android Programming Glossary: okay
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue a message. Myapp is misconfigured for Facebook login.Press Okay to go back to the application without connecting to Facebook... if you check your logcat you'll see that after pressing Okay there should be an error message that will display a more technical.. dashboard you'll see this error in logcat after pressing Okay in the native SSO dialog if Util.ENABLE_LOG is set to true ...
Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy to hopefully help people out with the same issues as me. Okay. I've been dealing with Android's WebView and PhoneGap for a..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure google maps android api 2 share improve this question Okay. I'm ready to explain what was wrong and what should you do.. java.util.ListResourceBundle protected Object getContents Okay now you ready to create your own Google Map app with using Google..
Display the current time and date in an Android application application android share improve this question Okay not that hard as there are several methods to do this. I assume..
Custom ImageView with drop shadow ImageView with drop shadow Okay I've been reading and searching around and am now banging my.. imageview dropshadow share improve this question Okay I don't foresee any more answers on this one so what I ended..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] I want is to take the thing and turn it on its side. rant Okay now that I'm done fuming let's talk about the problem itself...
Multi-gradient shapes the top of the bottom to the bottom of the button. Edit Okay so I have one more idea that works haha. Right now it works.. textStyle bold android textSize 26sp RelativeLayout Okay so basically I've created a shape gradient in XML for the horizontal.. result through Java. I think this is the last edit... Okay so you can definitely fix the positioning through Java like..
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime attr name typeface declare styleable resources Okay so with that out of the way let's get back to the parseAttributes..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map sdk 2.1 android maps share improve this question Okay I tried to do things on my Own and put this code to get the..
How to convert coordinates of the image view to the coordinates of the bitmap? was touched android image share improve this question Okay so I've not tried this but giving it a bit of thought here's..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime is where the png file gets its chunk metadata. read more Okay now down to business you're listening to DJ kanzure . Client..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? android accountType android userVisible true Okay so what does this do It tells Android that the sync adapter..
Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask Okay I'm losing my mind over this one. I have a method in my program..
Can The Android drawable directory contain subdirectories? in my project. I am wondering if it is explicitly not okay to create a sub directory within the drawable directory. For..
Encryption error on Android 4.2
On zoom event for google maps on android using mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls bool instead. This is okay but I simply cannot figure out how to act on events from the..
Crash when loading font freed 711 objects 53160 bytes in 20922ms Hmm... okay. I'm using the font Molot.otf which was successfully used in..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities for every activity your user navigates to. If this is okay for your usage then that's fine however it's not the way most..
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android persisted using shared preferences . So I think it is okay since it is simply just key value pairs which are persisted...
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] care about having fling support in your list or if it's okay for the views to snap to the center at the end of the fling..
Android Lock Screen Widget music is playing or similar you'll probably mostly be okay. If you're trying to create a custom lock screen then there's..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue is how I go about designing the matrix. Any ideas EDIT So okay what I've found so far on this is as follows 1 0 0 0 0 red 0.. all of them and how slow a process it would be. Hmm okay so I suppose another question I would have is whether a matrix..
Multi-gradient shapes XML obviating this extra file but I'm not sure how. But okay then the kind of hacky part comes in on the layer_list XML file...
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen children want to be. For your purposes this appears to be okay. If something fancier is needed onMeasure needs a lot of extra..
How to grant MODIFY_PHONE_STATE permission for apps ran on Gingerbread changed from previous versions of the platform but that is okay because it is only protecting private APIs so if you are doing..
Android Left to Right slide animation is when I swipe right to left the slide transition is okay but when I swipe left to right I get the transition of swiping..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time scroll to the different image locations. Now it works okay I was just wondering if anyone knew of anyway to slow down the..
Displaying Android asset files in a WebView? html_no_copy demo_welcome.html displays that file okay but links in demo_welcome.html either local no url prefixing..
Insertion of thousands of contact entries using applyBatch is slow to the same table. It goes Bulk insert... find the table okay insert insert insert insert insert Much faster. It will of course..
Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore? anything like this UPDATE The algorithm I devised works okay I am using Java but I realized that normally the Keystore tool..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility of the API and hope that new versions will handle it okay. But then I run the risk of building against buggy or low performance..
adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X) the next command echo 0x9d17 ~ .android adb_usb.ini It's okay if you didn't already have that adb_usb.ini file before this..
