android Programming Glossary: mpentity
Upload image from android to java servlet and save it File file new File i_file MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity ContentBody cbFile new FileBody file image.. ContentBody cbFile new FileBody file image jpeg mpEntity.addPart userfile cbFile httppost.setEntity mpEntity System.out.println.. jpeg mpEntity.addPart userfile cbFile httppost.setEntity mpEntity System.out.println executing request httppost.getRequestLine..
What external JARS do I need to do an Android Multipart POST? TAG UPLOAD setting up multipart entity MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE Log.d.. file.length Log.d TAG UPLOAD file exist file.exists try mpEntity.addPart datafile new FileBody file application octet mpEntity.addPart.. datafile new FileBody file application octet mpEntity.addPart id new StringBody 1 catch UnsupportedEncodingException..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android AT fbAccessToken I GOT SOME ACCESS TOKEN MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity ContentBody cbFile new FileBody file image.. ContentBody cbAccessToken new StringBody fbAccessToken mpEntity.addPart access_token cbAccessToken mpEntity.addPart source cbFile.. fbAccessToken mpEntity.addPart access_token cbAccessToken mpEntity.addPart source cbFile mpEntity.addPart message cbMessage httppost.setEntity..
how to Upload image into server in Android? HttpPost httppost new HttpPost urll MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE mpEntity.addPart.. new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE mpEntity.addPart form_file new FileBody file image jpeg httppost.setEntity.. form_file new FileBody file image jpeg httppost.setEntity mpEntity HttpResponse response try response httpclient.execute httppost..
Upload image from android to java servlet and save it new HttpPost http 8084 Android_Server GetPictureFromClient File file new File i_file MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity ContentBody cbFile new FileBody file image jpeg mpEntity.addPart userfile cbFile httppost.setEntity.. File file new File i_file MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity ContentBody cbFile new FileBody file image jpeg mpEntity.addPart userfile cbFile httppost.setEntity mpEntity System.out.println executing request httppost.getRequestLine HttpResponse.. MultipartEntity ContentBody cbFile new FileBody file image jpeg mpEntity.addPart userfile cbFile httppost.setEntity mpEntity System.out.println executing request httppost.getRequestLine HttpResponse response httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity..
What external JARS do I need to do an Android Multipart POST? httppost new HttpPost urlString File file new File pic Log.d TAG UPLOAD setting up multipart entity MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE Log.d TAG UPLOAD file length file.length Log.d TAG UPLOAD file.. Log.d TAG UPLOAD file length file.length Log.d TAG UPLOAD file exist file.exists try mpEntity.addPart datafile new FileBody file application octet mpEntity.addPart id new StringBody 1 catch UnsupportedEncodingException.. file.length Log.d TAG UPLOAD file exist file.exists try mpEntity.addPart datafile new FileBody file application octet mpEntity.addPart id new StringBody 1 catch UnsupportedEncodingException e1 Log.d TAG UPLOAD UnsupportedEncodingException e1.printStackTrace..
How use multipart/form-data upload picture/image on Android DEBUG Log.d TSET FILE file.exists IT IS NOT NULL Log.d TEST AT fbAccessToken I GOT SOME ACCESS TOKEN MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity ContentBody cbFile new FileBody file image png ContentBody cbMessage new StringBody TEST TSET ContentBody.. file image png ContentBody cbMessage new StringBody TEST TSET ContentBody cbAccessToken new StringBody fbAccessToken mpEntity.addPart access_token cbAccessToken mpEntity.addPart source cbFile mpEntity.addPart message cbMessage httppost.setEntity.. TEST TSET ContentBody cbAccessToken new StringBody fbAccessToken mpEntity.addPart access_token cbAccessToken mpEntity.addPart source cbFile mpEntity.addPart message cbMessage httppost.setEntity mpEntity DEBUG System.out.println executing..
how to Upload image into server in Android? file.getName DefaultHttpClient httpclient new DefaultHttpClient HttpPost httppost new HttpPost urll MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE mpEntity.addPart form_file new FileBody file image jpeg httppost.setEntity.. HttpPost httppost new HttpPost urll MultipartEntity mpEntity new MultipartEntity HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE mpEntity.addPart form_file new FileBody file image jpeg httppost.setEntity mpEntity HttpResponse response try response httpclient.execute.. HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE mpEntity.addPart form_file new FileBody file image jpeg httppost.setEntity mpEntity HttpResponse response try response httpclient.execute httppost HttpEntity resEntity response.getEntity if resEntity null..