android Programming Glossary: observed
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget memory condition. EDIT A very common Memory leak that i observed is due to the implementation of inner classes and implementing..
Change the behaviour of a GridView to make it scroll horizontally rather than vertically to memory optimization's the way Google did it. I had observed that GridView extends AbsListView so my question is is it AbsListView..
What options are available for handling text input on Android using Adobe AIR? being accepted on certain devices an interesting thing was observed. After typing a couple of characters if a user switches focus..
How to get unique device hardware id in Android? [duplicate] to 2.2 œFroyo . Also there has been at least one widely observed bug in a popular handset from a major manufacturer where every..
Set initial focus in an android application though that it auto focuses one of your buttons I haven't observed that behavior in any of my views. share improve this answer..
Runnable is posted successfully but not run anybody understand what's going on here ps. this was all observed on an Android 1.6 phone and android 3 sdk java android multithreading..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? sometimes I need to reboot when everything goes south I observed that rebooting a phone is far far quicker using reboot in a..
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor using getRotation method. Some unexpected behaviors are observed when the android device is rotated above some bounds. For instance..
Removing unused strings during ProGuard optimisation Log.d This is a debug statement However you may have observed the issue with some code like this Log.d The answer is answer..
takepicture hangs on Android 2.3.3 it android camera share improve this question I also observed mCamera.takePicture null null handler to freeze. I tried to..
Filter LogCat to get only the messages from My Application in Android? to get only the messages from My Application in Android I observed that when i use Logcat with Eclipse with ADT for Android I get..
android AlarmManager not waking phone up context.startActivity newIntent is called. I have also observed behavior when that does not happen so it seems to be a bit arbitrary..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database working. While browsing the table using SQLite browser i observed that there are only four data types Is it possible to apply..
Async/await not reacting as expected returns a Task in case you only want completion exceptions observed or a Task T if you actually want to return a value as well...
Images taken with ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE always returns 1 for ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION on some newer devices 1 for all orientations. Here's the list of devices we observed this on Samsung Infuse 4G 2.3.3 Samsung Galaxy SII X 2.3.5 Sony..
Difference between Service and Broadcast receivers in android receivers can anyone point out an example that can be observed on android mobile devices. Thanks android service broadcast..
Is Android's CameraInfo.orientation correctly documented? Incorrectly implemented? is in fact wrong and the example is right Has anyone observed a changing value of CameraInfo.orientation Is there evidence.. answer thanks for the follow up explanation 2 Has anyone observed a changing value of CameraInfo.orientation Is there evidence..
Service not available in geoCoder reason Geocoder works fine then suddenly break . What I observed is that after a while can be days Geocoder start to throw Service..
Caused by: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget or Weakreference so that they get released in low memory condition. EDIT A very common Memory leak that i observed is due to the implementation of inner classes and implementing Handler in Activity . This links talks about the same in..
Change the behaviour of a GridView to make it scroll horizontally rather than vertically a good idea since I am afraid I will not be able to do justice to memory optimization's the way Google did it. I had observed that GridView extends AbsListView so my question is is it AbsListView which lets a GridView scroll vertically and add items..
What options are available for handling text input on Android using Adobe AIR? . While testing the 3rd item mentioned above input not being accepted on certain devices an interesting thing was observed. After typing a couple of characters if a user switches focus to a TextInput that uses the default StageText at least some..
How to get unique device hardware id in Android? [duplicate] First it is not 100 reliable on releases of Android prior to 2.2 œFroyo . Also there has been at least one widely observed bug in a popular handset from a major manufacturer where every instance has the same ANDROID_ID. The below solution is not..
Set initial focus in an android application
Runnable is posted successfully but not run thread does fix things but I want to get things right. Does anybody understand what's going on here ps. this was all observed on an Android 1.6 phone and android 3 sdk java android multithreading runnable share improve this question If you look..
Runtime.exec() : Reboot in Android? phone during my tests I work on a video chat application and sometimes I need to reboot when everything goes south I observed that rebooting a phone is far far quicker using reboot in a terminal adb shell or ConnectBot for instance than going through..
Strange behavior with android orientation sensor I'm trying to rotate 3D Cube using orientation sensor values using getRotation method. Some unexpected behaviors are observed when the android device is rotated above some bounds. For instance if I make the device 'stand up' the value of the 'roll'..
Removing unused strings during ProGuard optimisation case the code and the string constant should disappear completely Log.d This is a debug statement However you may have observed the issue with some code like this Log.d The answer is answer After compilation this actually corresponds to Log.d new StringBuilder..
takepicture hangs on Android 2.3.3 Is there anybody having the same problem And know how to fix it android camera share improve this question I also observed mCamera.takePicture null null handler to freeze. I tried to clear the preview handler mCamera.setPreviewCallback null before..
Filter LogCat to get only the messages from My Application in Android? LogCat to get only the messages from My Application in Android I observed that when i use Logcat with Eclipse with ADT for Android I get messages from many other applications as well. Is there a..
android AlarmManager not waking phone up up when the alarm is received but will fall asleep again before context.startActivity newIntent is called. I have also observed behavior when that does not happen so it seems to be a bit arbitrary So the easy and quick answer Make a new class called..
Is it possible to apply primary key on the text fields in android database any exception or error while running nor the primary key is working. While browsing the table using SQLite browser i observed that there are only four data types Is it possible to apply primary key only on integer What is the case if i want primary..
Async/await not reacting as expected to also wait you'll need to make sure your async method returns a Task in case you only want completion exceptions observed or a Task T if you actually want to return a value as well. If you declare the return type of the method to be either of..
Images taken with ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE always returns 1 for ExifInterface.TAG_ORIENTATION on some newer devices that on some newer devices this doesn't work. In fact it returns 1 for all orientations. Here's the list of devices we observed this on Samsung Infuse 4G 2.3.3 Samsung Galaxy SII X 2.3.5 Sony Xperia Arc 2.3.3 Interesting thing is that once this image..
Difference between Service and Broadcast receivers in android I want to know the difference between services and broadcast receivers can anyone point out an example that can be observed on android mobile devices. Thanks android service broadcast share improve this question Service If you want to do something..
Is Android's CameraInfo.orientation correctly documented? Incorrectly implemented? right Can anyone confirm that the first line of the documentation is in fact wrong and the example is right Has anyone observed a changing value of CameraInfo.orientation Is there evidence in docs that this is legal behavior or is it likely a bug in.. right You have thoroughly addressed this already within your answer thanks for the follow up explanation 2 Has anyone observed a changing value of CameraInfo.orientation Is there evidence in docs that this is legal behavior or is it likely a bug in..
Service not available in geoCoder me explain my own experience with Geocoder For some unknown reason Geocoder works fine then suddenly break . What I observed is that after a while can be days Geocoder start to throw Service not available exception. EDIT As mentioned by Christian..