android Programming Glossary: oct
Motodev Core Plugins I notice this error appears in the error log Error Tue Oct 02 11 50 32 CDT 2012 Unhandled event loop exception org.eclipse.e4.core.di.InjectionException..
Google Play services out of date. Requires 3159100 but found 3158130 Jelly Bean 4.3 which has now been resolved via update 21st October 2013 see below by Google https p android.. know more. This is the final update on this issue received October 21st 2013 . This fix works fine for me on 4.3 I haven't.. via Oct 21 to me Updates Status Released Comment #45 on issue 57880..
Form validation library for Android? input validation share improve this question Edit Oct 22 2012 The library now supports annotations you can validate..
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() width of those two calls may be maximally 1. EDIT 4 Oct 2011 What may be better than visualization. I took the effort..
Facebook Like button in Android Application provided like button feature for native mobile apps As of Oct 17 2011 . It is available in Mobile Web apps. For more info..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” 0 retry Wed Dec 31 17 00 00 America Boise 1969 expiry Mon Oct 17 10 56 20 America Boise 2011 D MediaUploader 2492 UploadsQueue.getAllPending..
Failed to connect to camera service to camera service and my manifest is corrected 20th Oct xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http Can anyone please suggest what might be wrong UPDATE 20th Oct Logcat in SDK 4.0 is broken and wont show the end of the log..
Android Publisher Account on Android Market play .. Google added India on merchant list from 18th Oct 2012 and developers will be able to sell from android market.. will be able to sell from android market from 25th Oct 2012 onwards android google play publishing share improve..
Custom date picker with months and years retrn Jul if i 7 retrn Aug if i 8 retrn Sept if i 9 retrn Oct if i 10 retrn Nov if i 11 retrn Dec prevMnth i if i 12 if prevMnth..
Motodev Core Plugins noticed this on my OSX setup If I click New New Android Project I notice this error appears in the error log Error Tue Oct 02 11 50 32 CDT 2012 Unhandled event loop exception org.eclipse.e4.core.di.InjectionException org.eclipse.core.commands.NotHandledException..
Google Play services out of date. Requires 3159100 but found 3158130 an issue with Google that arises when you update to SDK 18 Jelly Bean 4.3 which has now been resolved via update 21st October 2013 see below by Google https p android issues detail id 57880#makechanges It impacts Google API emulators.. and then have us miss it. I'll update this bug when I know more. This is the final update on this issue received October 21st 2013 . This fix works fine for me on 4.3 I haven't tried it on other flavours of Jelly Bean. me on 4.3 I haven't tried it on other flavours of Jelly Bean. via Oct 21 to me Updates Status Released Comment #45 on issue 57880 by google play services updated but AVD not..
Form validation library for Android? fluent way ... . java android validation form validation input validation share improve this question Edit Oct 22 2012 The library now supports annotations you can validate your fields just by adding annotations. Here is an example..
Android Paint: .measureText() vs .getTextBounds() call to function SkRect roundOut. The difference between computed width of those two calls may be maximally 1. EDIT 4 Oct 2011 What may be better than visualization. I took the effort for own exploring and for deserving bounty This is font size..
Facebook Like button in Android Application like share improve this question Facebook SDK hasn't provided like button feature for native mobile apps As of Oct 17 2011 . It is available in Mobile Web apps. For more info you can check out these link Mobile Facebook Developers Like..
Strange Behavior of Android VideoView - “Can't Play Video” 200 D MediaUploader 2492 onGphotosChange sawError false errs 0 retry Wed Dec 31 17 00 00 America Boise 1969 expiry Mon Oct 17 10 56 20 America Boise 2011 D MediaUploader 2492 UploadsQueue.getAllPending elapsed msec 17 I MediaUploader 2492 UploadManager.uploadPendingItems..
Failed to connect to camera service e.printStackTrace throws runtime exception Failed to connect to camera service and my manifest is corrected 20th Oct xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 manifest xmlns android http apk res android package com.nbt.cameratest.. application manifest Can anyone please suggest what might be wrong UPDATE 20th Oct Logcat in SDK 4.0 is broken and wont show the end of the log so I've cut this bit as best as I can from command line adb..
Android Publisher Account on Android Market this link now we can publish and purchase paid apps from google play .. Google added India on merchant list from 18th Oct 2012 and developers will be able to sell from android market from 25th Oct 2012 onwards android google play publishing.. added India on merchant list from 18th Oct 2012 and developers will be able to sell from android market from 25th Oct 2012 onwards android google play publishing share improve this question If you want to publish and sell paid Apps you..
Custom date picker with months and years if i 3 retrn Apr if i 4 retrn May if i 5 retrn Jun if i 6 retrn Jul if i 7 retrn Aug if i 8 retrn Sept if i 9 retrn Oct if i 10 retrn Nov if i 11 retrn Dec prevMnth i if i 12 if prevMnth 0 cal.roll Calendar.MONTH 1 else cal.roll Calendar.MONTH..