android Programming Glossary: occupies
[Android SDK]Can't copy external database (13MB) from Assets in Android applications how to copy large database which occupies much memory from assets folder to my application Load files..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? pane with have 1 3 of the total screen. The other view occupies the all available space. It calculates width at runtime a safer..
Bitmap byte-size after decoding? with BitmapFactory I need to know how much memory space it occupies because I'm doing memory caching management in my app. file..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview to adjust the textsize in a textview to fit the space it occupies E.g. I'm using a TableLayout and adding several textviews to..
ScrollView and Gallery interfering have a Gallery composed of many ScrollViews each of which occupies the whole screen. problem is the ScrollViews' onTouchEvent returns..
Progressbar togther with asyncTask from GONE is that your progress bar is not drawn but still occupies its space usefull for some layouts . share improve this answer..
Android : get the height of the textview Now i got to find the number of lines or height the text occupies in the TextView I tried using getHeight method but it always..
WANTED: TableLayout-Like ListView line non wrapping TextViews where the left TextView always occupies 1 3 of the available screen width the right TextView always.. 3 of the available screen width the right TextView always occupies 2 3 of the available screen width and the text labels truncate..
Android: measureText() Return Pixels Based on Scaled Pixels of a text segment that will be 20 scaled pixels when it occupies a certain TextView. I tried the following Paint paint new Paint..
android: ViewPager and HorizontalScrollVIew touch events note the HorizontalScrollView only occupies half the screen. android events view scroll touch share improve..
Android: AlertDialog causes a memory leak RecycleListView loaded by system class loader occupies ... I spent a lot of time searching for the reason of this leak...
Animating weightSum property using ObjectAnimator to 1.0. This works fine if weightSum 1.0 Screen 1 occupies the whole screen After loading some resources I change my
[Android SDK]Can't copy external database (13MB) from Assets I found on the website such as Using your own SQLite database in Android applications how to copy large database which occupies much memory from assets folder to my application Load files bigger than 1M from assets folder But I had no luck it keeps..
Complete Working Sample of the Gmail Three-Fragment Animation Scenario? context 3 creates a new view with 3 children and the left pane with have 1 3 of the total screen. The other view occupies the all available space. It calculates width at runtime a safer implementation is that the dimentions are be calculated..
Bitmap byte-size after decoding? calculate the byte size of a bitmap after decoding with BitmapFactory I need to know how much memory space it occupies because I'm doing memory caching management in my app. file size is not enough since these are jpg png files Thanks for..
How to adjust text font size to fit textview text font size to fit textview Is there any way in android to adjust the textsize in a textview to fit the space it occupies E.g. I'm using a TableLayout and adding several textviews to each row. Since I don't want the textviews to wrap the text..
ScrollView and Gallery interfering and Gallery interfering I have a Gallery composed of many ScrollViews each of which occupies the whole screen. problem is the ScrollViews' onTouchEvent returns true and therefore prevent any other view in the DOM..
Progressbar togther with asyncTask
Android : get the height of the textview the textview i did that using setText method of the TextView Now i got to find the number of lines or height the text occupies in the TextView I tried using getHeight method but it always returns 0 Is there anyway to get the height of the text present..
WANTED: TableLayout-Like ListView a single line horizontal LinearLayout with two single line non wrapping TextViews where the left TextView always occupies 1 3 of the available screen width the right TextView always occupies 2 3 of the available screen width and the text labels.. wrapping TextViews where the left TextView always occupies 1 3 of the available screen width the right TextView always occupies 2 3 of the available screen width and the text labels truncate with ... when they are too long to display If that question..
Android: measureText() Return Pixels Based on Scaled Pixels based on a certain text size. Say I wanted to get the width of a text segment that will be 20 scaled pixels when it occupies a certain TextView. I tried the following Paint paint new Paint paint.setTextSize 20 paint.measureText sample text However..
android: ViewPager and HorizontalScrollVIew I can use to prevent a View's parent and ancestors from intercepting touch events note the HorizontalScrollView only occupies half the screen. android events view scroll touch share improve this question I had the same problem. My solution was..
Android: AlertDialog causes a memory leak similar leaks One instance of RecycleListView loaded by system class loader occupies ... I spent a lot of time searching for the reason of this leak. Code review didn't help me and I started googling. That's..
Animating weightSum property using ObjectAnimator available. Therefore my has it's weightSum attribute to 1.0. This works fine if weightSum 1.0 Screen 1 occupies the whole screen After loading some resources I change my weighSum to 2.0 which results in both Screen 1..