android Programming Glossary: ocr
Digit Recogntion using OpenCV on android [closed] for How to use Opencv for Document Recognition with OCR Basic OCR in OpenCV Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV Python.. How to use Opencv for Document Recognition with OCR Basic OCR in OpenCV Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV Python On SuDoKu.. with OCR Basic OCR in OpenCV Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV Python On SuDoKu Grabber with OpenCV check item 5..
What kind of OCR Java library should I use in Android? [closed] kind of OCR Java library should I use in Android closed I would like to.. I would like to build an Android application that via an OCR library should scan a picture extracting text from it . What..
android OCR? [closed] OCR closed I'm looking for a Java OCR that runs on Android however.. OCR closed I'm looking for a Java OCR that runs on Android however Asprise doesn't seem to be a platform.. however Asprise doesn't seem to be a platform independent OCR. is there any opensource free Java OCR I can use for android..
Lib not found error in tesseract [closed] not found error in tesseract closed I am working with OCR android. Got samples from googling and work with android tesseract...
Is there any good OCR API for iPhone and/or Android phones? [closed] there any good OCR API for iPhone and or Android phones closed Would like to do.. I was just wondering if there are any companies providing OCR API for iPhone and or Android phones iphone android ocr share.. You will find some more information over here ABBYY Mobile OCR Engine for Iphone There is a port of the Google Tesseract OCR..
Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android? help me to resolve this issue. I have to used this code in OCR scanning so i need to implement this type of logic. If any other..
Digit Recogntion using OpenCV on android [closed] picture can be inputted android opencv image processing ocr share improve this question There are some great discussions..
What kind of OCR Java library should I use in Android? [closed] from it . What Java library should I use java android ocr share improve this question Don't know how good it is it..
android OCR? [closed] OCR I can use for android application development android ocr share improve this question OCR can be pretty CPU intensive..
Lib not found error in tesseract [closed] with my Please help me fix the error. android ocr share improve this question Exception cause line is System.loadLibrary..
Custom Character recognition for android threads http questions 1106202 android ocr http questions 971344 java based ocr sdk api..
How to use OCR web service in android application. How can we send request and get response? back. How can i pass request for nested XML tags http services OCRWebService.asmx op OCRWebServiceRecognize.. OCRWebServiceRecognize Please help.. android web services ocr share improve this question Please check this library for..
Is there any good OCR API for iPhone and/or Android phones? [closed] OCR API for iPhone and or Android phones iphone android ocr share improve this question You will find some more information..
Android OCR Library but only for reading text. android image processing ocr share improve this question Look at ABBYY's Android OCR..
Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android? provide me. Thanks in advance. android image processing ocr android camera yuv share improve this question Why not specify..
Optical Character Recognition Android with OpenCV Implementation in Android java android eclipse opencv ocr share improve this question You can take a look at JavaCV..
OCR for android [closed] QR reader .Are there any API's available for it android ocr share improve this question As far as i know there are no.. engines Tesseract http group tesseract ocr there are some Java wrappers like tesjeract http choice and resources limitations. Have a look at for ocr in Android it's a cloud based OCR SDK that let..
Digit Recogntion using OpenCV on android [closed] other places that can really help you achieve what you are looking for How to use Opencv for Document Recognition with OCR Basic OCR in OpenCV Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV Python On SuDoKu Grabber with OpenCV check item 5 Recognizing.. that can really help you achieve what you are looking for How to use Opencv for Document Recognition with OCR Basic OCR in OpenCV Simple Digit Recognition OCR in OpenCV Python On SuDoKu Grabber with OpenCV check item 5 Recognizing digits ...
What kind of OCR Java library should I use in Android? [closed] kind of OCR Java library should I use in Android closed I would like to build an Android application that via an OCR library should.. kind of OCR Java library should I use in Android closed I would like to build an Android application that via an OCR library should scan a picture extracting text from it . What Java library should I use java android ocr share improve..
android OCR? [closed] OCR closed I'm looking for a Java OCR that runs on Android however Asprise doesn't seem to be a platform independent OCR. is.. OCR closed I'm looking for a Java OCR that runs on Android however Asprise doesn't seem to be a platform independent OCR. is there any opensource free Java OCR.. OCR closed I'm looking for a Java OCR that runs on Android however Asprise doesn't seem to be a platform independent OCR. is there any opensource free Java OCR I can use for android application development android ocr share improve this question..
