android Programming Glossary: proportion
Heterogeneous GridLayout crucial to have two more parents in order to maintain the proportion. A great indicator of when you should add another level is when..
Full screen videoview without stretching the video size of the video to fill the screen in the desired proportion avoiding stretching the video player.setOnPreparedListener new..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? with the screen density but not necessarily in direct proportion. Note The compiler accepts both dip and dp though dp is more..
android color between two colors, based on percentage? Copy Paste private float interpolate float a float b float proportion return a b a proportion Returns an interpoloated color between.. interpolate float a float b float proportion return a b a proportion Returns an interpoloated color between code a code and code.. code b code private int interpolateColor int a int b float proportion float hsva new float 3 float hsvb new float 3 Color.colorToHSV..
BufferedImage in Android a Set the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size. @param centreX the center @see #getCentreX.. Set the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size. @param centreY the center @see #getCentreY.. Get the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size. @return the center @see #setCentreY public..
What hardware devices do you test your Android apps on? choices but I find myself really wanting to know what the proportions of input methods various devices support are... is touch represented.. is touch represented by 90 of the market or only 5 What proportion of those support multi touch For example... anyone who has played..
Heterogeneous GridLayout must be added to encapsulate the others. For yours it was crucial to have two more parents in order to maintain the proportion. A great indicator of when you should add another level is when you have to utilize layout_weight using anything other than..
Full screen videoview without stretching the video player a onPreparedListener and manually calculate the desired size of the video to fill the screen in the desired proportion avoiding stretching the video player.setOnPreparedListener new OnPreparedListener @Override public void onPrepared MediaPlayer..
Difference between px, dp, dip and sp in Android? pixel on a 160 dpi screen. The ratio of dp to pixel will change with the screen density but not necessarily in direct proportion. Note The compiler accepts both dip and dp though dp is more consistent with sp . sp Scale independent Pixels this is like..
android color between two colors, based on percentage? the proper solution. Thanks to Alnitak for the HSV tip For Copy Paste private float interpolate float a float b float proportion return a b a proportion Returns an interpoloated color between code a code and code b code private int interpolateColor.. to Alnitak for the HSV tip For Copy Paste private float interpolate float a float b float proportion return a b a proportion Returns an interpoloated color between code a code and code b code private int interpolateColor int a int b float proportion.. Returns an interpoloated color between code a code and code b code private int interpolateColor int a int b float proportion float hsva new float 3 float hsvb new float 3 Color.colorToHSV a hsva Color.colorToHSV b hsvb for int i 0 i 3 i hsvb i interpolate..
BufferedImage in Android the radius @see #setRadius public float getRadius return a Set the centre of the effect in the X direction as a proportion of the image size. @param centreX the center @see #getCentreX public void setCentreX float centreX this.centreX centreX.. this.centreX centreX public float getCentreX return centreX Set the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size. @param centreY the center @see #getCentreY public void setCentreY float centreY this.centreY centreY.. public void setCentreY float centreY this.centreY centreY Get the centre of the effect in the Y direction as a proportion of the image size. @return the center @see #setCentreY public float getCentreY return centreY Set the centre of the effect..
What hardware devices do you test your Android apps on? Those really help to narrow the scope of some of the choices but I find myself really wanting to know what the proportions of input methods various devices support are... is touch represented by 90 of the market or only 5 What proportion of those.. proportions of input methods various devices support are... is touch represented by 90 of the market or only 5 What proportion of those support multi touch For example... anyone who has played the free and open source game Replica Island http