android Programming Glossary: moveto
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? div data dojo props label 'About Us' moveTo 'Aboutusview' transition 'flip' dir ' 1' data dojo type div div data dojo props label 'Database' moveTo 'Databaseview' transition 'flip' dir ' 1' data dojo type div div data dojo props label 'Software' moveTo 'Softwareview' transition 'flip' dir ' 1' data dojo type
Can I serialize the paths drawn on canvas for redrawing the paths on relaunch of the application need to store a map of Actions and Points. We need path.moveTo int x int y path.lineTo int x int y path.quadTo int x1 int y1.. methods for scribbling. Actions in this case being lineTo moveTo quadTo reset and points being the corresponding points. I took.. being the value for an action. For actions as lineTo and moveTo size of the arrayX and arrayY is 1 and for quadTo the size is..
IBM Worklight 6.0 - Unable to run sample hybrid worklight app using dojo toolkit for android environment on avd? id view0 div data dojo type div data dojo props label 'About Us' moveTo 'Aboutusview' transition 'flip' dir ' 1' data dojo type div div data dojo props label 'Database'.. transition 'flip' dir ' 1' data dojo type div div data dojo props label 'Database' moveTo 'Databaseview' transition 'flip' dir ' 1' data dojo type div div data dojo props label 'Software'.. transition 'flip' dir ' 1' data dojo type div div data dojo props label 'Software' moveTo 'Softwareview' transition 'flip' dir ' 1' data dojo type div div data dojo props label 'Research'..
Can I serialize the paths drawn on canvas for redrawing the paths on relaunch of the application worked for me quite well. To understand we can think we just need to store a map of Actions and Points. We need path.moveTo int x int y path.lineTo int x int y path.quadTo int x1 int y1 int x2 int y2 and path.reset methods for scribbling. Actions.. int y path.quadTo int x1 int y1 int x2 int y2 and path.reset methods for scribbling. Actions in this case being lineTo moveTo quadTo reset and points being the corresponding points. I took two arrays 1 for x and another for y. For quadTo x1 y1 x2.. x y . We can think actions being the keys and arrayX arrayY being the value for an action. For actions as lineTo and moveTo size of the arrayX and arrayY is 1 and for quadTo the size is 2 and for reset the size is 0 or we can have both the arrays..