android Programming Glossary: pt
android using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception after your suggestions i got working code public class FingerPaint.. extends AsyncTask Void Integer Void Bitmap bmp Point pt int replacementColor targetColor public TheTask Bitmap bm Point.. TheTask Bitmap bm Point p int sc int tc this.bmp bm p this.replacementColor tc this.targetColor sc pd.setMessage..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? mm Millimeters based on the physical size of the screen. pt Points 1 72 of an inch based on the physical size of the screen... necessarily in direct proportion. Note The compiler accepts both dip and dp though dp is more consistent with sp . sp Scale..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point projection.toPixels globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint newGeos.. Point pt new Point projection.toPixels globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint newGeos new GeoPoint selectedLat 100 selectedLong adjust.. 100 selectedLong adjust your radius accordingly Point pt2 new Point projection.toPixels newGeos pt2 float circleRadius..
Draw A Circle On Android MapView layer Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point pt new Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int mLon 1e6.. GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int mLon 1e6 projection.toPixels geo pt float circleRadius projection.metersToEquatorPixels mRadius.. Paint.Style.FILL canvas.drawCircle float pt.x float pt.y circleRadius innerCirclePaint To Draw it needs..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow Point pt mapView.getProjection .toPixels point null float radius float.. 25 radius canvas.getHeight 25 canvas.drawCircle pt.x pt.y radius paint2 canvas.drawCircle pt.x pt.y radius paint1.. 25 radius canvas.getHeight 25 canvas.drawCircle pt.x pt.y radius paint2 canvas.drawCircle pt.x pt.y radius paint1 Explanation..
Difference between android dimension: pt and dp between android dimension pt and dp The documentation says that 160 dp density independent.. says that 160 dp density independent equals 1 inch. And 72 pt is also 1 inch. So I don't see why android define a dp measurement.. Can anybody explain that Why should I use dp if I can use pt android measurement dimension share improve this question..
Fill the complete canvas but keep the bound fill area as it is like circle, rectangle extends AsyncTask Void Integer Void Bitmap bmp Point pt int replacementColor targetColor ProgressDialog pd public TheTask.. TheTask Bitmap bm Point p int sc int tc this.bmp bm p this.replacementColor tc this.targetColor sc pd new ProgressDialog.. Void... params FloodFill f new FloodFill f.floodFill bmp pt targetColor replacementColor return null @Override protected..
how to fill color in image in particular area? fill algoritham private void FloodFill Bitmap bmp Point pt int targetColor int replacementColor Queue Point q new LinkedList.. replacementColor Queue Point q new LinkedList Point q.add pt while q.size 0 Point n q.poll if bmp.getPixel n.x n.y targetColor..
android using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception using flood fill algorithm getting out of memory exception after your suggestions i got working code public class FingerPaint extends Activity private RelativeLayout drawingLayout.. int getCurrentPaintColor return paint.getColor class TheTask extends AsyncTask Void Integer Void Bitmap bmp Point pt int replacementColor targetColor public TheTask Bitmap bm Point p int sc int tc this.bmp bm p this.replacementColor.. Bitmap bmp Point pt int replacementColor targetColor public TheTask Bitmap bm Point p int sc int tc this.bmp bm p this.replacementColor tc this.targetColor sc pd.setMessage Filling.... @Override protected void onPreExecute..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? screen. in Inches based on the physical size of the screen. mm Millimeters based on the physical size of the screen. pt Points 1 72 of an inch based on the physical size of the screen. dp Density independent Pixels an abstract unit that is.. of dp to pixel will change with the screen density but not necessarily in direct proportion. Note The compiler accepts both dip and dp though dp is more consistent with sp . sp Scale independent Pixels this is like the dp unit but it is also..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapV boolean shadow if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point projection.toPixels globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint newGeos new GeoPoint selectedLat 100 selectedLong adjust your.. shadow if shadow Projection projection mapV.getProjection Point pt new Point projection.toPixels globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint newGeos new GeoPoint selectedLat 100 selectedLong adjust your radius accordingly Point pt2 new Point projection.toPixels.. globalGeoPoint pt GeoPoint newGeos new GeoPoint selectedLat 100 selectedLong adjust your radius accordingly Point pt2 new Point projection.toPixels newGeos pt2 float circleRadius Math.abs pt2.y pt.y Paint circlePaint new Paint Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG..