Lib not found error in tesseract [closed] not found error in tesseract closed I am working with OCR android. Got samples from googling and work with android tesseract. I have the project as library and refered in another..
Is there any good OCR API for iPhone and/or Android phones? [closed] there any good OCR API for iPhone and or Android phones closed Would like to do the following take picture and convert the text in image into.. picture and convert the text in image into encoded text . I was just wondering if there are any companies providing OCR API for iPhone and or Android phones iphone android ocr share improve this question You will find some more information.. phones iphone android ocr share improve this question You will find some more information over here ABBYY Mobile OCR Engine for Iphone There is a port of the Google Tesseract OCR 2.4 to Android apparently. See Using tesseract on android..
Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android? are differ from original data of PreviewCallback. Please help me to resolve this issue. I have to used this code in OCR scanning so i need to implement this type of logic. If any other way of doing same thing than please provide me. Thanks..
Digit Recogntion using OpenCV on android [closed] much if you could be as specific as possible. This is how the picture can be inputted android opencv image processing ocr share improve this question There are some great discussions that I've seen around here and other places that can really..
What kind of OCR Java library should I use in Android? [closed] that via an OCR library should scan a picture extracting text from it . What Java library should I use java android ocr share improve this question Don't know how good it is it definitely needs to be trained first but there is Ron Cemer's..
android OCR? [closed] platform independent OCR. is there any opensource free Java OCR I can use for android application development android ocr share improve this question OCR can be pretty CPU intensive you might want to reconsider doing it on a smart phone. That..
Lib not found error in tesseract [closed] .ImagetoText I think there is something wrong with my Please help me fix the error. android ocr share improve this question Exception cause line is System.loadLibrary œlept The problem is shared library..
Custom Character recognition for android
How to use OCR web service in android application. How can we send request and get response? can i pass data using soap base web service and get response back. How can i pass request for nested XML tags http services OCRWebService.asmx op OCRWebServiceRecognize Please help.. android web services ocr share improve.. http services OCRWebService.asmx op OCRWebServiceRecognize Please help.. android web services ocr share improve this question Please check this library for Android kSoap2 . Also check this similar question that offers..
Is there any good OCR API for iPhone and/or Android phones? [closed] . I was just wondering if there are any companies providing OCR API for iPhone and or Android phones iphone android ocr share improve this question You will find some more information over here ABBYY Mobile OCR Engine for Iphone There is..
Android OCR Library image captured by the camera Something similar to Google Goggles but only for reading text. android image processing ocr share improve this question Look at ABBYY's Android OCR lib paid Tesseract JNI wrapper free Look at this stackoverflow..
Converting YUV->RGB(Image processing)->YUV during onPreviewFrame in android? of logic. If any other way of doing same thing than please provide me. Thanks in advance. android image processing ocr android camera yuv share improve this question Why not specify that camera preview should provide RGB images i.e. Camera.Parameters.setPreviewFormat..
Optical Character Recognition Android with OpenCV TL DR Need Advice about best Optical Character Recognition Implementation in Android java android eclipse opencv ocr share improve this question You can take a look at JavaCV which a java interface to OpenCV You can check something like..
OCR for android [closed] a word of 10 character number or alphabet just like we see in QR reader .Are there any API's available for it android ocr share improve this question As far as i know there are no native opensource Java OCR SDKs. There are Java APIs which.. for example for one of the most popular opensource OCR engines Tesseract http group tesseract ocr there are some Java wrappers like tesjeract http p tesjeract or Tess4J http . That could work.. connection but it's independent from your programming language choice and resources limitations. Have a look at for ocr in Android it's a cloud based OCR SDK that let you upload an image through web API and returns you the OCRed..