android Programming Glossary: oh
Upload image from android to java servlet and save it for a detailed example How to upload files in JSP Servlet Oh please get rid of the Netbeans generated processRequest method...
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Uh Oh alert.setMessage Your device does not support traffic stat monitoring...
Send SMS until it is successful messages using both channels at the same time. Edit2 Oh well might as well address the questions we are almost there..
Android: How to detect double-tap? arg0 TODO Auto generated method stub return false Oh another question if my listview has an onitemclicklistener can..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? a work around yet. android share improve this question Oh god After spending several hours and downloading the Android..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? even after correct authentication. Please help. Thanks. Oh btw I already have a Facebook API key and Application ID. UPDATE..
Android test code coverage, Eclipse Cloud Report Coverage TreeMap Report Coverage Explorer Oh and the Clover HTML Report looks fantastic Check this https..
How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK? it turns out this question is similar the guy just says Oh you reminded me of how to do it without actually explaining...
Parcelable where/when is describeContents() used? designed Parceable and at some point he realized Oh damn there is no multiple inheritance in Java... share improve..
Grid of images inside ScrollView imageview scrollview share improve this question Oh boy yeah you're gonna have trouble with this one. It drives..
What DOM events are available to WebKit on Android? making a cameo then taking the rest of the day off Oh well at least now I know what events to watch for. It would..
Creating a WAV file from raw PCM data using the Android SDK record sound in Android to a WAV file or alternatively MP3 Oh and I know that MediaRecorder can'y be used because it doesn't..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? it will dutifully call notifyChange and android will go Oh database changes better put them on the server Doh Well written..
Insertion of thousands of contact entries using applyBatch is slow anything I can do to speed this up Anders Edit @jcwenger Oh I see. Good explanation So then I will have to first insert.. different URI and so on there's a huge amount of overhead. Oh a new operation I wonder what table it goes in... Here I'll.. what table it goes in... Here I'll insert a single row... Oh a new operation I wonder what table it goes in... ad infinitium...
onDestroy gets called each time the screen goes on it or it will FC. I'm not sure if it comes from this Oh and it implements Observer but this should be no problem. Here..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android e e.printStackTrace return sb.toString EDIT Oh ya and the HttpClientFactory Should be thread safe public class..
How to start an android app with valgrind in and I'm not seeing anything in logcat. Any hints Edit2 Oh the shell script is indicated with setprop command above. So..
BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling a key to store map under a Bundle to put into a Parcel oh yeah private static final String MAP_KEY MAP Indicates this..
OnClickListener not working for first item in GridView of getting it by tag which is better for performance but oh well . Thanks everyone for the help. share improve this answer..
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12 for testing. I know these are a lot of combinations but oh well. 1 Add a Jar or directory knowing this was wrong I tried..
Referencing an XML string in an XML Array (Android) How do I do that android share improve this question oh yeah that is what I meant. This is how I did it. string array..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView the Qualcomm AR stuff is out.. it might be obselete.. oh and basically what this does is generate two funky cubes from..
What's the difference in GCC between -std=gnu++0x and -std=c++0x and which one should be used? to check a and I'm not even sure how to check b . Edit oh as for which one should be used std c 0x isn't really a strict..
My Android camera Uri is returning a null value, but the Samsung fix is in place, help? if mImageUri null Log.e image uri is null what else Log.e oh nevermind image uri is NOT null cameraIntent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT..
How do I render Tamil unicode in Android à® t text text.replace à®´à nos text text.replace à®´à Noh text text.replace à®´à noh text text.replace ழா oh text text.replace.. à®´à nos text text.replace à®´à Noh text text.replace à®´à noh text text.replace ழா oh text text.replace ழி op text text.replace.. à®´à Noh text text.replace à®´à noh text text.replace ழா oh text text.replace ழி op text text.replace à®´à oP text text.replace..
WebView hides soft keyboard during loadUrl(), which means a keyboard cannot stay open while calling javascript which then calls hideSoftKeyboard and then we become oh so lonely as the keyboard goes away. As far as I can see all..
Upload image from android to java servlet and save it then grab Apache Commons FileUpload . See also this answer for a detailed example How to upload files in JSP Servlet Oh please get rid of the Netbeans generated processRequest method. It's absolutely not the right way to delegate both doGet..
How to get the correct number of bytes sent and received in TrafficStats? mStartTX TrafficStats.UNSUPPORTED AlertDialog.Builder alert new AlertDialog.Builder this alert.setTitle Uh Oh alert.setMessage Your device does not support traffic stat monitoring. else mHandler.postDelayed mRunnable 1000..
Send SMS until it is successful with SMS to get the message delivered as fast as possible sending messages using both channels at the same time. Edit2 Oh well might as well address the questions we are almost there anyway Question 1 Since using IntentService the sending is..
Android: How to detect double-tap? method stub @Override public boolean onSingleTapUp MotionEvent arg0 TODO Auto generated method stub return false Oh another question if my listview has an onitemclicklistener can android detect between single tap or double tap for it android..
How to return a result (startActivityForResult) from a TabHost Activity? the RESULT_CANCELED back to Class A. I just don't know a work around yet. android share improve this question Oh god After spending several hours and downloading the Android sources I have finally come to a solution. If you look at the..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? Plus I'm still clueless as to how to post to the wall even after correct authentication. Please help. Thanks. Oh btw I already have a Facebook API key and Application ID. UPDATE 1 For further clarification If I use the following code..
