android Programming Glossary: mp4
Android sdk cut/trim video file sdk cut trim video file Is there any way to cut a video mp4 or 3gp on android like use only the last 5 seconds of the movie..... share improve this question You can do this with my mp4parser library. Have a look at the ShortenExample it does exactly..
Fix 3GP file after streaming from Android Media Recorder A 11.0 V 1.4 A V 9.650 ct 0.023 0 0 10 1 1.6 0 0 mov mp4 m4a 3gp 3g2 mj2 @ 0x7f72adeafc40 stream 1 offset 0x15e62b partial.. this question What you need to understand is that mp4 is not a live streamable format. hence there is no way you will.. part again. There is no way you can do live streaming of mp4 files in android. I have seen tons of people trying it in vain..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec t t.printStackTrace Changing the encoder type to video mp4 apparently solves the framerate problem but since the main goal.. need to be dumped and played later. If android default is mp4 but default annexb headers will be switched off so perhaps there..
HTML5 <video> element on Android this is the only other thing I can think of for embedding mp4 video in a web page. Has anyone had any luck with this android..
Android not playing Video .mp4 not playing Video .mp4 hi guys i have prepared a code to just play a simple mp4 file.. .mp4 hi guys i have prepared a code to just play a simple mp4 file from my res folder... The coding is something like this.....
Android — Can't play any videos (mp4/mov/3gp/etc.)? &mdash Can't play any videos mp4 mov 3gp etc. I'm having great difficulty getting my Android.. mc myIntroView.setVideoPath sdcard test.mp4 myIntroView.requestFocus myIntroView.start Please help android..
HTML5 <video> element on Android does not play video placeholder.jpg autobuffer controls source src pr6.mp4 type 'video mp4 codecs avc1.42E01E mp4a.40.2 ' source src pr6.ogv.. autobuffer controls source src pr6.mp4 type 'video mp4 codecs avc1.42E01E mp4a.40.2 ' source src pr6.ogv type 'video.. source src pr6.mp4 type 'video mp4 codecs avc1.42E01E mp4a.40.2 ' source src pr6.ogv type 'video ogg codecs theora vorbis..
I want to play a video from my assets or raw folder res raw folder. It must be in a supported format 3gp wmv mp4 and named with lower case numerics underscores and dots in its.. underscores and dots in its filename my_video_file.mp4 When you work with this resource in code you will reference..
error (1, -2147483648) on Android url videoint.getStringExtra url The url pointing to the mp4 video.setVideoPath url video.requestFocus video.setMediaController..
Media player using YouTube? mediaController.setAnchorView videoView Set video link mp4 format Uri video Uri.parse http watch v T1Wgp3mLa_E..
how to Upload image into server in Android? image jpeg else if filename.toLowerCase .contains .mp4 filetype image mp4 else if filename.toLowerCase .contains .3gp.. if filename.toLowerCase .contains .mp4 filetype image mp4 else if filename.toLowerCase .contains .3gp filetype image..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview embedding the Vimeo player i.e. you can't get at the mp4 stream directly at least not easily or reliably I'm pretty sure.. level here 12 requires 'false Wanted to force HTML5 264 mp4 you may want flash where still available mWebView.getSettings..
Android MediaPlayer/VideoView w/Subtitles (SRT) JB version has built in support for internal present in MP4 files and SRT external subtitles. More details is available..
How to display Video in the Android Emulator from Remote URL? is required for HTTP streaming. On Linux you can patch up MP4 videos for progressive download by installing MP4Box and running.. patch up MP4 videos for progressive download by installing MP4Box and running MP4Box hint file . share improve this answer..
Server to stream RTSP to android 3GPP PSS Streaming specifications. i.e fileformat is 3GP MP4 and the supported codecs are MPEG 4 Video AVC MPEG4 Audio AMR..
Streaming AAC audio with Android from the net and AAC files in other containers such as MP4 3GP . It simply downloads the file and plays from the cache...
android video, hear sound but no video
Streaming video from Android camera to server data is fetched from LocalSocket and the MDAT MOOV of MP4 was checked first before streaming. The live video is packed..
