android Programming Glossary: octet
What external JARS do I need to do an Android Multipart POST? mpEntity.addPart datafile new FileBody file application octet mpEntity.addPart id new StringBody 1 catch UnsupportedEncodingException..
how to send email with attached file in android? emailIntent.setType application octet stream emailIntent.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL..
Android webserver shows html pages as text image gif else if name.endsWith .class return application octet stream else if name.endsWith .jpg name.endsWith .jpeg return..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app String getContentType if type null return application octet stream else return type public InputStream getInputStream..
How to send a file in Android from mobile to server using http? new FileInputStream file 1 reqEntity.setContentType binary octet stream reqEntity.setChunked true Send in multiple parts if needed..
how to attach multiple files to email client in android email.setType application octet stream email.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM Uri.parse uri email.putExtra..
Avoiding content type issues when downloading a file via browser on Android . I then set the HTTP headers Content Type application octet stream filename image.jpg and Content Disposition Attachment.. expected you need to... set the ContentType to application octet stream put the Content Disposition filename value in double..
Java MimetypesFileTypeMap always returning application/octet-stream on Android emulator MimetypesFileTypeMap always returning application octet stream on Android emulator I am trying to determine the Mime.. however when I run the following code I get application octet stream for all file types MimetypesFileTypeMap map new MimetypesFileTypeMap.. files i if mimeType.toLowerCase .equals application octet stream Log.d mytag String.format Unable to determine the mime..
Using Android Intent.ACTION_SEND for sending email
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues original one.. tried to change mime type to application octet stream or remove it at all. tries playing with timeouts. still..
Android image Upload problem filename .jpg String contentType Content Type application octet stream String t1 Content Disposition form data name test String..
Authenticate to Google Talk (XMPP, Smack) using an authToken 0 Auth where 0 is intended to be a single octet with value zero . Use this in the initial SASL auth auth xmlns..
Android Intent Chooser to only show E-mail option etc. from the app directly. I'm using the application octet stream as the SetType for the Intent. When you go to submit.. agreed with @Aleadam's comment. I'm using the application octet stream as the SetType for the Intent. Nothing in that sentence..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together _FILES Array image Array name image.jpg type application octet stream tmp_name tmp php6UHywL error 0 size 5 _POST Array formVariableName..
how to getAuth token and send email in background? String getContentType if type null return application octet stream else return type public InputStream getInputStream throws..
What external JARS do I need to do an Android Multipart POST? length file.length Log.d TAG UPLOAD file exist file.exists try mpEntity.addPart datafile new FileBody file application octet mpEntity.addPart id new StringBody 1 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e1 Log.d TAG UPLOAD UnsupportedEncodingException..
how to send email with attached file in android? following part final Intent emailIntent new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND emailIntent.setType application octet stream emailIntent.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_EMAIL new String address.getText .toString emailIntent.putExtra..
Android webserver shows html pages as text .java return text plain else if name.endsWith .gif return image gif else if name.endsWith .class return application octet stream else if name.endsWith .jpg name.endsWith .jpeg return image jpeg else if name.endsWith .png return image png else..
Sending Email in Android using JavaMail API without using the default/built-in app data public void setType String type this.type type public String getContentType if type null return application octet stream else return type public InputStream getInputStream throws IOException return new ByteArrayInputStream data public..
How to send a file in Android from mobile to server using http? url InputStreamEntity reqEntity new InputStreamEntity new FileInputStream file 1 reqEntity.setContentType binary octet stream reqEntity.setChunked true Send in multiple parts if needed httppost.setEntity reqEntity HttpResponse response httpclient.execute..
how to attach multiple files to email client in android trying String uri getScreenShot Intent email new Intent android.content.Intent.ACTION_SEND email.setType application octet stream email.putExtra Intent.EXTRA_STREAM Uri.parse uri email.putExtra android.content.Intent.EXTRA_STREAM Uri.parse file..
Avoiding content type issues when downloading a file via browser on Android something like http webapp download 89347 image.jpg . I then set the HTTP headers Content Type application octet stream filename image.jpg and Content Disposition Attachment . However on the Android. It seems the only way I can get the.. work on all and especially older Android versions as expected you need to... set the ContentType to application octet stream put the Content Disposition filename value in double quotes write the Content Disposition filename extension in UPPERCASE..
Java MimetypesFileTypeMap always returning application/octet-stream on Android emulator MimetypesFileTypeMap always returning application octet stream on Android emulator I am trying to determine the Mime Media Type of files stored on an Android device actually a.. which recommends the javax.activation.MimetypesFileTypeMap however when I run the following code I get application octet stream for all file types MimetypesFileTypeMap map new MimetypesFileTypeMap File dir Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory.. i if files i .isDirectory false mimeType map.getContentType files i if mimeType.toLowerCase .equals application octet stream Log.d mytag String.format Unable to determine the mime type of file s. files i .getName I have tested this with..
Using Android Intent.ACTION_SEND for sending email
Android httpclient file upload data corruption and timeout issues any exceptions. the lenght of the uploaded file is same as the original one.. tried to change mime type to application octet stream or remove it at all. tries playing with timeouts. still same result. end users upload corrupted images almost all..
Android image Upload problem Content Disposition form data name userfile filename filename .jpg String contentType Content Type application octet stream String t1 Content Disposition form data name test String t2 Content Type text plain This is the standard format..
Authenticate to Google Talk (XMPP, Smack) using an authToken construct a string with this form jidAndToken 0 UTF8 0 Auth where 0 is intended to be a single octet with value zero . Use this in the initial SASL auth auth xmlns 'urn ietf params xml ns xmpp sasl' mechanism 'X GOOGLE TOKEN'..
Android Intent Chooser to only show E-mail option e mail where the user can submit a bug report feedback etc. from the app directly. I'm using the application octet stream as the SetType for the Intent. When you go to submit the e mail you get the content chooser and it shows various.. did not bother to actually state what you're using but you agreed with @Aleadam's comment. I'm using the application octet stream as the SetType for the Intent. Nothing in that sentence limits things to email. ACTION_SEND is a generic Intent action..
Android: upload file with filling out POST body together System.out.println line Here is the output of the PHP script _FILES Array image Array name image.jpg type application octet stream tmp_name tmp php6UHywL error 0 size 5 _POST Array formVariableName formValiableValue formVariableName2 formValiableValue2..
how to getAuth token and send email in background? data public void setType String type this.type type public String getContentType if type null return application octet stream else return type public InputStream getInputStream throws IOException return new ByteArrayInputStream data public..