App is misconfigured for Facebook login : Android Facebook integration issue that takes him to Facebook login screen after login he gets a message. Myapp is misconfigured for Facebook login.Press Okay to go back to the application without connecting to Facebook. I am not getting what is the problem whether it is related.. app configuration in your Facebook app dashboard. For Android if you check your logcat you'll see that after pressing Okay there should be an error message that will display a more technical description of what is causing the authentication to.. own APP_ID in the source and did not add your hash key to the dashboard you'll see this error in logcat after pressing Okay in the native SSO dialog if Util.ENABLE_LOG is set to true . D Facebook authorize 24739 Login failed invalid_key Android..
Android WebView renders blank/white, view doesn't update on css changes or HTML changes, animations are choppy share improve this question I'm answering my own question to hopefully help people out with the same issues as me. Okay. I've been dealing with Android's WebView and PhoneGap for a few weeks now. I've come to hate Android's implementation of..
Google Maps Android API v2 Authorization failure Authorization failure. android google maps android maps google maps android api 2 share improve this question Okay. I'm ready to explain what was wrong and what should you do for build project without any problem. Steps to ensure that.. the YOUR_PROJECT proguard project.txt . keep class extends java.util.ListResourceBundle protected Object getContents Okay now you ready to create your own Google Map app with using Google Map APIs V2 for Android. If you create application with..
Display the current time and date in an Android application How do I display the current date and time in an Android application android share improve this question Okay not that hard as there are several methods to do this. I assume you want to put the current date time into a TextView ...
Custom ImageView with drop shadow ImageView with drop shadow Okay I've been reading and searching around and am now banging my head against the wall trying to figure this out. Here's what.. paint canvas.drawBitmap bmp 50 50 null android override imageview dropshadow share improve this question Okay I don't foresee any more answers on this one so what I ended up going with for now is just a solution for rectangular images...
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] I'll be damned if I'm going to roll my own ListView when all I want is to take the thing and turn it on its side. rant Okay now that I'm done fuming let's talk about the problem itself. What I need is basically something exactly like the Gallery..
Multi-gradient shapes of the button. So the gradient goes at a 90 degree angle from the top of the bottom to the bottom of the button. Edit Okay so I have one more idea that works haha. Right now it works in XML but should be doable for shapes in Java as well. It's.. List Drawable android textColor @android color white android textStyle bold android textSize 26sp RelativeLayout Okay so basically I've created a shape gradient in XML for the horizontal green gradient set at a 0 degree angle going from the.. I may try to play around and see if I can get a more versatile result through Java. I think this is the last edit... Okay so you can definitely fix the positioning through Java like the following TextView tv TextView findViewById
Android: Want to set custom fonts for whole application not runtime and which attributes it supports declare styleable name CustomButton attr name typeface declare styleable resources Okay so with that out of the way let's get back to the parseAttributes method from earlier private void parseAttributes Context..
Creating Custom Overlay on the map The full application can be reached at this link android android sdk 2.1 android maps share improve this question Okay I tried to do things on my Own and put this code to get the above effect public class MarkerOverlay extends Overlay Geocoder..
How to convert coordinates of the image view to the coordinates of the bitmap? I convert this coordinates to the point at the bitmap that was touched android image share improve this question Okay so I've not tried this but giving it a bit of thought here's what I've got as a suggestion ImageView imageView ImageView..
Create a NinePatch/NinePatchDrawable in runtime .9.png files to the binary format that Android expects. This is where the png file gets its chunk metadata. read more Okay now down to business you're listening to DJ kanzure . Client code something like this InputStream stream .. whatever Bitmap..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? apk res android android contentAuthority android accountType android userVisible true Okay so what does this do It tells Android that the sync adapter we've defined the class that was called out in the name element..
Android HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask HTML ImageGetter as AsyncTask Okay I'm losing my mind over this one. I have a method in my program which parses HTML. I want to include the inline images and..
Can The Android drawable directory contain subdirectories? address images that are stored in the res drawable directory in my project. I am wondering if it is explicitly not okay to create a sub directory within the drawable directory. For example if I had the following directory layout res drawable..
