android Programming Glossary: mpaused
How do i pause frame animation using AnimationDrawable? [closed] private long mElapsedAtPause 0 private boolean mPaused false public PausableAlphaAnimation float fromAlpha float toAlpha.. long currentTime Transformation outTransformation if mPaused mElapsedAtPause 0 mElapsedAtPause currentTime getStartTime.. 0 mElapsedAtPause currentTime getStartTime if mPaused setStartTime currentTime mElapsedAtPause return super.getTransformation..
Android crash when app is closed and reopened private Object mPauseLock new Object private boolean mPaused Constructor stuff. This should be after your drawing update.. your thread's run code. synchronized mPauseLock while mPaused try mPauseLock.wait catch InterruptedException e Two methods.. properly. public void onPause synchronized mPauseLock mPaused true public void onResume synchronized mPauseLock mPaused false..
How to pause/resume thread in Android? Runnable private Object mPauseLock private boolean mPaused private boolean mFinished public YourRunnable mPauseLock new.. mFinished public YourRunnable mPauseLock new Object mPaused false mFinished false public void run while mFinished Do stuff... while mFinished Do stuff. synchronized mPauseLock while mPaused try mPauseLock.wait catch InterruptedException e Call..
Marquee Set Speed int mXPaused 0 whether it's being paused private boolean mPaused true constructor public ScrollTextView Context context this.. the very right side mXPaused 1 getWidth assume it's paused mPaused true resumeScroll resume the scroll from the pausing point.. scroll from the pausing point public void resumeScroll if mPaused return Do not know why it would not scroll sometimes if setHorizontallyScrolling..
How do i pause frame animation using AnimationDrawable? [closed] public class PausableAlphaAnimation extends AlphaAnimation private long mElapsedAtPause 0 private boolean mPaused false public PausableAlphaAnimation float fromAlpha float toAlpha super fromAlpha toAlpha @Override public boolean getTransformation.. fromAlpha toAlpha @Override public boolean getTransformation long currentTime Transformation outTransformation if mPaused mElapsedAtPause 0 mElapsedAtPause currentTime getStartTime if mPaused setStartTime currentTime mElapsedAtPause return.. Transformation outTransformation if mPaused mElapsedAtPause 0 mElapsedAtPause currentTime getStartTime if mPaused setStartTime currentTime mElapsedAtPause return super.getTransformation currentTime outTransformation public void pause..
Android crash when app is closed and reopened enough I will post the whole solution Inside your Runnable Thread private Object mPauseLock new Object private boolean mPaused Constructor stuff. This should be after your drawing update code inside your thread's run code. synchronized mPauseLock.. stuff. This should be after your drawing update code inside your thread's run code. synchronized mPauseLock while mPaused try mPauseLock.wait catch InterruptedException e Two methods for your Runnable Thread class to manage the thread properly... Two methods for your Runnable Thread class to manage the thread properly. public void onPause synchronized mPauseLock mPaused true public void onResume synchronized mPauseLock mPaused false mPauseLock.notifyAll In your SurfaceView class private..
How to pause/resume thread in Android? properly using a lock. Sample code class YourRunnable implements Runnable private Object mPauseLock private boolean mPaused private boolean mFinished public YourRunnable mPauseLock new Object mPaused false mFinished false public void run while.. private Object mPauseLock private boolean mPaused private boolean mFinished public YourRunnable mPauseLock new Object mPaused false mFinished false public void run while mFinished Do stuff. synchronized mPauseLock while mPaused try mPauseLock.wait.. new Object mPaused false mFinished false public void run while mFinished Do stuff. synchronized mPauseLock while mPaused try mPauseLock.wait catch InterruptedException e Call this on pause. public void onPause synchronized mPauseLock..
Marquee Set Speed int mRndDuration 10000 the X offset when paused private int mXPaused 0 whether it's being paused private boolean mPaused true constructor public ScrollTextView Context context this context null customize the TextView setSingleLine setEllipsize.. the original position public void startScroll begin from the very right side mXPaused 1 getWidth assume it's paused mPaused true resumeScroll resume the scroll from the pausing point public void resumeScroll if mPaused return Do not know why it.. assume it's paused mPaused true resumeScroll resume the scroll from the pausing point public void resumeScroll if mPaused return Do not know why it would not scroll sometimes if setHorizontallyScrolling is called in constructor. setHorizontallyScrolling..