android Programming Glossary: pseudo
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? The author of this pastebin entry shows some tantalizing pseudocode basically saying that all three fragments would reside in.. animations actually resize and move the view and not pseudo scale move .Notice that fillAfter true is not used anywhere...
moveCamera with CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds crashes includes all of the markers. This is using the following pseudo code LatLngBounds.Builder builder new LatLngBounds.Builder while..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException like streaming from external URLs so this class provides a pseudo streaming function by downloading the content incrementally..
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask of Unzip where Unzip itself is a non Activity class. The pseudo code is public class Unzip private String index private String..
How to start Activity in adapter? onClick you can use that context to call startActivity . pseudo code public class MyAdapter extends Adapter private Context..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function audio and then the app writes this data to an SD file. The pseudo code looks something like set up AudioRecord object with buffer.. at the specified frequency. I think the structure in pseudo code would be something like set target of period update message..
Difference between onStart() and onResume() the calls to things like super.onCreate ... etc. This is pseudo code so give me some artistic licence here. The methods for..
iptables in android TO #define NAT_TO struct tcp_pseudo the tcp pseudo header __u32 src_addr __u32 dst_addr __u8 zero.. #define NAT_TO struct tcp_pseudo the tcp pseudo header __u32 src_addr __u32 dst_addr __u8 zero __u8 proto __u16.. src_addr __u32 dst_addr __u8 zero __u8 proto __u16 length pseudohead long checksum unsigned short addr unsigned int count Compute..
How to stop a thread? likely not correct Java since I don't do Java. View it as pseudo code and modify for your actual language thread library etc...
Which design patterns are used on Android? are using a MVC pattern your controller will actually be a pseudo View Controller. Since it is handling displaying a window to..
How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements? to simulate active css pseudo class in android on non link elements I'd like to be able to.. I'd like to be able to mimic the behavior of the active pseudo class on all elements in Android webkit. Currently the active.. 2011 11 android phonegap active css pseudo.html EDIT I've since discovered that buttons can occasionally..
Smooth scrolling in Android if i could get the source of it.. but anyone has any pseudo code or logic on how to implement this kind of feature. Any..
Can I perform this Android query with ContentResolver.query()? (LEFT JOIN and CASE) and CASE I am looking to perform the following query in pseudo code on Android SELECT C.ID C.NAME CASE ISNULL G.GROUPID 0 0..
Android Mapview: Merging overlapping markers into a new marker world got here through algorithm tag so I'll stick to the pseudo C . I do not know the API of the mapview. But I would be surprised..
How do I programmatically add buttons into layout one by one in several lines? your activity's layout. Then it repeats. This is just some pseudo code but it will probably work. Oh and next time be sure to..
ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping implemented a ViewPager PagerAdapter that can allow for pseudo infinite paging behaviour. It works by specifying a very large..
Android sidebar like facebook or firefox [duplicate] 0 0 viewBeneath.setVisibility View.Visible Read this as pseudo code This is what I did in the beginning that code is lost P..
Https Connection Android If you want to just accept no matter what then use this pseudo code to get what you need with the Apache HTTP Client SchemeRegistry..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? some but I'm still baffled by the rest of Reto's solution. The author of this pastebin entry shows some tantalizing pseudocode basically saying that all three fragments would reside in the container initially with Fragment C hidden at the outset.. first time in draw . instead of in post Scale and Translate animations actually resize and move the view and not pseudo scale move .Notice that fillAfter true is not used anywhere. View2 is right_of View1 and View3 is right_of View2 Having..
moveCamera with CameraUpdateFactory.newLatLngBounds crashes object and then define a bounding box for the map which includes all of the markers. This is using the following pseudo code LatLngBounds.Builder builder new LatLngBounds.Builder while data LatLng latlng getPosition builder.include latlng CameraUpdate..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException android.util.Log MediaPlayer does not yet support Shoutcast like streaming from external URLs so this class provides a pseudo streaming function by downloading the content incrementally playing as soon as we get enough audio in our temporary storage...
Inner class can access but not update values - AsyncTask AsyncTask . The class called Decompress is an inner class of Unzip where Unzip itself is a non Activity class. The pseudo code is public class Unzip private String index private String unzipDest destination file for storing folder. private Activity..
How to start Activity in adapter? Adapter constructor and store it as a field. Then inside the onClick you can use that context to call startActivity . pseudo code public class MyAdapter extends Adapter private Context context public MyAdapter Context context this.context context..
Android AudioRecord class - process live mic audio quickly, set up callback function continuously read a buffer freshly populated with live mic audio and then the app writes this data to an SD file. The pseudo code looks something like set up AudioRecord object with buffer size and recording format info set up a file and an output.. handler and a call is automatically made to your event handler at the specified frequency. I think the structure in pseudo code would be something like set target of period update message myListener set period to be about every 250 ms other code..
