android Programming Glossary: prototype
Calling native method twice of third party library in an Activity causes the Android application to close down dlopen and dlclose functions. Provide handler and function prototype void handle typedef int func int define function prototype func.. prototype void handle typedef int func int define function prototype func myFunctionName some name for the function Open the library..
Android and reflection question Android supports reflection. Once you've got a prototype running you can benchmark and determine your bottlenecks. If..
Kiosk mode in Android Applications I could also be mistaken though. But for a prototype that could be sufficient. Have fun tinkering 1 intent filter..
ANDROID: Parsing XML I need to do this very thing for an android app. Its a prototype that I am doing for work. I have this XML a mock up file feed..
Game engine for iPhone/Android [closed] of the components of a game engine is written. You can prototype a game in less than a day. Cocos2d x is also free. I wrote my..
Android - Tabhost working in Activity class that see edit below because once I move the code from my prototype project its going to be in a custom class that inherits from.. why I can't inherit from TabActivity. Once I have the prototype working I need to port this into an existing app's screen that..
HTML <select> element is abbreviated in iPhone or Android browsers I already know the very nice looking jQuery UI Selectmenu prototype . Unfortunately it's not yet compatible with jquery ui 1.8.5..
Android games development SDK? [closed] and Android games based on OpenGL. This allows you to prototype and develop your application entirely on the desktop and only..
c2dm server with C# share improve this question Here is the core of a basic prototype C# server I created. class C2DMPrototype Hardcoded for now private..
TCP-based RPC server (Erlang or something similar?) for iOS/Android app communication on the SDKs of these Devices which would assist you prototype the solution you want as compared to the situation of rolling..
How can I detect which javascript engine (v8 or JSC) is used at runtime in Android? throwing a big V8 vs. JSC lever you'd do if typeof Array.prototype.forEach function Code that expects `forEach` else Code that.. back Your code that falls back might add forEach to the prototype or maybe this test is in your own iterator function and you..
Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer a moving current location pointer I am trying to create a prototype that could guide a person to his destination place. place is..
Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED so i need to segregate it. I am trying to create a prototype that could guide a person to his destination place. place is..
adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X) device. Maybe if you're working with some experimental or prototype or out of the ordinary device maybe it's just unknown and won't..
Calling native method twice of third party library in an Activity causes the Android application to close down need to do is Use #include dlfcn.h this is required to call dlopen and dlclose functions. Provide handler and function prototype void handle typedef int func int define function prototype func myFunctionName some name for the function Open the library.. dlopen and dlclose functions. Provide handler and function prototype void handle typedef int func int define function prototype func myFunctionName some name for the function Open the library via dlopen handle dlopen data data lib
Android and reflection heavily What's the penalty android share improve this question Android supports reflection. Once you've got a prototype running you can benchmark and determine your bottlenecks. If its reflection then consider trying to cache interfaces and..
Kiosk mode in Android the framework like longpress on Home to show currently active Applications I could also be mistaken though. But for a prototype that could be sufficient. Have fun tinkering 1 intent filter action android name android.intent.action.MAIN category android..
ANDROID: Parsing XML I never understand is XML parsing. Sadly for my latest project I need to do this very thing for an android app. Its a prototype that I am doing for work. I have this XML a mock up file feed version 201010011221 period from 2010 10 01T10 08 34Z to 2010..
Game engine for iPhone/Android [closed] advantage of using Cocos2d x opposed to Marmalade is that most of the components of a game engine is written. You can prototype a game in less than a day. Cocos2d x is also free. I wrote my own game engine with Marmalade and it took no longer than..
Android - Tabhost working in Activity class the app. It will work if i extend TabActivity but I can't do that see edit below because once I move the code from my prototype project its going to be in a custom class that inherits from Activity. Here is the XML layout xml version 1.0 encoding utf.. some of the comments below I realized I need to be clearer about why I can't inherit from TabActivity. Once I have the prototype working I need to port this into an existing app's screen that inherits from Activity. I will need to load the TabHost into..
HTML <select> element is abbreviated in iPhone or Android browsers IBAN is still cropped by both iPhone and Android browsers I already know the very nice looking jQuery UI Selectmenu prototype . Unfortunately it's not yet compatible with jquery ui 1.8.5 and there is no guarantee when it will be stable. I am using..
Android games development SDK? [closed] It abstracts away the differences between writting desktop and Android games based on OpenGL. This allows you to prototype and develop your application entirely on the desktop and only needing 6 lines of code to make it run on Android. Project..
c2dm server with C# parameters email password etc c# android android c2dm share improve this question Here is the core of a basic prototype C# server I created. class C2DMPrototype Hardcoded for now private const string RegistrationId XXXXXXXXXXX private const..
TCP-based RPC server (Erlang or something similar?) for iOS/Android app communication methods will quicken the work and there are a lot of libraries on the SDKs of these Devices which would assist you prototype the solution you want as compared to the situation of rolling your own TCP based plain text protocol. To back up this reasoning..
How can I detect which javascript engine (v8 or JSC) is used at runtime in Android? has part of the ECMAScript 5th edition standard . Rather than throwing a big V8 vs. JSC lever you'd do if typeof Array.prototype.forEach function Code that expects `forEach` else Code that falls back Your code that falls back might add forEach to the.. function Code that expects `forEach` else Code that falls back Your code that falls back might add forEach to the prototype or maybe this test is in your own iterator function and you want to know whether to defer to a native implementation or..
Android: How To: display a map (still image file) with a moving current location pointer How To display a map still image file with a moving current location pointer I am trying to create a prototype that could guide a person to his destination place. place is a wide building with several floors. i can obtain retrieve..
Android: How To: mark the current location into a map (still image) - SOURCE CODE,TESTCASE,ACTUAL,EXPECTED OUTPUT ADDED file with a moving current location But it contains 2 two questions so i need to segregate it. I am trying to create a prototype that could guide a person to his destination place. place is a wide building with several floors. i can obtain retrieve..
adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X) now and then the adb devices command just fails to find your device. Maybe if you're working with some experimental or prototype or out of the ordinary device maybe it's just unknown and won't show up. You can help adb to find your device by telling..