Encryption error on Android 4.2
On zoom event for google maps on android is deprecated . And the documentation suggests using mapView.setBuiltInZoomControls bool instead. This is okay but I simply cannot figure out how to act on events from the built in zoom controls. java android events google maps zoom..
Crash when loading font 43e80368 org.evilx.quacklock .MainActivity D dalvikvm 247 GC_EXPLICIT freed 711 objects 53160 bytes in 20922ms Hmm... okay. I'm using the font Molot.otf which was successfully used in one of the blogs. I'm also using predator.ttf another custom..
Google Analytics in Android app - dealing with multiple activities as suggested by Christian is that it results in a new visit for every activity your user navigates to. If this is okay for your usage then that's fine however it's not the way most people expect visits to work. For example this would make..
Is it possible to add an array or object to SharedPreferences on Android for you to create user preferences which will be automatically persisted using shared preferences . So I think it is okay since it is simply just key value pairs which are persisted. To the original poster this is not that hard. You simply just..
How can I make a horizontal ListView in Android? [duplicate] and override the scroll functionality. If you don't care about having fling support in your list or if it's okay for the views to snap to the center at the end of the fling animation then this will work for you However in the end it..
Android Lock Screen Widget window . If you're just doing something temporary like while music is playing or similar you'll probably mostly be okay. If you're trying to create a custom lock screen then there's a lot of unusual interactions on all the different android..
Understanding the Use of ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixColorFilter to Modify a Drawable's Hue matrix is used. It's a 4x5 matrix but what I need to know is how I go about designing the matrix. Any ideas EDIT So okay what I've found so far on this is as follows 1 0 0 0 0 red 0 1 0 0 0 green 0 0 1 0 0 blue 0 0 0 1 0 alpha Where this matrix.. how I would go about getting each of these in code and modifying all of them and how slow a process it would be. Hmm okay so I suppose another question I would have is whether a matrix can be used to convert RGB to another color space with luminosity..
Multi-gradient shapes I'm pretty sure that could be inlined into the layer list XML obviating this extra file but I'm not sure how. But okay then the kind of hacky part comes in on the layer_list XML file. I put the green gradient as the bottom layer then put the..
How to layout a 'grid' of images in the center of the screen Limitations AspectGrid completely ignores the size that its children want to be. For your purposes this appears to be okay. If something fancier is needed onMeasure needs a lot of extra work. The size that is suggested by AspectGrid 's parent..
How to grant MODIFY_PHONE_STATE permission for apps ran on Gingerbread permission so apps are not allowed to get it. This may have changed from previous versions of the platform but that is okay because it is only protecting private APIs so if you are doing something that requires it you are using private APIs that..
Android Left to Right slide animation instance. Using onfling I swing them left and right. The problem is when I swipe right to left the slide transition is okay but when I swipe left to right I get the transition of swiping right to left. I know why this is happening its because I..
Android: HorizontalScrollView smoothScroll animation time a horizontal scroll view with images and using buttons to smooth scroll to the different image locations. Now it works okay I was just wondering if anyone knew of anyway to slow down the smooth scroll method i.e. having a longer annimation time..
Displaying Android asset files in a WebView? the project assets. I have found that wv.loadUrl file android_asset html_no_copy demo_welcome.html displays that file okay but links in demo_welcome.html either local no url prefixing the file name or absolute the same form as fed to loadUrl don't..
Insertion of thousands of contact entries using applyBatch is slow slow. By contrast bulkInsert applies a whole pile of values to the same table. It goes Bulk insert... find the table okay insert insert insert insert insert Much faster. It will of course require your ContentResolver to implement bulkInsert efficiently...
Forgot Keystore password, thinking of Brute-Force detection. will it corrupt the keystore? attempts will lock the keystore down. Does anyone know anything like this UPDATE The algorithm I devised works okay I am using Java but I realized that normally the Keystore tool asks for the password only when I press enter. but to get..
How to deal with deprecated classes in Android to keep compatibility On the other hand I could just build against an old version of the API and hope that new versions will handle it okay. But then I run the risk of building against buggy or low performance code when a better alternative is available. What..
adb not finding my device / phone (MacOS X) from the screenshot the value is 0x9d17 use this value in the next command echo 0x9d17 ~ .android adb_usb.ini It's okay if you didn't already have that adb_usb.ini file before this most of the time it's just not needed for finding your device..