android Programming Glossary: prompting
java.lang.Object cannot be resolved in Eclipse are errors in all my projects and I get an error message prompting The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly..
Take screensot and save android snap shots My Layout snap shot On button click prompting the user to enter a name to save Image cropped and saved opened..
Launching external application from my app That will bring up the contacts app prompting you to select an existing contact to add the phone number to..
Using navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition in WebView on Android 2.0+ (PhoneGap related) the required permission which in turn is a result of not prompting the user for the permission. Although there were several methods..
AlertDialog in BroadcastReceiver BroadcastReceiver I'm trying to have an AlertDialog popup prompting the user to either accept as fax or call but the AlertDialog..
android vcard string to contact If there is only one vCard then it imports without further prompting. If there are more than one I get another chooser asking if..
Connecting to a already paired Bluetooth device Integer.valueOf 1 catch VARIOUS EXCEPTIONS Do stuff For prompting the user to select which device you can query the BluetoothAdapter..
How do you force AccountManager to show the “Access Request” screen after a user has already allowed access? with the same arguments return the auth token without prompting the user. How do you clear the state to make sure the Access..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? stream to. If file exists it will be overwritten without prompting. @return Status flag for encode public Status encode..
It is possible to authenticate a Google user ( the one logged in on an android device ) to my server using the auth_token obtained form Google? log in on my server using their gmail address but without prompting them to enter a password I want to have something like Login..
java.lang.Object cannot be resolved in Eclipse of Eclipse and the problem still seems to be around. There are errors in all my projects and I get an error message prompting The type java.lang.Object cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files I tried to check the..
Take screensot and save android catch block e.printStackTrace iv.setImageBitmap selectedBitmap snap shots My Layout snap shot On button click prompting the user to enter a name to save Image cropped and saved opened in gallery Note I have saved the cropped image in sdcard...
Launching external application from my app Contacts.Intents.Insert.PHONE_TYPE Contacts.PhonesColumns.TYPE_MOBILE That will bring up the contacts app prompting you to select an existing contact to add the phone number to or to create a new contact. You don't need to add anything..
Using navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition in WebView on Android 2.0+ (PhoneGap related) to register for location updates because it does not have the required permission which in turn is a result of not prompting the user for the permission. Although there were several methods and objects added to the Webkit package in Android 2.0..
AlertDialog in BroadcastReceiver flags when the state has changed IE incoming call . So on my BroadcastReceiver I'm trying to have an AlertDialog popup prompting the user to either accept as fax or call but the AlertDialog seems to throw a android.view.WindowManager BadTokenException..
android vcard string to contact app not sure if it's called the same on other phones . If there is only one vCard then it imports without further prompting. If there are more than one I get another chooser asking if I want to import One Multiple All Multiple gives another chooser..
Connecting to a already paired Bluetooth device BluetoothSocket mySocket BluetoothSocket m.invoke device Integer.valueOf 1 catch VARIOUS EXCEPTIONS Do stuff For prompting the user to select which device you can query the BluetoothAdapter for all the currently paired devices as follows Set BluetoothDevice..
How do you force AccountManager to show the “Access Request” screen after a user has already allowed access? to the account. After a user allows access subsequent calls with the same arguments return the auth token without prompting the user. How do you clear the state to make sure the Access Request prompt appears This would useful at the very least..
How to convert the WAV/OGG file to FLAC file in Android? to encode. @param outputFile Output file to write FLAC stream to. If file exists it will be overwritten without prompting. @return Status flag for encode public Status encode File inputFile File outputFile Status status Status.FULL_ENCODE..
It is possible to authenticate a Google user ( the one logged in on an android device ) to my server using the auth_token obtained form Google? let me check this. Do you know how can I let my users to log in on my server using their gmail address but without prompting them to enter a password I want to have something like Login with Google from Stackoverflow but I don't understand how can..