android Programming Glossary: mp.prepare
Android: Playing an Asset Sound Using WebView afd.getStartOffset afd.getLength afd.close mp.prepare mp.start catch IllegalArgumentException e TODO Auto generated.. afd.getStartOffset afd.getLength afd.close mp.prepare mp.start catch IllegalArgumentException e TODO Auto generated..
Android: How to create video player? mPath catch Exception ex Log.e TAG ex.getMessage try mp.prepare Log.v TAG Duration mp.getDuration catch IllegalStateException..
Anyone Have MediaPlayer Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? clip.ogg .build mp.setOnCompletionListener this mp.prepare catch Exception e goBlooey e Through logging in PipeProvider..
How to display Video in the Android Emulator from Remote URL? path mp.setScreenOnWhilePlaying true mp.setDisplay holder mp.prepare mp.start catch Exception e The Exception thorwn is prepare..
Streaming AAC audio with Android file descriptor of input stream mp.setDataSource fis.getFD mp.prepare Log.i MediaPlayer Start Player mp.start catch Exception e e.printStackTrace..
Streaming Audio from A URL in Android using MediaPlayer? mp new MediaPlayer mp.setDataSource URL_OF_FILE mp.prepare mp.start However I am getting the following repeatedly. I have..
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[] mp new MediaPlayer mp.setDataSource PATH_TO_FILE mp.prepare mp.start But I can't seem to find a way to do it... I wouldn't..
android video, hear sound but no video mp.setDisplay holder mp.setAudioStreamType 2 try mp.prepare mp.start catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource() and prepare() not working - android try mp.setDataSource http file.mp3 mp.prepare mp.start catch IllegalArgumentException e e.printStackTrace..
How to correctly set MediaPlayer audio stream type mp.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_NOTIFICATION mp.prepare mp.start catch Exception e exception caught in the end zone..
How to play an android notification sound notificationsPath String apptSounds.getSelectedItem mp.prepare mp.start android notifications sounds share improve this..
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace try mp.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException..
Override back button in android Please Wait.... mp new MediaPlayer try mp.setDataSource s mp.prepare catch Exception ex Log.e Exception ex.getMessage Log.e Status.. @Override public void onClick View v if v.equals play try mp.prepare catch Exception ex Log.e Exception in onclick ex.toString mp.start..
Android media player problem descriptor.getLength descriptor.close mp.prepare mp.start Edit try MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer AssetFileDescriptor.. descriptor.getLength descriptor.close mp.prepare mp.start catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block..
How to play m3u8 on Android? content ssna live ssnraudio.m3u8 mp.prepare mp.start catch Exception e TODO Auto generated catch block..
streaming .m3u audio e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace try mp.prepare mp.start catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated..
Android: how to play music at maximum possible volume? mp.setDataSource content media internal audio media 97 mp.prepare mp.start mp.setOnCompletionListener new OnCompletionListener..
Android: Playing an Asset Sound Using WebView afd context.getAssets .openFd url mp.setDataSource afd.getFileDescriptor afd.getStartOffset afd.getLength afd.close mp.prepare mp.start catch IllegalArgumentException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IllegalStateException.. .openFd url mp new MediaPlayer mp.setDataSource afd.getFileDescriptor afd.getStartOffset afd.getLength afd.close mp.prepare mp.start catch IllegalArgumentException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IllegalStateException..
Android: How to create video player? new Runnable @Override public void run try setDataSource mPath catch Exception ex Log.e TAG ex.getMessage try mp.prepare Log.v TAG Duration mp.getDuration catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch..
Anyone Have MediaPlayer Working with ParcelFileDescriptor and createPipe()? this PipeProvider.CONTENT_URI.buildUpon .appendPath clip.ogg .build mp.setOnCompletionListener this mp.prepare catch Exception e goBlooey e Through logging in PipeProvider I see that my Uri is being properly constructed. PipeProvider..
How to display Video in the Android Emulator from Remote URL? void onClick View v try mp new MediaPlayer mp.setDataSource path mp.setScreenOnWhilePlaying true mp.setDisplay holder mp.prepare mp.start catch Exception e The Exception thorwn is prepare failed status 0xC8 The LogCat details are 09 16 12 16 36.729..
Streaming AAC audio with Android
Streaming Audio from A URL in Android using MediaPlayer? would suggest to me that this should be as easy as MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer mp.setDataSource URL_OF_FILE mp.prepare mp.start However I am getting the following repeatedly. I have tried different URLs as well. Please don't tell me that streaming..
Android - Playing mp3 from byte[] to play it on my device similar to how you play files MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer mp.setDataSource PATH_TO_FILE mp.prepare mp.start But I can't seem to find a way to do it... I wouldn't mind saving file to phone and than playing it I am just hoping..
android video, hear sound but no video 400 300 MediaPlayer mp MediaPlayer.create this mp.setDisplay holder mp.setAudioStreamType 2 try mp.prepare mp.start catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace her is the layout in video_test.xml..
MediaPlayer.setDataSource() and prepare() not working - android no dice. Anyone have any ideas MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer try mp.setDataSource http file.mp3 mp.prepare mp.start catch IllegalArgumentException e e.printStackTrace catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException..
How to correctly set MediaPlayer audio stream type
How to play an android notification sound right now MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer mp.reset mp.setDataSource notificationsPath String apptSounds.getSelectedItem mp.prepare mp.start android notifications sounds share improve this question If anyone's still looking for a solution to this..
Android playing resource files from internal storage causes MediaPlayer.prepare to give IOException e1.printStackTrace catch IllegalStateException e1 e1.printStackTrace catch IOException e1 e1.printStackTrace try mp.prepare catch IllegalStateException e e.printStackTrace catch IOException e e.printStackTrace mp.setLooping true mp.start As..
Override back button in android findViewById String s status.setText Please Wait.... mp new MediaPlayer try mp.setDataSource s mp.prepare catch Exception ex Log.e Exception ex.getMessage Log.e Status Song is going to Start mp.start start true Log.e Status.. Songs.class startActivity setIntent finish return @Override public void onClick View v if v.equals play try mp.prepare catch Exception ex Log.e Exception in onclick ex.toString mp.start start true Log.e Status Song was Started again status.setText..
Android media player problem mp.setDataSource descriptor.getFileDescriptor descriptor.getStartOffset descriptor.getLength descriptor.close mp.prepare mp.start Edit try MediaPlayer mp new MediaPlayer AssetFileDescriptor descriptor descriptor contex.getAssets .openFd indra.mp3.. mp.setDataSource descriptor.getFileDescriptor descriptor.getStartOffset descriptor.getLength descriptor.close mp.prepare mp.start catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace android media player share improve..
How to play m3u8 on Android? Auto generated method stub try mp.setDataSource http content ssna live ssnraudio.m3u8 mp.prepare mp.start catch Exception e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace stop.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener..
streaming .m3u audio generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace try mp.prepare mp.start catch IllegalStateException e TODO Auto generated catch block e.printStackTrace catch IOException e TODO Auto..
Android: how to play music at maximum possible volume? new MediaPlayer mp.setAudioStreamType AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC mp.setDataSource content media internal audio media 97 mp.prepare mp.start mp.setOnCompletionListener new OnCompletionListener @Override public void onCompletion MediaPlayer mp mAudioManager.setStreamVolume..