android Programming Glossary: proven
MSISDN : Is it a SIM Card Data? Why all The Provided Function (from Blackberry and Android) to fetch MSISDN not reliable?
EditText causing memory leak the suggestions so I wanted to turn it off. However it has proven to be difficult. EditText.setInputType did not work neither..
Which mobile programming environment do you recommend for a startup to target? [closed] One of my professors in college told me something that has proven true in my 20 years in the computer industry The major strength..
SQLiteDiskIOException in Android with other apps. Finally uninstalling and reinstalling has proven successful in cleaning up the issue though possibly only temporarily...
Empty cursor from the MediaStore and discovered several answers of which none has yet proven satisfactory. The media scanner runs in response to the system..
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused? on the single application instance instead. That has proven to be reliable when one must keep on object around across the..
Video View not playing youtube video
How to enable GPS in android coding [duplicate] is same question asked before but all answer is NO . It is proven that enable GPS can be done in coding. Don't believe try out..
Android: How to declare global variables? downside to using an Application subclass and has not proven that using a Singleton is better in any fashion I cannot agree..
Android - Keep ListView's item highlighted once one has been clicked the same color I can't believe that this simple task has proven so complicated. If I have omitted code that could be useful..
MSISDN : Is it a SIM Card Data? Why all The Provided Function (from Blackberry and Android) to fetch MSISDN not reliable?
EditText causing memory leak to my Activity hence causing a memory leak. I do not need the suggestions so I wanted to turn it off. However it has proven to be difficult. EditText.setInputType did not work neither in xml nor code. I ended up doing the following. The magic is..
Which mobile programming environment do you recommend for a startup to target? [closed] developers will have a hard time breaking into the market. One of my professors in college told me something that has proven true in my 20 years in the computer industry The major strength of every design is also its critical weakness and vice versa..
SQLiteDiskIOException in Android a couple G1 devices we have even when they are loaded down with other apps. Finally uninstalling and reinstalling has proven successful in cleaning up the issue though possibly only temporarily. I fear this problem is a result of data corruption..
Empty cursor from the MediaStore share improve this question I've encountered similar and discovered several answers of which none has yet proven satisfactory. The media scanner runs in response to the system fired broadcast Intent ACTION_MEDIA_MOUNTED which happens..
Static references are cleared--does Android unload classes at runtime if unused? exactly PS one can work around this by keeping global references on the single application instance instead. That has proven to be reliable when one must keep on object around across the entire life time of an app. UPDATE Apparently my use of volatile..
Video View not playing youtube video
How to enable GPS in android coding [duplicate] Enable GPS programatically like Tasker Ok I know there is same question asked before but all answer is NO . It is proven that enable GPS can be done in coding. Don't believe try out an application called LOOKOUT . I believe there is some workaround..
Android: How to declare global variables? Android framework. Given that Diane has not explained a single downside to using an Application subclass and has not proven that using a Singleton is better in any fashion I cannot agree with any of her points. It may be that she has not fully..
Android - Keep ListView's item highlighted once one has been clicked called and executed but the background of my ListItem stays the same color I can't believe that this simple task has proven so complicated. If I have omitted code that could be useful or if my question is lacking details feel free to point that..