android Programming Glossary: pss
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? N A 8635 allocated 2861 2891 N A 5752 free 6 2876 N A 2882 Pss 532 80 2479 3091 shared dirty 932 2004 6060 8996 priv dirty..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android The proportional set size for dalvik. public int dalvikPss The private dirty pages used by dalvik. public int dalvikPrivateDirty.. set size for the native heap. public int nativePss The private dirty pages used by the native heap. public int.. proportional set size for everything else. public int otherPss The private dirty pages used by everything else. public int..
Android: how to check how much memory is remaining? should give you the results you are after especially the Pss field . You can read more about it here Debug.MemoryInfo memoryInfo.. memoryInfo String memMessage String.format Memory Pss .2f MB Private .2f MB Shared .2f MB memoryInfo.getTotalPss 1024.0.. Pss .2f MB Private .2f MB Shared .2f MB memoryInfo.getTotalPss 1024.0 memoryInfo.getTotalPrivateDirty 1024.0 memoryInfo.getTotalSharedDirty..
Android memory leak? allocated 12503 3826 N A 16329 free 168 5013 N A 5181 Pss 2512 1395 13815 17722 shared dirty 2088 1844 5008 8940 priv..
What's Android ADB shell 'dumpsys' tool and it's benefits? native dalvik other total size 2868 5767 N A 8635 allocated 2861 2891 N A 5752 free 6 2876 N A 2882 Pss 532 80 2479 3091 shared dirty 932 2004 6060 8996 priv dirty 512 36 1872 2420 Objects Views 0 ViewRoots 0 AppContexts 0 Activities..
How to discover memory usage of my application in Android returns a low level MemoryInfo structure with all of this data The proportional set size for dalvik. public int dalvikPss The private dirty pages used by dalvik. public int dalvikPrivateDirty The shared dirty pages used by dalvik. public int.. pages used by dalvik. public int dalvikSharedDirty The proportional set size for the native heap. public int nativePss The private dirty pages used by the native heap. public int nativePrivateDirty The shared dirty pages used by the native.. used by the native heap. public int nativeSharedDirty The proportional set size for everything else. public int otherPss The private dirty pages used by everything else. public int otherPrivateDirty The shared dirty pages used by everything..
Android: how to check how much memory is remaining? share improve this question Try the following code. that should give you the results you are after especially the Pss field . You can read more about it here Debug.MemoryInfo memoryInfo new Debug.MemoryInfo Debug.getMemoryInfo memoryInfo.. Debug.MemoryInfo memoryInfo new Debug.MemoryInfo Debug.getMemoryInfo memoryInfo String memMessage String.format Memory Pss .2f MB Private .2f MB Shared .2f MB memoryInfo.getTotalPss 1024.0 memoryInfo.getTotalPrivateDirty 1024.0 memoryInfo.getTotalSharedDirty..
Android memory leak? native dalvik other total size 23264 8839 N A 32103 allocated 12503 3826 N A 16329 free 168 5013 N A 5181 Pss 2512 1395 13815 17722 shared dirty 2088 1844 5008 8940 priv dirty 2412 224 11316 13952 Objects Views 0 ViewRoots 0 AppContexts..