android Programming Glossary: mp.reset
Is Android 2.2 HTTP progressive streaming = HTTP Live Streaming? stop private void play Uri myUri Uri.parse http 9000 try if mp null new MediaPlayer else mp.stop mp.reset mp.setDataSource this myUri Go to Initialized state mp.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mp.setOnPreparedListener..
How to play an android notification sound or alert or ringtone. heres an example of what my code looks like right now MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer mp.reset mp.setDataSource notificationsPath String apptSounds.getSelectedItem mp.prepare mp.start android notifications sounds ..
What is the best way to get an audio file duration in Android? MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer for String fileName fileNames AssetFileDescriptor d context.getAssets .openFd fileName mp.reset mp.setDataSource d.getFileDescriptor d.getStartOffset d.getLength mp.prepare int duration mp.getDuration ... On a side note..
Android media player and seekbar sync issue new Mp3Filter songs.add file.getName public void playSong final int position final int cur_pos try mp.reset mp.setDataSource MEDIA_PATH songs.get position mp.prepare song_dur mp.getDuration mp.seekTo cur_pos mp.start duration..
How to play m3u8 on Android? new OnClickListener @Override public void onClick View v TODO Auto generated method stub try mp.stop mp.reset catch Exception e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace android media player aac share improve this..
Android 2.2 MediaPlayer is working fine with one SHOUTcast URL but not with the other one stop private void play Uri myUri Uri.parse http 9000 try if mp null new MediaPlayer else mp.stop mp.reset mp.setDataSource this myUri Go to Initialized state mp.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mp.setOnPreparedListener..