android Programming Glossary: oi
Launching an intent for file and MIME type? sdcard roms nes Baseball_simulator.nes Now if I install OI File Manager for instance it opens instead of this error being..
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 null null null if cursor null HERE YOU WILL GET A NULLPOINTER IF CURSOR IS NULL THIS CAN BE IF YOU USED OI FILE MANAGER.. A NULLPOINTER IF CURSOR IS NULL THIS CAN BE IF YOU USED OI FILE MANAGER FOR PICKING THE MEDIA int column_index cursor ..
Android Secure Storage are held elsewhere e.g. in a user's head . For example OI Safe has an Intent based system of allowing applications to..
Choose File Dialog [closed] of my projects. The only other options seem to being using OI FileManger's open intents but that requires the user already..
Problems connecting with bluetooth Android Log.d info Cliente Conectado sendMessage OI TODO Transfer data using the Bluetooth Socket catch IOException..
Android onActivityResult NEVER called 0 if requestCode 0 Uri selectedImageUri data.getData OI FILE Manager filemanagerstring selectedImageUri.getPath MEDIA..
Android file chooser [closed] chooser but I don't want to write this by myself. I find OI file manager and I think it suits me. But how can I force user.. I think it suits me. But how can I force user to install OI file manager If I cannot is there a better way to include a..
Launching an intent for file and MIME type? handle Intent act android.intent.action.VIEW dat file file mnt sdcard roms nes Baseball_simulator.nes Now if I install OI File Manager for instance it opens instead of this error being thrown and then if I click the same file from within in it..
Camera Force Closing issue in Samsung Galaxy S3 version 4.1.1 Cursor cursor managedQuery uri projection null null null if cursor null HERE YOU WILL GET A NULLPOINTER IF CURSOR IS NULL THIS CAN BE IF YOU USED OI FILE MANAGER FOR PICKING THE MEDIA int column_index cursor .getColumnIndexOrThrow.. projection null null null if cursor null HERE YOU WILL GET A NULLPOINTER IF CURSOR IS NULL THIS CAN BE IF YOU USED OI FILE MANAGER FOR PICKING THE MEDIA int column_index cursor .getColumnIndexOrThrow MediaStore.Images.Media.DATA cursor.moveToFirst..
Android Secure Storage secure data stores involve passwords and assume the passwords are held elsewhere e.g. in a user's head . For example OI Safe has an Intent based system of allowing applications to store stuff in the safe but then the user is involved in unlocking..
Choose File Dialog [closed] anything lightweight enough to implement easily into on of my projects. The only other options seem to being using OI FileManger's open intents but that requires the user already having the file manager installed. I would be extremely grateful..
Problems connecting with bluetooth Android device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord uuid clientSocket.connect Log.d info Cliente Conectado sendMessage OI TODO Transfer data using the Bluetooth Socket catch IOException e Log.d BLUETOOTH CLIENTE e.getMessage android bluetooth..
Android onActivityResult NEVER called int requestCode int resultCode Intent data if resultCode 0 if requestCode 0 Uri selectedImageUri data.getData OI FILE Manager filemanagerstring selectedImageUri.getPath MEDIA GALLERY selectedImagePath getPath selectedImageUri DEBUG..
Android file chooser [closed] I want to make a file uploader. And I hence I need a file chooser but I don't want to write this by myself. I find OI file manager and I think it suits me. But how can I force user to install OI file manager If I cannot is there a better.. want to write this by myself. I find OI file manager and I think it suits me. But how can I force user to install OI file manager If I cannot is there a better way to include a file manager in my app Thx android file upload file io filechooser..