android Programming Glossary: moverlays.size
GoogleMaps MapView crashes onTap in Android? return mOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mOverlays.size @Override protected boolean onTap int index OverlayItem item..
Customize My Location Overlay Update Times
Problem with crash with ItemizedOverlay so public boolean onTap GeoPoint point MapView mapView if mOverlays.size 0 mOverlays.remove 0 OverlayItem overlayitem new OverlayItem..
It is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons (items) on a googlemap? int i return mOverlays.get i public int size return mOverlays.size public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s
Problem with large number of markers on the map return mOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mOverlays.size @Override protected boolean onTap int index final OverlayItem..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client i return mOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mOverlays.size private void updateLocationOverlay if location null return List..
GoogleMaps MapView crashes onTap in Android? populate @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mOverlays.size @Override protected boolean onTap int index OverlayItem item mOverlays.get index AlertDialog.Builder dialog new AlertDialog.Builder..
Customize My Location Overlay Update Times
Problem with crash with ItemizedOverlay command then when i try to add a new overLay like so public boolean onTap GeoPoint point MapView mapView if mOverlays.size 0 mOverlays.remove 0 OverlayItem overlayitem new OverlayItem point mOverlays.add overlay populate return true Inside my..
It is possible to remove the Shadow of the Icons (items) on a googlemap? boundCenterBottom defaultMarker protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mOverlays.get i public int size return mOverlays.size public void addOverlay OverlayItem overlay mOverlays.add overlay populate public MyItemizedOverlay Drawable defaultMarker..
Android draw route on a Mapview with twoo POI-s
Problem with large number of markers on the map populate @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mOverlays.size @Override protected boolean onTap int index final OverlayItem item mOverlays.get index ... EACH MARKER WILL HAVE ONCLICK..
Android MapActivity : Couldn't get connection factory client populate @Override protected OverlayItem createItem int i return mOverlays.get i @Override public int size return mOverlays.size private void updateLocationOverlay if location null return List Overlay mapOverlays mapView.getOverlays Drawable drawable..