android Programming Glossary: propertyname
Android: Using ObjectAnimator to translate a View with fractional values of the View's dimension xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 objectAnimator xmlns android http apk res android android propertyName xFraction android valueType floatType android valueFrom 0 android valueTo 0.25 android duration 500 or you can just use..
ObjectAnimator in API Level < 11 target to less than 11 I get problems with it saying it can't found the resource identifiers for attributes such as propertyName and valueType in the xml file. The Question What should I use instead to animate my Fragment transitions that will work..
Android Fragments and animation this xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 set objectAnimator xmlns android http apk res android android propertyName x android valueType floatType android valueFrom 1280 android valueTo 0 android duration 500 set share improve this answer..
Animate the transition between fragments apk res android android interpolator @interpolator accelerate_quad android valueFrom 0 android valueTo 1 android propertyName alpha android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime Note that you can combine multiple animators using set just.. apk res android android interpolator @android anim linear_interpolator android valueFrom 1.0 android valueTo 0 android propertyName xFraction android duration @android integer config_mediumAnimTime Note that if the object you're animating in isn't the..
swap fragment in an activity via animation this xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 set objectAnimator xmlns android http apk res android android propertyName x android valueType floatType android valueFrom 1280 android valueTo 0 android duration 500 set This is because the compatibility..