android Programming Glossary: propagate
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? sorry about the terminology here. The activated state is propagated down to children of the view it is set on. So here is the difference.. It has methods setActivated and isActivated Activated propagates to children of the View on which it is set Checked revolves.. and layouts do not implement checkable ... and it does NOT propagate without help. These workarounds were of the following form Extend..
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) This example shows how you can use a Fragment to easily propagate state such as threads across activity instances when an activity.. is going away. It is NOT called when the fragment is being propagated between activity instances. @Override public void onDestroy..
XML Drawable not expanded to View size, or View not inheriting its parent's height correctly, on Android API < 11 in turn needs to adjust to the LinearLayout ´s height and propagate that information to the View containing bg2 . Or maybe the View..
android: using ActivityGroup to embed activities which point the even will happen in the inner activity and propagate to the container activity. It can be done I've done it... and..
What is meaning of boolean value returned from an event-handling method in Android So it's seemd that return false will prevent the event to propagate. Am I correct Furthermore in a OnGestureListener many methods..
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent? you do NOT set an action on your intent then it will not propagate the extras so perhaps try intent.setAction com.blah.Action ...
Saving nested foreign objects with ORMLite on Android Is there a way to have nested objects persisted and propagate the primary key up android ormlite share improve this question..
Login failed invalid key error with Facebook SDK
stop SMS propagation SMS propagation I am trying to not to propagate an sms upon receiving like this public class SMSReceiver extends..
What's the purpose of startManagingCursor? glitches in your UI interactions and animations and can propagate existing cursor data across activity instances when an activity..
Android: Child elements sharing pressed state with their parent even when duplicateParentState specified boolean pressed Do nothing here. Specifically do not propagate this message along to our children so they do not incorrectly..
How to disable Home button without using the TYPE_KEYGUARD?
What is the difference between the states selected, checked and activated in Android? current selection set are activated. Um yeah we are deeply sorry about the terminology here. The activated state is propagated down to children of the view it is set on. So here is the difference Activated was introduced in Honeycomb so you can't.. use it before that Activated is now a property of every View. It has methods setActivated and isActivated Activated propagates to children of the View on which it is set Checked revolves around a View implementing the Checkable interface. Methods.. calls setChecked ONLY on the topmost View in the layout and layouts do not implement checkable ... and it does NOT propagate without help. These workarounds were of the following form Extend the root layout to implement Checkable. In its constructor..
Further understanding setRetainInstance(true) import android.widget.Button import android.widget.ProgressBar This example shows how you can use a Fragment to easily propagate state such as threads across activity instances when an activity needs to be restarted due to for example a configuration.. true mThread.notify This is called when the fragment is going away. It is NOT called when the fragment is being propagated between activity instances. @Override public void onDestroy Make the thread go away. synchronized mThread mReady false..
XML Drawable not expanded to View size, or View not inheriting its parent's height correctly, on Android API < 11 bg2 is supposed to inherit its height from its parent which in turn needs to adjust to the LinearLayout ´s height and propagate that information to the View containing bg2 . Or maybe the View won't accept its parent's height although I tried ImageView..
android: using ActivityGroup to embed activities inner activity after you add it to the container view at which point the even will happen in the inner activity and propagate to the container activity. It can be done I've done it... and it works. It's just a bit more complicated than I think it..
What is meaning of boolean value returned from an event-handling method in Android contrary if return false onely the DOWN event been captured. So it's seemd that return false will prevent the event to propagate. Am I correct Furthermore in a OnGestureListener many methods have to return a boolean value too. Do they have the same..
How can I correctly pass unique extras to a pending intent?
Saving nested foreign objects with ORMLite on Android column in the parent table is set to 0. Is this normal behavior Is there a way to have nested objects persisted and propagate the primary key up android ormlite share improve this question When doing this the parent object is persisted but not..
Login failed invalid key error with Facebook SDK
stop SMS propagation SMS propagation I am trying to not to propagate an sms upon receiving like this public class SMSReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver @Override public void onReceive Context..
What's the purpose of startManagingCursor? operations are done off the main thread so there are not glitches in your UI interactions and animations and can propagate existing cursor data across activity instances when an activity is restarted due to a configuration change instead of having..
Android: Child elements sharing pressed state with their parent even when duplicateParentState specified extends LinearLayout @Override public void setPressed boolean pressed Do nothing here. Specifically do not propagate this message along to our children so they do not incorrectly display a pressed state just because one of their ancestors..
How to disable Home button without using the TYPE_KEYGUARD?