Difference between onStart() and onResume() extends Activity PLEASE NOTE I've deliberately left out the calls to things like super.onCreate ... etc. This is pseudo code so give me some artistic licence here. The methods for DriveToWorkActivity follow... protected void onCreate ... openGarageDoor..
iptables in android 2 unsigned char addr 1 unsigned char addr 0 #endif #define TO #define NAT_TO struct tcp_pseudo the tcp pseudo header __u32 src_addr __u32 dst_addr __u8 zero __u8 proto __u16 length pseudohead long checksum unsigned.. addr 1 unsigned char addr 0 #endif #define TO #define NAT_TO struct tcp_pseudo the tcp pseudo header __u32 src_addr __u32 dst_addr __u8 zero __u8 proto __u16 length pseudohead long checksum unsigned short addr unsigned.. struct tcp_pseudo the tcp pseudo header __u32 src_addr __u32 dst_addr __u8 zero __u8 proto __u16 length pseudohead long checksum unsigned short addr unsigned int count Compute Internet Checksum for count bytes beginning at location..
How to stop a thread?
Which design patterns are used on Android? that window onCreate onPause etc . This means that when you are using a MVC pattern your controller will actually be a pseudo View Controller. Since it is handling displaying a window to the user with the additional view components you have added..
How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements? to simulate active css pseudo class in android on non link elements I'd like to be able to mimic the behavior of the active pseudo class on all elements.. active css pseudo class in android on non link elements I'd like to be able to mimic the behavior of the active pseudo class on all elements in Android webkit. Currently the active syntax only works on a elements links . Nearly all of the.. to JavaScript on Android. Taken from my blog at http 2011 11 android phonegap active css pseudo.html EDIT I've since discovered that buttons can occasionally 'stick' in the fake active state. The fix for this is to also..
Smooth scrolling in Android view implementing all smooth scrolling logic. it would be awesome if i could get the source of it.. but anyone has any pseudo code or logic on how to implement this kind of feature. Any leads site links would be helpful. android scrolling share..
Can I perform this Android query with ContentResolver.query()? (LEFT JOIN and CASE) this Android query with ContentResolver.query LEFT JOIN and CASE I am looking to perform the following query in pseudo code on Android SELECT C.ID C.NAME CASE ISNULL G.GROUPID 0 0 THEN 0 ELSE 1 END INGROUP FROM CONTACTS C LEFT JOIN GROUPMEMBERSHIP..
Android Mapview: Merging overlapping markers into a new marker to be shown The code for the grid Note I come from the C world got here through algorithm tag so I'll stick to the pseudo C . I do not know the API of the mapview. But I would be surprised if this couldn't be efficiently translated into whatever..
How do I programmatically add buttons into layout one by one in several lines? id. Once all of the buttons are added the row is added to your activity's layout. Then it repeats. This is just some pseudo code but it will probably work. Oh and next time be sure to spend more time on your question... http questions..
ViewPager as a circular queue / wrapping android viewpager share improve this question I've implemented a ViewPager PagerAdapter that can allow for pseudo infinite paging behaviour. It works by specifying a very large number as the actual count but maps them to the actual range..
Android sidebar like facebook or firefox [duplicate]
Https Connection Android to occur you have to let android know of your certificate. If you want to just accept no matter what then use this pseudo code to get what you need with the Apache HTTP Client SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry new SchemeRegistry schemeRegistry.register..
Android multiple list views that don't scroll independently to be included in the build 4 Use the MergeAdapter per the instructions from the first link in my original response. Pseudo code example myMergeAdapter new MergeAdapter myMergeAdapter.addView HeaderView myMergeAdapter.addView SmallHeaderView1 myMergeAdapter.addAdapter..
Image on canvas to JPEG file [closed] of method for details. Use Bitmap.compress to write the contents of the bitmap to an OutputStream file maybe. Pseudo code Bitmap bitmap Bitmap.createBitmap view.getWidth view.getHeight Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888 Canvas canvas new Canvas bitmap..
How to change 1 meter to pixel distance? javascript examples map coordinates.html Once you have converted your x y to lat lon this is how you draw a circle Pseudo code var d radius 6378800 6378800 is Earth radius in meters var lat1 PI 180 centerLat var lng1 PI 180 centerLng Go around..
Android Drop Shadow on View but that would only work if your image is only loaded displayed once in a while since the process is expensive. Pseudo code might even compile BlurMaskFilter blurFilter new BlurMaskFilter 5 BlurMaskFilter.Blur.OUTER Paint shadowPaint new Paint..
how to implement both ontouch and also onfling in a same listview? doubt onfling will call ontouch. right android listview gesture swipe ontouchlistener share improve this question Pseudo code answer to clarify the above comments. How to have the MySimpleGestureListener's onTouch method called. public class..
AsyncTask Android - Design Pattern and Return Values is called this will see the 'post' string and then forward those parameters onto the respective call in my class. Pseudo code would be something like public class HTTPOperations extends AsyncTask String Void String doInBackground String... string1..