Draw A Circle On Android MapView canvas mapView shadow if shadow return Ignore the shadow layer Projection projection mapView.getProjection Point pt new Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int mLon 1e6 projection.toPixels geo pt float circleRadius projection.metersToEquatorPixels.. mapView.getProjection Point pt new Point GeoPoint geo new GeoPoint int mLat 1e6 int mLon 1e6 projection.toPixels geo pt float circleRadius projection.metersToEquatorPixels mRadius 1 FloatMath.cos float Math.toRadians mLat Paint innerCirclePaint.. 25 innerCirclePaint.setAntiAlias true innerCirclePaint.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL canvas.drawCircle float pt.x float pt.y circleRadius innerCirclePaint To Draw it needs to be added to the maps overlays mMapView.getOverlays .add new..
android maps circle overlay, dynamically change radius? new Paint paint2.setARGB 64 0 0 255 @Override public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapView boolean shadow Point pt mapView.getProjection .toPixels point null float radius float Math.pow 2 mapView.getZoomLevel 10 if radius canvas.getHeight.. float Math.pow 2 mapView.getZoomLevel 10 if radius canvas.getHeight 25 radius canvas.getHeight 25 canvas.drawCircle pt.x pt.y radius paint2 canvas.drawCircle pt.x pt.y radius paint1 Explanation the documentation states that for each zoomLevel.. Math.pow 2 mapView.getZoomLevel 10 if radius canvas.getHeight 25 radius canvas.getHeight 25 canvas.drawCircle pt.x pt.y radius paint2 canvas.drawCircle pt.x pt.y radius paint1 Explanation the documentation states that for each zoomLevel the..
Difference between android dimension: pt and dp between android dimension pt and dp The documentation says that 160 dp density independent equals 1 inch. And 72 pt is also 1 inch. So I don't see why.. between android dimension pt and dp The documentation says that 160 dp density independent equals 1 inch. And 72 pt is also 1 inch. So I don't see why android define a dp measurement while it seems to work the same as points. Can anybody.. a dp measurement while it seems to work the same as points. Can anybody explain that Why should I use dp if I can use pt android measurement dimension share improve this question The Android documentation used to incorrectly state that..
Fill the complete canvas but keep the bound fill area as it is like circle, rectangle targetColor .execute use asyntask for efficiency class TheTask extends AsyncTask Void Integer Void Bitmap bmp Point pt int replacementColor targetColor ProgressDialog pd public TheTask Bitmap bm Point p int sc int tc this.bmp bm p.. pt int replacementColor targetColor ProgressDialog pd public TheTask Bitmap bm Point p int sc int tc this.bmp bm p this.replacementColor tc this.targetColor sc pd new ProgressDialog context pd.setMessage Filling.... @Override protected.. Integer... values @Override protected Void doInBackground Void... params FloodFill f new FloodFill f.floodFill bmp pt targetColor replacementColor return null @Override protected void onPostExecute Void result pd.dismiss invalidate Finally..
how to fill color in image in particular area? share improve this question I found the Solution with Flood fill algoritham private void FloodFill Bitmap bmp Point pt int targetColor int replacementColor Queue Point q new LinkedList Point q.add pt while q.size 0 Point n q.poll if bmp.getPixel.. void FloodFill Bitmap bmp Point pt int targetColor int replacementColor Queue Point q new LinkedList Point q.add pt while q.size 0 Point n q.poll if bmp.getPixel n.x n.y targetColor continue Point w n e new Point n.x 1 n.y while w.x 0 bmp.getPixel..