android Programming Glossary: mp.setoncompletionlistener
Android: How to create video player? stub private void playVideo try mp new MediaPlayer mp.setOnErrorListener this mp.setOnBufferingUpdateListener this mp.setOnCompletionListener this mp.setOnPreparedListener this mp.setAudioStreamType 2 mp.setDisplay mPreview.getHolder Runnable r new Runnable @Override..
Anyone Have MediaPlayer Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? try mp new MediaPlayer mp.setDataSource this PipeProvider.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon .appendPath clip.ogg .build mp.setOnCompletionListener this mp.prepare catch Exception e goBlooey e Through logging in PipeProvider I see that my Uri is being properly constructed...
Streaming AAC audio with Android MediaPlayer mp free up media player mp.release Log.i MediaPlayer.OnCompletionListener MediaPlayer Released mp.setOnCompletionListener listener FileInputStream fis new FileInputStream mediaFile set mediaplayer data source to file descriptor of input stream..
Android media player and seekbar sync issue MEDIA_PATH songs.get position mp.prepare song_dur mp.getDuration mp.seekTo cur_pos mp.start duration position mp.setOnCompletionListener new OnCompletionListener public void onCompletion MediaPlayer arg0 nextSong catch IOException e Log.v getString R.string.app_name..
How do you detect when a sound file has finished? the sound finishes playing MediaPlayer mp MediaPlayer.create this Uri.parse android.resource raw seven_chimes mp.setOnCompletionListener new OnCompletionListener @Override public void onCompletion MediaPlayer mp performOnEnd mp.start share improve this..
Android: how to play music at maximum possible volume? AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mp.setDataSource content media internal audio media 97 mp.prepare mp.start mp.setOnCompletionListener new OnCompletionListener @Override public void onCompletion MediaPlayer mp mAudioManager.setStreamVolume AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC..