android Programming Glossary: occuring
google drive api error 403 Access Not configured 2222C 7B 22 22 Deep Linking Disabled Where is this error occuring is it after the user clicks the link to sign in to google or..
How to determine Android internet connection? NetworkInfo.State.CONNECTED EDIT fixed a bug that was occuring with devices not able to connect in 3G share improve this answer..
ListView item set error Android title.setText Title position return row This exception is occuring in case of 4 and 5 will be the value of i. Please help me to..
Heap size overflow issues with sound clips help me here and keep these heap size overflows from occuring Also at the moment the menu activity starts the 2nd activity..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android in order to bring up a new record load new data . This is occuring in a class that extends Activity. All the examples I've seen..
I'm getting a Database Object Not Closed Exception in SQLite (Android), but I'm explicitly closing my database… Help? Except well I am. Here is the method where this problem is occuring public static void getUpdates String username Context context..
Android style Resources compile (aapt) failing : Bad resource table: header size 0xc to find the error. Not helped by Android saying error occuring in colors.xml when it wasnt. Fixed by removing the from styles.xml..
Android Custom Event Listener now you need to know when the event is actually occuring for eg whe user touches down on a point on screen override onTouchEvent..
google drive api error 403 Access Not configured fingerprint SHA1 22 22 22 22 22 1A 05 81 22 CB 22 22 06 22 2222C 7B 22 22 Deep Linking Disabled Where is this error occuring is it after the user clicks the link to sign in to google or after they have signed in and your app is uploading the file..
How to determine Android internet connection?
ListView item set error Android title title TextView row.findViewById title.setText Title position return row This exception is occuring in case of 4 and 5 will be the value of i. Please help me to resolve the issue android android listview share improve..
Heap size overflow issues with sound clips gives an error or a force quit . Would using the MediaPlayer help me here and keep these heap size overflows from occuring Also at the moment the menu activity starts the 2nd activity waiting for a result using the startActivityForResult function..
Fling Gesture and Webview in Android control that needs to support the fling gesture in Android in order to bring up a new record load new data . This is occuring in a class that extends Activity. All the examples I've seen show how to implement gesture support for a textview but nothing..
I'm getting a Database Object Not Closed Exception in SQLite (Android), but I'm explicitly closing my database… Help? close the cursor or database object that was opened here Except well I am. Here is the method where this problem is occuring public static void getUpdates String username Context context HttpClient httpClient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httpPost..
Android style Resources compile (aapt) failing : Bad resource table: header size 0xc a lot of style etc not just this one so spent ages back tracking to find the error. Not helped by Android saying error occuring in colors.xml when it wasnt. Fixed by removing the from styles.xml placing new id in ids.xml style name ActionBarTitleContainer..
Android Custom Event Listener OnCustomEventListener eventListener mListener eventListener now you need to know when the event is actually occuring for eg whe user touches down on a point on screen override onTouchEvent method onTouchEvent MotionEvent ev if ev.getAction..