android Programming Glossary: mparams
Custom Slide to unlock case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE RelativeLayout.LayoutParams mParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams left_Locker.getLayoutParams int.. left_Locker.getLayoutParams int x int event.getRawX mParams.leftMargin x 50 left_Locker.setLayoutParams mParams break.. mParams.leftMargin x 50 left_Locker.setLayoutParams mParams break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP toastText.setVisibility..
Launch popup window from service private View mView private WindowManager.LayoutParams mParams private WindowManager mWindowManager @Override public void onCreate.. void onCreate super.onCreate mView new MyLoadView this mParams new WindowManager.LayoutParams WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT.. PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT mParams.gravity Gravity.CENTER mParams.setTitle Window test mWindowManager..
Can an Android AsyncTask doInBackground be synchronized to serialize the task execution? private final Context mContext private final TaskParams mParams public SerialTask Context context TaskParams params mContext.. Context context TaskParams params mContext context mParams params public void run execute mParams Activity a Activity.. mContext context mParams params public void run execute mParams Activity a Activity mContext a.runOnUiThread new OnPostExecute..
Custom Slide to unlock Color.BLACK toastText.setText Slide to Unlock break case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE RelativeLayout.LayoutParams mParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams left_Locker.getLayoutParams int x int event.getRawX mParams.leftMargin x 50 left_Locker.setLayoutParams.. RelativeLayout.LayoutParams mParams RelativeLayout.LayoutParams left_Locker.getLayoutParams int x int event.getRawX mParams.leftMargin x 50 left_Locker.setLayoutParams mParams break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP toastText.setVisibility View.GONE.. left_Locker.getLayoutParams int x int event.getRawX mParams.leftMargin x 50 left_Locker.setLayoutParams mParams break case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP toastText.setVisibility View.GONE break default break return true The Image does..
Launch popup window from service like this way public class MyService extends Service private View mView private WindowManager.LayoutParams mParams private WindowManager mWindowManager @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate mView new MyLoadView this mParams new.. mParams private WindowManager mWindowManager @Override public void onCreate super.onCreate mView new MyLoadView this mParams new WindowManager.LayoutParams WindowManager.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT 150 10 10 WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_SYSTEM_OVERLAY.. WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_FOCUSABLE WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_NOT_TOUCH_MODAL PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT mParams.gravity Gravity.CENTER mParams.setTitle Window test mWindowManager WindowManager getSystemService WINDOW_SERVICE mWindowManager.addView..
Can an Android AsyncTask doInBackground be synchronized to serialize the task execution? class TaskParams private class SerialTask implements Runnable private final Context mContext private final TaskParams mParams public SerialTask Context context TaskParams params mContext context mParams params public void run execute mParams Activity.. mContext private final TaskParams mParams public SerialTask Context context TaskParams params mContext context mParams params public void run execute mParams Activity a Activity mContext a.runOnUiThread new OnPostExecute Used to notify.. mParams public SerialTask Context context TaskParams params mContext context mParams params public void run execute mParams Activity a Activity mContext a.runOnUiThread new OnPostExecute Used to notify the UI thread private class OnPostExecute..