android Programming Glossary: occurring
Invalid heap address and fatal signal 11 I can't find much of a pattern to help isolate why this is occurring. There are a couple of other threads on SO about fatal signal..
How to start an Activity or Service before an App application is uninstalled by the User? and they are working on a fix to stop this behavior from occurring. and have raised a feature request with Google hopefully they..
Listener (or handler) for video finish finishes I would like that it played again which it's not occurring. android media player share improve this question Seems..
how to connect android emulator to the internet but here's what worked for me. Assuming your problem is occurring when you're on a wireless network and you have a LAN card installed..
Google Search api for Android systems method of my gsearch.Client object a runtime error is occurring. The error message is java.lang.VerifyError gsearch.Client ... is java.lang.VerifyError gsearch.Client . This message is occurring in the Dalvik Debug Monitor log. So what is the problem here..
Start Activity with an animation I can get rid of the default transition animation occurring at the start of the activity. It doesn't show the transition..
camera.setParameters failed in android it worked fine. Can anyone please tell me why the error is occurring Here is the class which I mentioned in the comments class Preview..
Help with a custom View attributes inside a Android Library Project attributed do not work they use the default this was not occurring before so there is some namespace conflict hapenning here. What..
SpeechRecognizer causes ANR… I need help with Android speech API I could get a more precise idea of where the failure was occurring but from the looks of it only public APIs are included which..
Android: how does application Protector app work? the logs READ_LOGS to see if the application launch is occurring android logging share improve this question I reverse engineered..
People can't download our specific product in Android Market it they get the error. It seems as if the error started occurring after we submitted our first updated though minor and not any..
Force a ListView item to stay “pressed” after being clicked? and the item will stay selected without any flicker occurring. Here's my selector xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector..
Error in xml layout, Can't convert to dimension: 15 into this error message. I found that the error was only occurring in the 2.7in QVGA slider device configuration. I also found..
Is it possible to detect Android app uninstall? your plan would work but I can see some false positives occurring otherwise. Older SO question for reference android not receiving..
How to diagnose “Error executing aapt” error in Eclipse? Is there a way to know exactly what the error is that's occurring I tried looking in the Eclipse console output and in .metadata..
Gradient appears banded in a SurfaceView, but looks very smooth in a normal View and as nice as I would expect for 32 bit colour. This is occurring side by side using the test SurfaceView placed alongside the..
Android Fragment lifecycle over orientation changes pain in the rear most of the time. You can stop errors occurring by using the same Fragment rather than recreating a new one...
Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.jsoup.Jsoup re launch the app the error should go away. FYI this is occurring because the JAR file is not getting packaged into the .apk files..
Invalid heap address and fatal signal 11 error isn't thrown every time I execute my AsyncTasks but I can't find much of a pattern to help isolate why this is occurring. There are a couple of other threads on SO about fatal signal 11 but they don't provide much help in my case. android android..
How to start an Activity or Service before an App application is uninstalled by the User? Security have been reported to the Android Security group and they are working on a fix to stop this behavior from occurring. and have raised a feature request with Google hopefully they may listen to it. http p android issues detail..
Listener (or handler) for video finish is just called the video works fine but when the video finishes I would like that it played again which it's not occurring. android media player share improve this question Seems you are looking for setOnCompletionListener MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener..
how to connect android emulator to the internet some of the answers may have addressed this however obliquely but here's what worked for me. Assuming your problem is occurring when you're on a wireless network and you have a LAN card installed the issue is that the emulator tries to obtain its DNS..
Google Search api for Android systems project Some problems arise. When I call the .localSearch method of my gsearch.Client object a runtime error is occurring. The error message is java.lang.VerifyError gsearch.Client . This message is occurring in the Dalvik Debug Monitor log... object a runtime error is occurring. The error message is java.lang.VerifyError gsearch.Client . This message is occurring in the Dalvik Debug Monitor log. So what is the problem here Can I not use the search API on the android More importantly..
Start Activity with an animation taskOpenEnterAnimation windowEnterAnimation or windowAnimationStyle I can get rid of the default transition animation occurring at the start of the activity. It doesn't show the transition animation using the actual value specified but at least the..
camera.setParameters failed in android Method I ran the app on 2.2 emulator also to check it. But it worked fine. Can anyone please tell me why the error is occurring Here is the class which I mentioned in the comments class Preview extends SurfaceView implements SurfaceHolder.Callback..
Help with a custom View attributes inside a Android Library Project I added the pie namespace. The PieTimerView displays but the attributed do not work they use the default this was not occurring before so there is some namespace conflict hapenning here. What is the correct way of doing this android share improve..
SpeechRecognizer causes ANR… I need help with Android speech API Update I tried attaching the SDK sources to the project so I could get a more precise idea of where the failure was occurring but from the looks of it only public APIs are included which seems to make them a lot less useful... can anyone suggest..
Android: how does application Protector app work? So how does such a system work. does it keep reading the logs READ_LOGS to see if the application launch is occurring android logging share improve this question I reverse engineered the app and found what exactly it was doing. It just..
People can't download our specific product in Android Market is successful but then when the user tries to download it they get the error. It seems as if the error started occurring after we submitted our first updated though minor and not any game changing I really don't understand how this can effect..
Force a ListView item to stay “pressed” after being clicked? won't be visible. Once in onItemClick you set state_selected and the item will stay selected without any flicker occurring. Here's my selector xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 selector xmlns android http apk res android Selected..
Error in xml layout, Can't convert to dimension: 15 I would share to hopefully help anyone else that might run into this error message. I found that the error was only occurring in the 2.7in QVGA slider device configuration. I also found that if I changed the negative value to a different number I..
Is it possible to detect Android app uninstall? fails to be handled properly Obviously in the second scenario your plan would work but I can see some false positives occurring otherwise. Older SO question for reference android not receiving Intent ACTION_PACKAGE_REMOVED in the removed package share..
How to diagnose “Error executing aapt” error in Eclipse? 28 11 50 usr local android sdk linux_x86 platform tools aapt Is there a way to know exactly what the error is that's occurring I tried looking in the Eclipse console output and in .metadata .log in my project and didn't see anything related. android..
Gradient appears banded in a SurfaceView, but looks very smooth in a normal View in a simple extended View the gradient looks very smooth and as nice as I would expect for 32 bit colour. This is occurring side by side using the test SurfaceView placed alongside the test View within the same layout in the same Activity . For..
Android Fragment lifecycle over orientation changes back to the Activity when it's recreated. This is a massive pain in the rear most of the time. You can stop errors occurring by using the same Fragment rather than recreating a new one. Simply add this code if savedInstanceState null mFragmentManager..
Android java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org.jsoup.Jsoup libs and putting my .jar there. When you clean build and re launch the app the error should go away. FYI this is occurring because the JAR file is not getting packaged into the .apk files this is why it builds correctly but isn't available during..