Android video streaming example [closed] Sorry this video can not be played . I am trying to use MP4. android video streaming playback share improve this question.. is running VLC... NOTE You can see the video codec is MP4V which is supported by android. 4 go to eclipse and create a..
Android: attempt to call getduration without a valid mediaplayer a valid mediaplayer I use the code below to play an MP4 video H.264 AAC codecs from a URL The url is perfectly fine..
Video not playing in Android be provided for setVideoURI should be a media file such as MP4 or AVI . VideoView cannot parse a HTML page. It can only decode..
Android - Include native StageFright features in my own project playing audio. I successfully recorded AAC wrapped in a MP4 container using the MediaRecorder and successfully up streamed..
Android sdk cut/trim video file sdk cut trim video file Is there any way to cut a video mp4 or 3gp on android like use only the last 5 seconds of the movie... on iphone this is possible using the AVAssetExportSession.. Is there any easier way to do it android video media trim share improve this question You can do this with my mp4parser library. Have a look at the ShortenExample it does exactly what the name suggests. Since the library cannot re encode..
Fix 3GP file after streaming from Android Media Recorder amrwb @ 0x7f72ad652380 Encountered a bad or corrupted frame A 11.0 V 1.4 A V 9.650 ct 0.023 0 0 10 1 1.6 0 0 mov mp4 m4a 3gp 3g2 mj2 @ 0x7f72adeafc40 stream 1 offset 0x15e62b partial file h263 @ 0x7f72ad652380 Bad picture start code h263.. video video streaming 3gp android mediarecorder share improve this question What you need to understand is that mp4 is not a live streamable format. hence there is no way you will be able to hack anyway around to make it live streamable... itself and save it to hard disk again removes the socket part again. There is no way you can do live streaming of mp4 files in android. I have seen tons of people trying it in vain and if you understand video formats there is not way you..
Encoding H.264 from camera with Android MediaCodec mediaCodec.dequeueOutputBuffer bufferInfo 0 catch Throwable t t.printStackTrace Changing the encoder type to video mp4 apparently solves the framerate problem but since the main goal is to make a streaming service this is not a good solution... to be playable when they are not in any containers and need to be dumped and played later. If android default is mp4 but default annexb headers will be switched off so perhaps there is a switch to enable it. Or if you are getting data frame..
HTML5 <video> element on Android Since there currently isn't support for QuickTime or Flash this is the only other thing I can think of for embedding mp4 video in a web page. Has anyone had any luck with this android video mobile html5 share improve this question I've just..
Android not playing Video .mp4 not playing Video .mp4 hi guys i have prepared a code to just play a simple mp4 file from my res folder... The coding is something like this..... not playing Video .mp4 hi guys i have prepared a code to just play a simple mp4 file from my res folder... The coding is something like this... public class VideoPlayer extends Activity @Override protected..
Android — Can't play any videos (mp4/mov/3gp/etc.)? &mdash Can't play any videos mp4 mov 3gp etc. I'm having great difficulty getting my Android application to play videos from the SD card. It doesn't matter.. MediaController mc new MediaController this myIntroView.setMediaController mc myIntroView.setVideoPath sdcard test.mp4 myIntroView.requestFocus myIntroView.start Please help android video videoview share improve this question Videos from..
HTML5 <video> element on Android does not play but not Android video id video width 320 height 240 poster video placeholder.jpg autobuffer controls source src pr6.mp4 type 'video mp4 codecs avc1.42E01E mp4a.40.2 ' source src pr6.ogv type 'video ogg codecs theora vorbis ' video With the.. video id video width 320 height 240 poster video placeholder.jpg autobuffer controls source src pr6.mp4 type 'video mp4 codecs avc1.42E01E mp4a.40.2 ' source src pr6.ogv type 'video ogg codecs theora vorbis ' video With the above code Android.. 320 height 240 poster video placeholder.jpg autobuffer controls source src pr6.mp4 type 'video mp4 codecs avc1.42E01E mp4a.40.2 ' source src pr6.ogv type 'video ogg codecs theora vorbis ' video With the above code Android can't even click the..
