android Programming Glossary: mconnectionreceiver
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off Receiver works reliably private BroadcastReceiver mConnectionReceiver private volatile static CountDownLatch latch @Override protected.. THIS IS WHAT I DO TO WAIT FOR A CONNECTION try mConnectionReceiver new WifiConnectionMonitor startMonitoringConnection latch.. WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION registerReceiver mConnectionReceiver aFilter private synchronized void stopMonitoringConnection unregisterReceiver..
Detect 3G or Wifi Network restoration ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION registerReceiver mConnectionReceiver aFilter private synchronized void stopMonitoringConnection unregisterReceiver.. void stopMonitoringConnection unregisterReceiver mConnectionReceiver where mConnectionReceiver new ConnectionMonitor share improve..
Android : Reconnect to Wi-Fi after entering coverage area while screen turned off it. Moreover it holds a wakelock and woken up by an AlarmManager's Receiver works reliably private BroadcastReceiver mConnectionReceiver private volatile static CountDownLatch latch @Override protected void doWakefulWork Intent intent WifiLock _wifiLock null.. _wifiManager.reassociate _wifiManager.reconnect THIS IS WHAT I DO TO WAIT FOR A CONNECTION try mConnectionReceiver new WifiConnectionMonitor startMonitoringConnection latch new CountDownLatch 1 w I wait latch.await w Woke up return.. ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION aFilter.addAction WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION registerReceiver mConnectionReceiver aFilter private synchronized void stopMonitoringConnection unregisterReceiver mConnectionReceiver private final class WifiConnectionMonitor..
Detect 3G or Wifi Network restoration IntentFilter aFilter new IntentFilter ConnectivityManager.CONNECTIVITY_ACTION registerReceiver mConnectionReceiver aFilter private synchronized void stopMonitoringConnection unregisterReceiver mConnectionReceiver where mConnectionReceiver..