android Programming Glossary: moverlays.add
GoogleMaps MapView crashes onTap in Android? context public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate @Override protected OverlayItem createItem..
Customize My Location Overlay Update Times 60000 public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate private void checkFirstRunnable if firstFixRun.. void replaceOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.clear mOverlays.add overlay populate public boolean runOnFirstFix Runnable runnable..
Problem with crash with ItemizedOverlay 0 OverlayItem overlayitem new OverlayItem point mOverlays.add overlay populate return true Inside my ItemizedOverlay class..
It is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons (items) on a googlemap? mOverlays.size public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s mOverlays.get i public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate @Override public int size return mOverlays.size..
Problem with large number of markers on the map context public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate @Override protected OverlayItem createItem..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client defaultMarker public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate @Override protected OverlayItem createItem..
GoogleMaps MapView crashes onTap in Android? defaultMarker Context context super defaultMarker mContext context public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mOverlays.get i @Override public int size return..
Customize My Location Overlay Update Times if Constants.DEBUG updateTime 0 else updateTime 60000 public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate private void checkFirstRunnable if firstFixRun lastKnownLocation null firstFixRunnable null if status LocationProvider.TEMPORARILY_UNAVAILABLE private void replaceOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.clear mOverlays.add overlay populate public boolean runOnFirstFix Runnable runnable if lastKnownLocation null return true firstFixRunnable..
Problem with crash with ItemizedOverlay GeoPoint point MapView mapView if mOverlays.size 0 mOverlays.remove 0 OverlayItem overlayitem new OverlayItem point mOverlays.add overlay populate return true Inside my ItemizedOverlay class then i Just get a null reference exeption I have no idea when..
It is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons (items) on a googlemap? int i return mOverlays.get i public int size return mOverlays.size public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker Context context super defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s
Problem with large number of markers on the map Context context super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker mContext context public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mOverlays.get i @Override public int size return..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client Drawable defaultMarker super boundCenterBottom defaultMarker public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mOverlays.get i @Override public int size return..