I want to play a video from my assets or raw folder things to note You must copy the video into your project's res raw folder. It must be in a supported format 3gp wmv mp4 and named with lower case numerics underscores and dots in its filename my_video_file.mp4 When you work with this resource.. a supported format 3gp wmv mp4 and named with lower case numerics underscores and dots in its filename my_video_file.mp4 When you work with this resource in code you will reference through the generated R statics it will have the file extension..
error (1, -2147483648) on Android findViewById Intent videoint getIntent String url videoint.getStringExtra url The url pointing to the mp4 video.setVideoPath url video.requestFocus video.setMediaController new MediaController this video.start The manifest permissions..
Media player using YouTube? MediaController mediaController new MediaController this mediaController.setAnchorView videoView Set video link mp4 format Uri video Uri.parse http watch v T1Wgp3mLa_E videoView.setMediaController mediaController videoView.setVideoURI..
how to Upload image into server in Android? image png else if filename.toLowerCase .contains .jpg filetype image jpeg else if filename.toLowerCase .contains .mp4 filetype image mp4 else if filename.toLowerCase .contains .3gp filetype image 3gpp String boundaryMessage getBoundaryMessage.. filename.toLowerCase .contains .jpg filetype image jpeg else if filename.toLowerCase .contains .mp4 filetype image mp4 else if filename.toLowerCase .contains .3gp filetype image 3gpp String boundaryMessage getBoundaryMessage BOUNDARY pairs..
Auto playing vimeo videos in Android webview claim them for my own code. First I have not found a way around embedding the Vimeo player i.e. you can't get at the mp4 stream directly at least not easily or reliably I'm pretty sure that's deliberate . Second Vimeo offers a javascript library.. mWebView.getSettings .setJavaScriptEnabled true Watch the sdk level here 12 requires 'false Wanted to force HTML5 264 mp4 you may want flash where still available mWebView.getSettings .setPluginState PluginState.OFF mWebView.getSettings .setLoadWithOverviewMode..
Android MediaPlayer/VideoView w/Subtitles (SRT) Android 4.1 Jelly Bean JB Android JB version has built in support for internal present in MP4 files and SRT external subtitles. More details is available at http about versions android 4.1.html#Multimedia..
How to display Video in the Android Emulator from Remote URL?
Server to stream RTSP to android that Videoplayer in Android supports RTSP streaming as per 3GPP PSS Streaming specifications. i.e fileformat is 3GP MP4 and the supported codecs are MPEG 4 Video AVC MPEG4 Audio AMR and H263. One potential drawback with darwin is you need 3rd..
Streaming AAC audio with Android this question This work around allows you to play M4A files from the net and AAC files in other containers such as MP4 3GP . It simply downloads the file and plays from the cache. private File mediaFile private void playAudio String mediaUrl..
android video, hear sound but no video
Streaming video from Android camera to server camera http p ipcamera for android The raw video data is fetched from LocalSocket and the MDAT MOOV of MP4 was checked first before streaming. The live video is packed as FLV format and can be played via Flash video player with..
Android video streaming example [closed] and play it on Android. I tried some examples but I got error Sorry this video can not be played . I am trying to use MP4. android video streaming playback share improve this question I had the same problem but finally I found the way. Here.. with your computer IP address or any server which is running VLC... NOTE You can see the video codec is MP4V which is supported by android. 4 go to eclipse and create a new project for media playbak. create a VideoView object and..
Android: attempt to call getduration without a valid mediaplayer attempt to call getduration without a valid mediaplayer I use the code below to play an MP4 video H.264 AAC codecs from a URL The url is perfectly fine no redirect 404 or anything . However I keep getting the errors..
Video not playing in Android v wwI2w2YHkCQ fs 1 is for an HTML page. The URI to be provided for setVideoURI should be a media file such as MP4 or AVI . VideoView cannot parse a HTML page. It can only decode and play a video file or stream a video content in this..
Android - Include native StageFright features in my own project and do the same in reverse receiving stream decoding AAC and playing audio. I successfully recorded AAC wrapped in a MP4 container using the MediaRecorder and successfully up streamed audio using the AudioRecord class. But I need to be able..