android Programming Glossary: mpeg
Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0 Accept Ranges bytes r n sb.append Content Type audio mpeg r n sb.append Connection close r n sb.append r n return sb.toString..
HTML5 audio not playing multiple times in Android 4.0.4 device Native Browser source src my_audio_location movie_audio.mp3 type 'audio mpeg codecs mp3 ' source src my_audio_location movie_audio.ogg type..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException Service final static public String AUDIO_MPEG audio mpeg final static public String BITERATE_HEADER icy br public int..
Streaming Video (or Progressive Download) to the Droid Browser insight would be much appreciate. iphone android video mpeg 4 share improve this question You should launch an intent..
Streaming to the Android MediaPlayer sb.append HTTP 1.1 200 OK r n sb.append Content Type audio mpeg r n sb.append Connection close r n sb.append Accept Ranges bytes..
Setting Ringtone notification from SD card file title values.put MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE audio mpeg values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST Some Artist values.put..
Incoming call dynamically override default ringtone title values.put MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE audio mpeg values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST Some Artist values.put..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg swscale System.loadLibrary avfilter System.loadLibrary ffmpeg C Code #include assert.h #include jni.h #include string.h #include.. 2 D ROHAUPT 280 RAH 3 D ROHAUPT 280 RAH 4 android audio ffmpeg android ndk share improve this question I was able to solve.. found in the api_example.c file in libavcodec of the ffmpeg source and modify it to suit my needs. Below is the code. Just..
OpenCV Native Samples are not building Lenovo C Program Files x86 Common Files Ulead Systems MPEG C Program Files x86 Windows Live Shared C SWTOOLS ReadyApps..
Server to stream RTSP to android question Try darwin streaming server. This can stream MPEG 4 and 3GPP. Note that Videoplayer in Android supports RTSP streaming.. i.e fileformat is 3GP MP4 and the supported codecs are MPEG 4 Video AVC MPEG4 Audio AMR and H263. One potential drawback.. is 3GP MP4 and the supported codecs are MPEG 4 Video AVC MPEG4 Audio AMR and H263. One potential drawback with darwin is you..
Streaming AAC audio with Android Android will only play AAC format audio if it's encoded as MPEG 4 or 3GPP. I'm able to play AAC audio encoded as M4A when it's..
Streaming Video (or Progressive Download) to the Droid Browser direct Safari to http FileName.mp4 which is an MPEG 4 video file and Safari opens quicktime and the video plays... file because the Droid documentation says that it supports MPEG 4 video although I can't get it to work from the browser. Any..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? Here's the ffmpeg command line we use to transcode to MPEG 4 h.264 in our production environment. We've tested the output..
Android - MediaPlayer Buffer Size in ICS 4.0 Content Length .append contentLength .append r n sb.append Accept Ranges bytes r n sb.append Content Type audio mpeg r n sb.append Connection close r n sb.append r n return sb.toString I've looked around for alternate implementations but..
HTML5 audio not playing multiple times in Android 4.0.4 device Native Browser perfectly in all devices. HTML Code audio id movie_audio source src my_audio_location movie_audio.mp3 type 'audio mpeg codecs mp3 ' source src my_audio_location movie_audio.ogg type 'audio ogg codecs vorbis ' audio JavaScript Code var movie_audio..
Android ShoutCast Internet Radio FilenotFoundException our temporary storage. public class StreamingMediaPlayer extends Service final static public String AUDIO_MPEG audio mpeg final static public String BITERATE_HEADER icy br public int INTIAL_KB_BUFFER private Handler handler 96 10 8 final public..
Streaming Video (or Progressive Download) to the Droid Browser 4 video although I can't get it to work from the browser. Any insight would be much appreciate. iphone android video mpeg 4 share improve this question You should launch an intent and set the type to video so that it opens directly with a..
Streaming to the Android MediaPlayer Build response headers StringBuilder sb new StringBuilder sb.append HTTP 1.1 200 OK r n sb.append Content Type audio mpeg r n sb.append Connection close r n sb.append Accept Ranges bytes r n sb.append Content Length totalFileSize r n sb.append..
Setting Ringtone notification from SD card file values.put MediaStore.MediaColumns.TITLE My Song title values.put MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE audio mpeg values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST Some Artist values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_RINGTONE false values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_NOTIFICATION..
Incoming call dynamically override default ringtone values.put MediaStore.MediaColumns.TITLE My Song title values.put MediaStore.MediaColumns.MIME_TYPE audio mpeg values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.ARTIST Some Artist values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_RINGTONE true values.put MediaStore.Audio.Media.IS_NOTIFICATION..
Decoding audio via Android using FFMpeg avformat System.loadLibrary avdevice System.loadLibrary swscale System.loadLibrary avfilter System.loadLibrary ffmpeg C Code #include assert.h #include jni.h #include string.h #include android log.h #include libavcodec avcodec.h #include.. 432 len 432 data_size 4608 out_size 0 D ROHAUPT 280 RAH 2 D ROHAUPT 280 RAH 3 D ROHAUPT 280 RAH 4 android audio ffmpeg android ndk share improve this question I was able to solve my problem by taking the audio_decode_example code found.. to solve my problem by taking the audio_decode_example code found in the api_example.c file in libavcodec of the ffmpeg source and modify it to suit my needs. Below is the code. Just to note it doesn't dynamically pick the correct codec to..
OpenCV Native Samples are not building Broadcom WHL SysWow64 syswow64 C Program Files x86 Common Files Lenovo C Program Files x86 Common Files Ulead Systems MPEG C Program Files x86 Windows Live Shared C SWTOOLS ReadyApps C Program Files x86 Intel Services IPT C Program Files x86 MATLAB..
Server to stream RTSP to android the Adobe Flash app android fms rtsp share improve this question Try darwin streaming server. This can stream MPEG 4 and 3GPP. Note that Videoplayer in Android supports RTSP streaming as per 3GPP PSS Streaming specifications. i.e fileformat.. RTSP streaming as per 3GPP PSS Streaming specifications. i.e fileformat is 3GP MP4 and the supported codecs are MPEG 4 Video AVC MPEG4 Audio AMR and H263. One potential drawback with darwin is you need 3rd party tools to do hinting first.There.. as per 3GPP PSS Streaming specifications. i.e fileformat is 3GP MP4 and the supported codecs are MPEG 4 Video AVC MPEG4 Audio AMR and H263. One potential drawback with darwin is you need 3rd party tools to do hinting first.There are several..
Streaming AAC audio with Android AAC audio with Android As I understand it Android will only play AAC format audio if it's encoded as MPEG 4 or 3GPP. I'm able to play AAC audio encoded as M4A when it's local to the app but it fails when obtaining it from a server...
Streaming Video (or Progressive Download) to the Droid Browser and am not having a lot of luck. With my iPhone I can direct Safari to http FileName.mp4 which is an MPEG 4 video file and Safari opens quicktime and the video plays. However with the Droid I go to the same web address and am.. video to pretty much any standard. I was trying the .mp4 file because the Droid documentation says that it supports MPEG 4 video although I can't get it to work from the browser. Any insight would be much appreciate. iphone android video mpeg..
What h.264 format loads on android AND IOS? android ffmpeg html5 video h.264 share improve this question Here's the ffmpeg command line we use to transcode to MPEG 4 h.264 in our production environment. We've tested the output on several Android devices as well as iOS. You can use this..