android Programming Glossary: offline_access
Is it possible to extend Facebook tokens with extendAccessTokenIfNeeded in an Android app? Background I received an email from Facebook saying the offline_access permission will be deprecated from May 1st 2012 and Facebook.. In the Facebook documentation about offline_access deprecation tokens can be extended using the Graph API. However.. Android SDK at GitHub Facebook Android Tutorial Facebook offline_access permission deprecation Facebook bug report Related Stack Overflow..
Post message with photo in facebook with android and got error: An unknown error has occurred new String user_about_me email publish_stream read_stream offline_access new TestLoginListener public class TestLoginListener implements..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? this APP ID new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access this where this is an Activity that implements a DialogListener..
Android Facebook Intent this APP_API_ID new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access this @Override public void onComplete Bundle values if values.isEmpty..
Facebook API for Android: how to get extended info regarding user`s friends? regarding user`s friends id name . List of app permissions offline_access is here just for test will be removed soon String sPermissions.. friends_birthday friends_location friends_website offline_access mLoginButton.init this mFacebook sPermissions Following request..
Is it possible to “Like” a “fan page” using the Facebook SDK? make this call I am obtaining both the publish_stream and offline_access publishing permissions at login and they are given to the Facebook..
Facebook friends birthdays in Android String PERMISSIONS new String friends_birthday read_stream offline_access Make sure that you gave permission for accessing friends Birthday..
Unable to retrieve access token for facebook on real device this new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access friends_birthday user_birthday email read_friendlists manage_friendlists..
Android Facebook.authorize don't call oncomplete method Login.this new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access Facebook.FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH new DialogListener @Override public..
The session has been invalidated because the user has changed the password asking the permissions 'email user_birthday publish_stream offline_access' Do graph api call me using the token returned to me. Step 3.. was that Android and iOS facebook SDK's are handling the offline_access differently in the value that they set in the 'expires' parameter..
Is it possible to extend Facebook tokens with extendAccessTokenIfNeeded in an Android app? have success what version was the device or emulator running Background I received an email from Facebook saying the offline_access permission will be deprecated from May 1st 2012 and Facebook recommended upgrading to their latest SDK. Fine. I upgraded.. been given the priority wishlist . Alternatives to the extendAccessTokenAsNeeded In the Facebook documentation about offline_access deprecation tokens can be extended using the Graph API. However this has the disadvantage of needing the App Secret being.. app just complaining now Relevant Facebook links Facebook Android SDK at GitHub Facebook Android Tutorial Facebook offline_access permission deprecation Facebook bug report Related Stack Overflow Questions Facebook 60 day access token and Deprecated..
Post message with photo in facebook with android and got error: An unknown error has occurred code will be execute mFacebook.authorize MainActivity.this new String user_about_me email publish_stream read_stream offline_access new TestLoginListener public class TestLoginListener implements DialogListener public void onComplete Bundle values try..
Android/Java — Post simple text to Facebook wall? to me. Facebook facebookClient new Facebook facebookClient.authorize this APP ID new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access this where this is an Activity that implements a DialogListener and APP ID is my Facebook application ID. Thanks. UPDATE..
Android Facebook Intent replace APP_API_ID with your own facebookClient.authorize this APP_API_ID new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access this @Override public void onComplete Bundle values if values.isEmpty skip clicked if facebookClient.authorize ... was..
Facebook API for Android: how to get extended info regarding user`s friends? Facebook support. Main problem I can get only basic info regarding user`s friends id name . List of app permissions offline_access is here just for test will be removed soon String sPermissions friends_about_me friends_birthday friends_location friends_website.. test will be removed soon String sPermissions friends_about_me friends_birthday friends_location friends_website offline_access mLoginButton.init this mFacebook sPermissions Following request works fine returns a list of id name pairs mAsyncRunner.request..
Is it possible to “Like” a “fan page” using the Facebook SDK? OAuthException message #200 App does not have permission to make this call I am obtaining both the publish_stream and offline_access publishing permissions at login and they are given to the Facebook object with SessionStore.restore . 1 Does Facebook let..
Facebook friends birthdays in Android
Unable to retrieve access token for facebook on real device friends information.... mFacebook new Facebook api_id mFacebook.authorize this new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access friends_birthday user_birthday email read_friendlists manage_friendlists this sToken mFacebook.getAccessToken public..
Android Facebook.authorize don't call oncomplete method to solve this problem if facebook.isSessionValid facebook.authorize Login.this new String publish_stream read_stream offline_access Facebook.FORCE_DIALOG_AUTH new DialogListener @Override public void onComplete Bundle values SharedPreferences.Editor..
The session has been invalidated because the user has changed the password plugin function Login to facebook. using plugin function asking the permissions 'email user_birthday publish_stream offline_access' Do graph api call me using the token returned to me. Step 3 returns error and when I take the url called and put in a desktop.. Ok in the end I found out that the root cause of my problem was that Android and iOS facebook SDK's are handling the offline_access differently in the value that they set in the 'expires' parameter in the session object. In iOS 'expires' will be set to..