth Printer printers mobile rw420.html using the Zebra Printer Protocol. It's just a stream sent on Bluetooth. Now we'd like to do this..
HTTP request for XML file says XML Passing Exception Protocol not found xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 etc... until about..
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions the medical device The device is using Service Discovery Protocol SDP and Serial Port Profile SPP . It starts an inquiry procedure.. ID List UUID 128 00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 13 ´ Seaching.. RecHandle 0x10005 Service Class ID List Serial Port 0x1101 Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 12 Language..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 ID List UUID 128 ab123abc 1a2b 3c4d 5d7f 1234567890ab Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 18 So when..
Google Drive\Docs API for Android have to manually implement it. Probably the simplest and most lightweight option would be to use the HTTP based REST protocol of the API directly along with a good XML parser. The protocol is described in the documentation of the Google Document.. lightweight option would be to use the HTTP based REST protocol of the API directly along with a good XML parser. The protocol is described in the documentation of the Google Document List API just find the tabs that reads protocol wherever there.. parser. The protocol is described in the documentation of the Google Document List API just find the tabs that reads protocol wherever there is code samples in the page. Last option you wait until we eventually release something better and newer..
open link of google play store in mobile version android it directly from phone. android google play share improve this question You'll want to use the specified market protocol final String appPackageName com.example Can also use getPackageName as below startActivity new Intent Intent.ACTION_VIEW..
Nexus 7 not visible over usb via “adb devices” from Windows 7 x64 the second option Camera PTP the device is available for debugging the lesson is ignore the camera and focus on the protocol PTP . This choice is persistent and I'm guessing that with a band new device it will connect as MTP until told otherwise...
Does Android support near real time push notification to receive nearly instantaneous notifications to apps . This is provided in the form of push notifications a bespoke protocol which keeps an always on data connection to the iPhone and messages binary packets to the app which pops up alerts incredibly..
how to create custom UI for android MediaController been a problem for me as the show method does mAnchor.addView every time. The class uses its own MediaPlayerControl protocol. This allows customizations such as toggleFullScreen EDIT See this tutorial for more details http blog..
How to fetch Android Market data when there is no API? anyway. My question is How is this being done A couple of guesses. Manually not likely due to volume Implemented the protocol used by the official app by decompiling or observing packets Running some kind of debugger with the official app to extract.. account and the API is only partially implemented searching comments and images at the moment . Also the reconstructed protocol buffer descriptor market.proto could be used to generate bindings for languages other than Java. share improve this answer..
handle textview link click in my android app than having the link open a browser window. Is this achievable at all I'm guessing it would be possible to set the protocol of the href value to something like myApp and then register something that would let my app handle that protocol. If this.. the protocol of the href value to something like myApp and then register something that would let my app handle that protocol. If this is indeed the best way I'd like to know how that is done but I'm hoping there's an easier way to just say when..
Android intent filter for a particular file extension? intent filter activity The scheme of file indicates that this should happen when a local file is opened rather than protocol like http . mimeType can be set to to match any mime type. pathPattern is where you specify what extension you want to match..
Accepting a certificate for HTTPs on Android and set it in the method factory SSLSocketFactory.setHostnameVerifier . Next You need set our factory for the protocol to https. To do this simply call the SchemeRegistry.register method. Then you need to create a DefaultHttpClient with SingleClientConnManager..
Make a link in the Android browser start up my app? click me a cause my Anton app to start up I know that this works for the Android Market app with the market protocol but can something similar be done with other apps Here is an example of a link that will start up the Android Market a href..
How to listen for a custom URI suggestions how i can start the app just by selecting it android uri share improve this question To register a protocol in your android app add an extra block to the AndroidManifest.xml. manifest application activity intent filter action android..
How to create a BKS (BouncyCastle) format Java Keystore that contains a client certificate chain keystorePass myproject alias myproject keystore c myproject.keystore keystoreType BKS SSLEnabled true clientAuth false protocol HTTP 1.1 scheme https secure true sslProtocol TLS sslImplementationName org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws IOException on Android emulator 03 05 19 42 11.073 DEBUG SntpClient 58 request time failed Address family not supported by protocol 03 05 19 42 15.505 WARN System.err 1823 Service not Available Thats my code private LocationManager..
How to share photo with CAPTION via Android share intent on Facebook?
Using Android to submit to a Google Spreadsheet Form html line startActivity intent catch ClientProtocolException e Auto generated catch block Log.e YOUR_TAG client protocol exception e catch IOException e Auto generated catch block Log.e YOUR_TAG io exception e I use ReadingView.class for something.. occurred e try client.execute post catch ClientProtocolException e Auto generated catch block Log.e YOUR_TAG client protocol exception e catch IOException e Auto generated catch block Log.e YOUR_TAG io exception e Hope this helps someone else when..
