android Programming Glossary: movie
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? has to wait and my app starts looking like a stop motion movie. The real question though is Is it reasonable to expect to be..
Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage? it so this copy to internal does indeed create a valid movie. It only fails when I try to play it directly from the internal.. test.mp4 InputStream data res.openRawResource R.raw.moviegood try OutputStream myOutputStream new FileOutputStream videoFile..
How to embed a YouTube clip in a WebView on Android as an example.... object width 120 height 73 param name movie value http watch v ZVYIBIlTIQs feature youtube_gdata..
How to Play local swf files in a webview UTF 8 head body object width 215 height 140 param name movie value choudanse7us.swf embed src file mnt sdcard choudanse7us.swf..
Problem loading swf file in android String html object width 550 height 400 param name movie value file android_asset FL.swf embed src file android_asset..
Problem to load flv video in webview I can confirm that the flash plugin does load and the movie player does intilaize with the swirly shape graphic. I can engage..
Showing gif in android Movie. public class GIFView extends View private Movie movie private InputStream is private long moviestart public GIFView.. private Movie movie private InputStream is private long moviestart public GIFView Context context super context is getResources.. is getResources .openRawResource R.drawable.anim_cerca movie Movie.decodeStream is @Override protected void onDraw Canvas..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? There is factory called decodeStream that can make a movie given an InputStream but it isn't enough to use the stream from.. . If you try this you will get an IOException when the movie loader tries to call reset on the stream. The hack unfortunate.. is bis.mark conn.getContentLength Movie movie Movie.decodeStream bis bis.close Next you need to create a view..
Android - Include native StageFright features in my own project snippet I think it's better than using ffmpeg to encode a movie. You can add audio source as well. class ImageSource public..
Showing gif in android gif in android i have this code to show gif image with Movie. public class GIFView extends View private Movie movie private.. with Movie. public class GIFView extends View private Movie movie private InputStream is private long moviestart public.. getResources .openRawResource R.drawable.anim_cerca movie Movie.decodeStream is @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? solution is to use employ custom View which draws asks a Movie to draw itself to the Canvas periodically. The first step is.. to the Canvas periodically. The first step is building the Movie instance. There is factory called decodeStream that can make.. a memory constrained mobile device . Here is a snip of the Movie setup code URL url new URL gifSource URLConnection conn url.openConnection..
How to add animated emoticon in TextView or EditText in Android timer. There's an api demo that illustrates how to use the Movie class to load up an animated gif that might be worth looking..
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? return null class NyanEngine extends Engine private final Movie mNyan private final int mNyanDuration private final Runnable.. .openRawResource R.raw.nyan if is null try mNyan Movie.decodeStream is mNyanDuration mNyan.duration finally is.close..
Is achartengine ready for realtime graphing? with GC. It soon starts allocating while GC is running so it has to wait and my app starts looking like a stop motion movie. The real question though is Is it reasonable to expect to be able to repaint 4 or 6 linecharts tablet app on realtime sub..
Can a videoview play a video stored on internal storage? I can copy the internal video to temp storage external and play it so this copy to internal does indeed create a valid movie. It only fails when I try to play it directly from the internal storage. videoFile new File this.getFilesDir File.separator.. storage. videoFile new File this.getFilesDir File.separator test.mp4 InputStream data res.openRawResource R.raw.moviegood try OutputStream myOutputStream new FileOutputStream videoFile byte buffer new byte 8192 int length while length
How to embed a YouTube clip in a WebView on Android in QuickTime. Can Android do the same Here is the embed code as an example.... object width 120 height 73 param name movie value http watch v ZVYIBIlTIQs feature youtube_gdata param param name allowFullScreen value true param param..
How to Play local swf files in a webview head meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset UTF 8 head body object width 215 height 140 param name movie value choudanse7us.swf embed src file mnt sdcard choudanse7us.swf width 215 height 140 embed object body html below is..
Problem loading swf file in android webView.setWebViewClient new HelloWebViewClient String html object width 550 height 400 param name movie value file android_asset FL.swf embed src file android_asset FL.swf width 550 height 400 embed object String mimeType text..
Problem to load flv video in webview You don't state clearly what your Android version however I can confirm that the flash plugin does load and the movie player does intilaize with the swirly shape graphic. I can engage it into fullscreen mode. I am also able to play online..
Showing gif in android gif in android i have this code to show gif image with Movie. public class GIFView extends View private Movie movie private InputStream is private long moviestart public GIFView Context context super context is getResources .openRawResource.. show gif image with Movie. public class GIFView extends View private Movie movie private InputStream is private long moviestart public GIFView Context context super context is getResources .openRawResource R.drawable.anim_cerca movie Movie.decodeStream.. long moviestart public GIFView Context context super context is getResources .openRawResource R.drawable.anim_cerca movie Movie.decodeStream is @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas long now android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? periodically. The first step is building the Movie instance. There is factory called decodeStream that can make a movie given an InputStream but it isn't enough to use the stream from a UrlConnection . If you try this you will get an IOException.. but it isn't enough to use the stream from a UrlConnection . If you try this you will get an IOException when the movie loader tries to call reset on the stream. The hack unfortunate as it is is to use a separated BufferedInputStream with a.. is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream bis new BufferedInputStream is bis.mark conn.getContentLength Movie movie Movie.decodeStream bis bis.close Next you need to create a view that will display this Movie . A subclass of View with a..
Android - Include native StageFright features in my own project Android VNC server to be released soon. the following is a snippet I think it's better than using ffmpeg to encode a movie. You can add audio source as well. class ImageSource public MediaSource ImageSource int width int height int colorFormat..
Showing gif in android gif in android i have this code to show gif image with Movie. public class GIFView extends View private Movie movie private InputStream is private long moviestart public GIFView Context.. gif in android i have this code to show gif image with Movie. public class GIFView extends View private Movie movie private InputStream is private long moviestart public GIFView Context context super context is getResources .openRawResource.. moviestart public GIFView Context context super context is getResources .openRawResource R.drawable.anim_cerca movie Movie.decodeStream is @Override protected void onDraw Canvas canvas super.onDraw canvas long now android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis..
Android: How do a display a large animated gif given a url? gif share improve this question The general sketch of the solution is to use employ custom View which draws asks a Movie to draw itself to the Canvas periodically. The first step is building the Movie instance. There is factory called decodeStream.. employ custom View which draws asks a Movie to draw itself to the Canvas periodically. The first step is building the Movie instance. There is factory called decodeStream that can make a movie given an InputStream but it isn't enough to use the.. is no problem for desktop apps but it is a serious issue on a memory constrained mobile device . Here is a snip of the Movie setup code URL url new URL gifSource URLConnection conn url.openConnection InputStream is conn.getInputStream BufferedInputStream..
How to add animated emoticon in TextView or EditText in Android logic to draw the different frames based on some sort of timer. There's an api demo that illustrates how to use the Movie class to load up an animated gif that might be worth looking into. Big Edit Alright sorry for not getting back earlier but..
Is it possible to set an animated gif file as live wallpaper in android? e Log.w TAG Error creating NyanEngine e stopSelf return null class NyanEngine extends Engine private final Movie mNyan private final int mNyanDuration private final Runnable mNyanNyan float mScaleX float mScaleY int mWhen long mStart.. mStart NyanEngine throws IOException InputStream is getResources .openRawResource R.raw.nyan if is null try mNyan Movie.decodeStream is mNyanDuration mNyan.duration finally is.close else throw new IOException Unable to open R.raw.nyan..