android Programming Glossary: mpaint.setdither
Android Canvas Redo and Undo Operation this mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFFFFFF mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE.. this mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFFFFFF mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE..
how to get select area which cover by canvas in android activity this.drawContext context mPaint new Paint mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor Color.RED mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE..
Android color picker to be included in the activity mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor Color.GREEN mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE..
Draw in Canvas by finger android dv mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor Color.GREEN mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE.. mv mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFF0000 mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE..
Android Null Exception on Calling function mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFF0000 mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE..
Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map super.draw canvas mapv shadow Paint mPaint new Paint mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor Color.RED mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE..
Save the image made by user in fingerPaint api demos in android c super c mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFF0000 mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE.. super c attrs mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFF0000 mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE..
Android Canvas Redo and Undo Operation setFocusable true setFocusableInTouchMode true this.setOnTouchListener this mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFFFFFF mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap.. setFocusable true setFocusableInTouchMode true this.setOnTouchListener this mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFFFFFF mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap..
how to get select area which cover by canvas in android Activity activity Context context super activity this.drawActivity activity this.drawContext context mPaint new Paint mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor Color.RED mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap..
Android color picker to be included in the activity dv new DrawingView this setContentView R.layout.activity_main mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor Color.GREEN mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap..
Draw in Canvas by finger android super.onCreate savedInstanceState dv new DrawingView this setContentView dv mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor Color.GREEN mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap.. R.drawable.afor set the back ground if you wish to setContentView mv mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFF0000 mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap..
Android Null Exception on Calling function 4f circlePath.reset circlePath.addCircle mX mY 30 Path.Direction.CW mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFF0000 mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap..
Efficient Map Overlays in Android Google Map public void draw Canvas canvas MapView mapv boolean shadow super.draw canvas mapv shadow Paint mPaint new Paint mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor Color.RED mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.FILL_AND_STROKE mPaint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap..
Save the image made by user in fingerPaint api demos in android Path mPath private Paint mBitmapPaint public fingerPaint Context c super c mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFF0000 mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap.. public fingerPaint Context c AttributeSet attrs super c attrs mPaint new Paint mPaint.setAntiAlias true mPaint.setDither true mPaint.setColor 0xFFFF0000 mPaint.setStyle Paint.Style.STROKE mPaint.setStrokeJoin Paint.Join.ROUND mPaint.setStrokeCap..