HLS (http live streaming) on Android 3.0 and seeking android 3.0 http live streaming share improve this question Look at this which you referred too page It says Protocol version 3 Android 4.0 and above Protocol version 2 Android 3.x And here you can check draft's for HLS . You can choose a.. improve this question Look at this which you referred too page It says Protocol version 3 Android 4.0 and above Protocol version 2 Android 3.x And here you can check draft's for HLS . You can choose a version at the top of the page. First reference..
Android / iOS - Custom URI / Protocol Handling iOS Custom URI Protocol Handling Just a quick question here. Is there a way to define some kind of handling mechanism in Android and iOS that would.. protocol handler within your app to leverage the power of iOS's URL loading system Create a your own subclass of NSURLProtocol . Override canInitWithRequest usually you'll just look at the URL scheme and accept it if it matches the scheme you want.. the scheme you want to handle but you can look at other aspects of the request as well. Register your subclass MyURLProtocol registerClass Override startLoading and stopLoading to start and stop loading the request respectively. Read the NSURLProtocol..
Unable to send ATZ command to ELM 327 after establishing connection with ELM327 in android Device Description readDataFromOBD btSocketConnected sendDataToOBD btSocketConnected ATDP r dataRetriever.put Protocol Information1 readDataFromOBD btSocketConnected sendDataToOBD btSocketConnected ATSPA0 r dataRetriever .put Auto Protocol.. Information1 readDataFromOBD btSocketConnected sendDataToOBD btSocketConnected ATSPA0 r dataRetriever .put Auto Protocol readBytesFromOBD btSocketConnected paramClassName methodName sendDataToOBD btSocketConnected 010C r dataRetriever .put..
How to prevent Android bluetooth RFCOMM connection from dying immediately after .connect()? 55 Service Name Zeemote Service RecHandle 0x10015 Service Class ID List UUID 128 8e1f0cf7 508f 4875 b62c fbb67fd34812 Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 1 Language Base Attr List code_ISO639 0x656e encoding 0x6a base_offset..
Tablet(iPad/Android)-Server Communication Protocol iPad Android Server Communication Protocol I am going to build a client server application. The client here is an iPad or an android based tablet. The server is a..
DEBUG/SntpClient(60): request time failed: Address family not supported by protocol error e.getMessage e.printStackTrace return true android share improve this question SNTP is the Network Time Protocol. The emulator tries to fetch the actual time. I think this has nothing to do with your app. From http
Very large SOAP response - Android- out of memory error Is there a way to be able to download the large data Something like an InputStream perhaps This is my code public Protocol getProtocols String METHOD_NAME GetProtocols String SOAP_ACTION urn protocolpedia#GetProtocols Log.d service getProtocols.. a way to be able to download the large data Something like an InputStream perhaps This is my code public Protocol getProtocols String METHOD_NAME GetProtocols String SOAP_ACTION urn protocolpedia#GetProtocols Log.d service getProtocols SoapObject.. large data Something like an InputStream perhaps This is my code public Protocol getProtocols String METHOD_NAME GetProtocols String SOAP_ACTION urn protocolpedia#GetProtocols Log.d service getProtocols SoapObject response invokeMethod METHOD_NAME..
android: Bluetooth Printer RW 420 printer http id zebra na en index products printers mobile rw420.html using the Zebra Printer Protocol. It's just a stream sent on Bluetooth. Now we'd like to do this on Android. I would like to know some basic information..
HTTP request for XML file System.out tag I can get half of it for some reason and it says XML Passing Exception Protocol not found xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 etc... until about half way through my xml code. Not sure what I'm doing wrong..
Bluetooth SPP between Android and other device, UUID and PIN questions and the device paired or connected to each other. Describing the medical device The device is using Service Discovery Protocol SDP and Serial Port Profile SPP . It starts an inquiry procedure to discover up to 10 surrounding access points with matched.. Service Name 1808130054 Service RecHandle 0x10003 Service Class ID List UUID 128 00001101 0000 1000 8000 00805f9b34fb Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 13 ´ Seaching for SP on 00 07 80 88 XX XX . . . Service Name 1808130054.. Name 1808130054 Service Description 1808130054 Service RecHandle 0x10005 Service Class ID List Serial Port 0x1101 Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 12 Language Base Attr List code_ISO639 0x656e enconding 0x6a base_offset..
Implementing OBEX PUSH Server on Android 2.3 Name OBEX Object Push Service RecHandle 0x10000 Service Class ID List UUID 128 ab123abc 1a2b 3c4d 5d7f 1234567890ab Protocol Descriptor List L2CAP 0x0100 RFCOMM 0x0003 Channel 18 So when I receive data it looks like I am receiving a raw OBEX connection..