android Programming Glossary: occupy
Augmented reality - Image size transform part of that view an object from a large distance will occupy. This can actually begin to generate real math As you close..
How mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi folder works? 320 for xhdpi . Android attempts to make graphic images occupy the same physical dimensions on the screen regardless of the..
Full screen videoview without stretching the video answer Hope it helps EDIT Ok so if you want the video to occupy the whole screen and you don't want it to stretch you will end..
How to display custom view in ActionBar? I got that But I want make custom layout edittext field to occupy the entire available width. I've implemented custom layout as.. actionBar.setCustomView v How can I make custom layout to occupy all the available width of actionBar Help please. android android..
Android: Detecting leaks with Eclipse Memory Analyzer instances of java.lang.Class loaded by system class loader occupy 789 200 33.76 bytes. Biggest instances ¢class android.text.Html.. loaded by system class loader occupy 455 112 19.47 bytes. These instances are referenced from one.. of java.lang.String loaded by system class loader occupy 418 104 17.89 bytes. Keywords java.lang.String Do you think..
Detect application heap size in Android have a memoryClass of 24 or higher. So I can design to occupy up to 20MB of heap and feel pretty confident that my app will.. version of the OS is designed to optimally support apps occupying a heap space of no more than 16MB. By contrast maxMemory..
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? I'm trying to implement a SlidingDrawer that will occupy the full screen width but whose height is determined dynamically..
How to make a 2-dimension image gallery with both horizontal and vertical scrolling? to the height of the drawables views you want to occupy them. All you need to do then is when one gallery is moved to..
Android::VideoView inside a ScrollView be displayed. So all other UI elements will not be able to occupy that space. When scrolling happens your surface view will indeed..
android: relative layout two buttons occupy all the available horizontal space relative layout two buttons occupy all the available horizontal space i have a relative layout.. two buttons to lie adjacent to each other and equally occupy the whole horizontal space available. i tried the following..
How does one create Buttons with Equal Widths? path I want to take because I don't want the buttons to occupy a large portion of the screen on large screen devices. To clarify.. I could for example set the three buttons to collectively occupy half the screen width which may look OK on small screens but.. screens but on a large screen the buttons would still occupy half the screen width and the buttons would simply be much larger..
Pagination in Android TextView bounds.height Will give you height textview will occupy text_check_w bounds.width Will give you width textview will..
How to show one layout on top of the other programmatically in my case? of screen and the 2nd LinearLayout with EditText only occupy part of the screen from bottom that's the 1st LinearLayout still..
Augmented reality - Image size transform based on the previous definition of the viewport consider what part of that view an object from a large distance will occupy. This can actually begin to generate real math As you close in the object will get bigger because it takes up a larger part..
How mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi folder works? higher densities there are more pixels per inch 240 for hdpi 320 for xhdpi . Android attempts to make graphic images occupy the same physical dimensions on the screen regardless of the device pixel density. So if all it finds is an mdpi resource..
Full screen videoview without stretching the video to reference it if someone does please add the link to the answer Hope it helps EDIT Ok so if you want the video to occupy the whole screen and you don't want it to stretch you will end up with black stripes in the sides. In the code I posted..
How to display custom view in ActionBar? search in actionbar I'm using ActionBarSherlock for that . I got that But I want make custom layout edittext field to occupy the entire available width. I've implemented custom layout as suggested here . There is my custom layout search.xml xml.. View v inflator.inflate null actionBar.setCustomView v How can I make custom layout to occupy all the available width of actionBar Help please. android android actionbar actionbarsherlock share improve this question..
Android: Detecting leaks with Eclipse Memory Analyzer leaks take only 2.2 B space PROBLEM SUSPECT 1 2 094 instances of java.lang.Class loaded by system class loader occupy 789 200 33.76 bytes. Biggest instances ¢class android.text.Html HtmlParser @ 0x4018d3f0 126 632 5.42 bytes. ¢class PROBLEM SUSPECT 2 128 instances of org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.X509CertificateObject loaded by system class loader occupy 455 112 19.47 bytes. These instances are referenced from one instance of java.util.Hashtable HashtableEntry loaded by system.. java.util.Hashtable HashtableEntry PROBLEM SUSPECT 3 6 822 instances of java.lang.String loaded by system class loader occupy 418 104 17.89 bytes. Keywords java.lang.String Do you think I have a leak Can we say it from what I have posted Thank you..
Detect application heap size in Android and that means that almost all devices running my app will have a memoryClass of 24 or higher. So I can design to occupy up to 20MB of heap and feel pretty confident that my app will play nice with the other apps the user may be running at the.. that the physical hardware of any device running an earlier version of the OS is designed to optimally support apps occupying a heap space of no more than 16MB. By contrast maxMemory according to the documentation is available all the way back..
Android: can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content? can height of SlidingDrawer be set with wrap_content I'm trying to implement a SlidingDrawer that will occupy the full screen width but whose height is determined dynamically by its contents in other words standard fill_parent layout..
How to make a 2-dimension image gallery with both horizontal and vertical scrolling? Place a gallery into the GridView and set its height in LayoutParams to the height of the drawables views you want to occupy them. All you need to do then is when one gallery is moved to move all the others in the grid view. I'll post the code below...
Android::VideoView inside a ScrollView screen space in the UI saying this is where the video will be displayed. So all other UI elements will not be able to occupy that space. When scrolling happens your surface view will indeed be moved up or down depending on the scroll event but the..
android: relative layout two buttons occupy all the available horizontal space relative layout two buttons occupy all the available horizontal space i have a relative layout and i have two buttons in it with texts hello and world respectively... in it with texts hello and world respectively. i want these two buttons to lie adjacent to each other and equally occupy the whole horizontal space available. i tried the following but didnt get expected output RelativeLayout xmlns android http..
How does one create Buttons with Equal Widths? from filling the entire screen but I don't think this is the path I want to take because I don't want the buttons to occupy a large portion of the screen on large screen devices. To clarify using weightSum I could for example set the three buttons.. screen on large screen devices. To clarify using weightSum I could for example set the three buttons to collectively occupy half the screen width which may look OK on small screens but on a large screen the buttons would still occupy half the screen.. occupy half the screen width which may look OK on small screens but on a large screen the buttons would still occupy half the screen width and the buttons would simply be much larger than what I want. Perhaps the final solution will be to..
Pagination in Android TextView
How to show one layout on top of the other programmatically in my case? the 2nd LinearLayout with EditText is rising from the bottom of screen and the 2nd LinearLayout with EditText only occupy part of the screen from bottom that's the 1st LinearLayout still visible like the image below showed So when Button id my_btn..