Android test code coverage, Eclipse will be perfect for this task Clover Dashboard Coverage Cloud Report Coverage TreeMap Report Coverage Explorer Oh and the Clover HTML Report looks fantastic Check this https display CLOVER Clover for Android ..
How Do I Create A Certificate For My Android Market APK? at least October 22 2033. Create a new certificate. Though it turns out this question is similar the guy just says Oh you reminded me of how to do it without actually explaining. I've looked at the website referred to in the answer but here's..
Parcelable where/when is describeContents() used?
Grid of images inside ScrollView disabled in the GridView. android user interface gridview imageview scrollview share improve this question Oh boy yeah you're gonna have trouble with this one. It drives me nuts that ListViews and GridViews can't be expanded to wrap..
What DOM events are available to WebKit on Android? of random garbage. And who's that cheeky IE only event mouseenter making a cameo then taking the rest of the day off Oh well at least now I know what events to watch for. It would be great if others want to take my test code and do a more thorough..
Creating a WAV file from raw PCM data using the Android SDK this raw data Or alternatively is there any other way to record sound in Android to a WAV file or alternatively MP3 Oh and I know that MediaRecorder can'y be used because it doesn't support either WAV or MP3 formats. android audio wav pcm..
Why does ContentResolver.requestSync not trigger a sync? from the server and push an update into the ContentProvider it will dutifully call notifyChange and android will go Oh database changes better put them on the server Doh Well written ContentProviders will have some tests to see if the changes..
Insertion of thousands of contact entries using applyBatch is slow me. So to my question Am I doing something wrong or is there anything I can do to speed this up Anders Edit @jcwenger Oh I see. Good explanation So then I will have to first insert into the raw_contacts table and then the datatable with the.. . However since each Operation in the Batch can have a different URI and so on there's a huge amount of overhead. Oh a new operation I wonder what table it goes in... Here I'll insert a single row... Oh a new operation I wonder what table.. a huge amount of overhead. Oh a new operation I wonder what table it goes in... Here I'll insert a single row... Oh a new operation I wonder what table it goes in... ad infinitium. Since most of the work of turning URIs into tables involves..
onDestroy gets called each time the screen goes on because it contains a tabhost. I've read that it has to extend it or it will FC. I'm not sure if it comes from this Oh and it implements Observer but this should be no problem. Here are the logs 07 21 09 57 53.247 VERBOSE ### 13180 onResume..
HTTP API Request Using Java For Android e e.printStackTrace finally try is.close catch IOException e e.printStackTrace return sb.toString EDIT Oh ya and the HttpClientFactory Should be thread safe public class HttpClientFactory private static DefaultHttpClient client..
How to start an android app with valgrind is right because I'm not sure where the shell script fits in and I'm not seeing anything in logcat. Any hints Edit2 Oh the shell script is indicated with setprop command above. So adb shell setprop logwrapper data..
BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException when unmarshalling events public static final int MSG_WHAT 0xDEFECABE Defines a key to store map under a Bundle to put into a Parcel oh yeah private static final String MAP_KEY MAP Indicates this event ID. This ID should be the same in the event answer if..
OnClickListener not working for first item in GridView
Importing google-play-services lib into Intellij IDEA 12 adding this to the sherlockbar module at the same time just for testing. I know these are a lot of combinations but oh well. 1 Add a Jar or directory knowing this was wrong I tried . and pointed to the .jar that is inside the google play module..
Referencing an XML string in an XML Array (Android) the string in the array My item 1 from strings.xml. How do I do that android share improve this question oh yeah that is what I meant. This is how I did it. string array name my_items item @string item1 item item @string item2 item..
Overlay images onto Camera preview SurfaceView here's how I did it ... I hope somebody finds it useful though the Qualcomm AR stuff is out.. it might be obselete.. oh and basically what this does is generate two funky cubes from that Android Example additional functionality introduced are..
What's the difference in GCC between -std=gnu++0x and -std=c++0x and which one should be used? of these is the case but I don't have the original C99 on hand to check a and I'm not even sure how to check b . Edit oh as for which one should be used std c 0x isn't really a strict standards compliant mode yet since there isn't a strict standard..
My Android camera Uri is returning a null value, but the Samsung fix is in place, help? .insert MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI values if mImageUri null Log.e image uri is null what else Log.e oh nevermind image uri is NOT null cameraIntent.putExtra MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT mImageUri startActivityForResult cameraIntent..
How do I render Tamil unicode in Android Nt text text.replace வà it text text.replace வà t text text.replace à® t text text.replace à®´à nos text text.replace à®´à Noh text text.replace à®´à noh text text.replace ழா oh text text.replace ழி op text text.replace à®´à oP text text.replace à®´à.. text text.replace வà t text text.replace à® t text text.replace à®´à nos text text.replace à®´à Noh text text.replace à®´à noh text text.replace ழா oh text text.replace ழி op text text.replace à®´à oP text text.replace à®´à O text text.replace à®´à text.. text text.replace à® t text text.replace à®´à nos text text.replace à®´à Noh text text.replace à®´à noh text text.replace ழா oh text text.replace ழி op text text.replace à®´à oP text text.replace à®´à O text text.replace à®´à text text.replace à®´à no text..
WebView hides soft keyboard during loadUrl(), which means a keyboard cannot stay open while calling javascript a method called clearHelpers which then calls clearTextEntry which then calls hideSoftKeyboard and then we become oh so lonely as the keyboard goes away. As far as I can see all of those are private and cannot be overridden. Has anyone found..