android Programming Glossary: occasionally
Way to protect from Lucky Patcher / play licensing [android] it difficult by using the above patterns and change it occasionally. That weeds out the lazy pirates. Then forget about it and concentrate..
Why is HttpUrlConnection throwing an SSLException while on a mobile data connection? to indicate the DNS failure. I expect this to happen occasionally and the app handles it. The SSLException was an anomaly. On..
Google Maps API v3 in PhoneGap: markers not drawing properly after move zoom then the duplicates seem to go away. But also it occasionally draws some weird tangent line. See images below. This was shortly..
Low-latency audio playback on Android . Otherwise your callback will occasionally get two calls per timeslice rather than one. Unless your CPU..
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error that is needed by Facebook. Apparently JRE 1.7 does that occasionally. Copy the result that will be displayed in the logcat trace..
GCM with login system register Login as user B Register GCM get Registration ID occasionally get back same registration ID with user A sometimes return as..
Are static fields in Activity classes guaranteed to outlive a create/destroy cycle? instances of an activity in a static Bundle field. However occasionally when instance A creates the static bundle and stores data in..
Detect when Android v2 maps has loaded CompressFormat.PNG 0 fos Unfortunately the map occasionally finished loading when the snapshot is taken so you end up with..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock what I've seen logging debug over USB there appears to occasionally be mention of sensor listener changes as sleep happens. A user..
best practice for specifying pronunciation for Android TTS engine? it mispronounces some words as do I and it therefore occasionally needs some pronunciation guidance. So I'm wondering about best..
why does the gingerbread emulator orientation get stuck in apps? this question Actually I have run into that problem occasionally before though it does seem to get progressively worse with each..
Android: AsyncTask recommendations: private class or public class? file more complex and therefore harder to manage. I've occasionally been stung by editing a function in the inner class while thinking..
How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements? pseudo.html EDIT I've since discovered that buttons can occasionally 'stick' in the fake active state. The fix for this is to also..
How do you save an Android application log to a file on a physical device? device I want to know why my Android application service occasionally goes down whether it's the OS killing it or a crasch and therefore..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws Exception [duplicate] from the Google Maps API. I've used this method and I occasionally see that error but I usually put the method into a loop of 10..
removeCallbacks not stopping runnable true This will only prevent it from starting but you could occasionally check killMe and bail out. If you are looping the runnable like..
What are the benefits of CursorLoaders? I use Cursors extensively in my app to load and occasionally write information from and to a database. I have seen that Honeycomb..
Graphical layout missing for Layout XML Files android share improve this question This happens to me occasionally. I just right click the xml layout file and choose Open With.....
Way to protect from Lucky Patcher / play licensing [android] this for 20 years commercial development my approach is to make it difficult by using the above patterns and change it occasionally. That weeds out the lazy pirates. Then forget about it and concentrate on making an application that is worth stealing by..
Why is HttpUrlConnection throwing an SSLException while on a mobile data connection? to resolve. This would normally throw an UnknownHostException to indicate the DNS failure. I expect this to happen occasionally and the app handles it. The SSLException was an anomaly. On carriers that intercept failed DNS lookups navigating a Web..
Google Maps API v3 in PhoneGap: markers not drawing properly after move of just moving it. Same with the circle. Sometimes if I change zoom then the duplicates seem to go away. But also it occasionally draws some weird tangent line. See images below. This was shortly after I received an Android update on my phone to version..
Low-latency audio playback on Android buffer size a multiple of AudioManager.getProperty PROPERTY_OUTPUT_FRAMES_PER_BUFFER . Otherwise your callback will occasionally get two calls per timeslice rather than one. Unless your CPU usage is really light this will probably end up glitching...
Android Facebook remote_app_id does not match stored id Error code and run the app. This will give you the correct Key Hash that is needed by Facebook. Apparently JRE 1.7 does that occasionally. Copy the result that will be displayed in the logcat trace and paste in your App's Facebook console and you should be good..
GCM with login system server side Broadcast Notification out to user A Logout un register Login as user B Register GCM get Registration ID occasionally get back same registration ID with user A sometimes return as different registration ID GCM push notification to user A..
Are static fields in Activity classes guaranteed to outlive a create/destroy cycle? safe to store temporary data that's shared between several instances of an activity in a static Bundle field. However occasionally when instance A creates the static bundle and stores data in it then gets destroyed and instance B tries to read from it..
Detect when Android v2 maps has loaded fos new FileOutputStream new File fileName bmp.compress CompressFormat.PNG 0 fos Unfortunately the map occasionally finished loading when the snapshot is taken so you end up with So is there any way to detect or set a listener for when..
Accelerometer stops delivering samples when the screen is off on Droid/Nexus One even with a WakeLock which is supposed to always prevent CPU from sleeping. From what I've seen logging debug over USB there appears to occasionally be mention of sensor listener changes as sleep happens. A user posted a workaround that he claimed works on the motorola..
best practice for specifying pronunciation for Android TTS engine? default text to speech engine i.e. com.svox.pico . As expected it mispronounces some words as do I and it therefore occasionally needs some pronunciation guidance. So I'm wondering about best practices for phonetically spelling out those words that..
why does the gingerbread emulator orientation get stuck in apps? emulator screen orientation android sdk 2.3 share improve this question Actually I have run into that problem occasionally before though it does seem to get progressively worse with each passing tools release. There is nothing wrong with your..
Android: AsyncTask recommendations: private class or public class? there it is . Another disadvantage is that it makes the source file more complex and therefore harder to manage. I've occasionally been stung by editing a function in the inner class while thinking it was in the outer class and vice versa. Finally inner..
How to simulate :active css pseudo class in android on non-link elements? 2011 11 android phonegap active css pseudo.html EDIT I've since discovered that buttons can occasionally 'stick' in the fake active state. The fix for this is to also handle the touchcancel event. E.g. add this to the above....
How do you save an Android application log to a file on a physical device? you save an Android application log to a file on a physical device I want to know why my Android application service occasionally goes down whether it's the OS killing it or a crasch and therefore I want to save a log file on my phone. How can is this..
Geocoder.getFromLocation throws Exception [duplicate] because the method is not managing to get a meaningful response from the Google Maps API. I've used this method and I occasionally see that error but I usually put the method into a loop of 10 retries and quietly ignore the occasional error. If it's happening..
removeCallbacks not stopping runnable killMe return do your work private void killRunnable killMe true This will only prevent it from starting but you could occasionally check killMe and bail out. If you are looping the runnable like some kind of background thread you can say while killMe..
What are the benefits of CursorLoaders? are the benefits of CursorLoaders I use Cursors extensively in my app to load and occasionally write information from and to a database. I have seen that Honeycomb and the Compatibility Package have new Loader classes..
Graphical layout missing for Layout XML Files I am not able to view graphical layout. Regards Android IT android share improve this question This happens to me occasionally. I just right click the xml layout file and choose Open With... Android Layout Editor . It seems to then fix itself until..