android Programming Glossary: mcamera.setpreviewcallback
BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray() is returning NULL ImageFormat.RGB_565 mCamera.setParameters camParam mCamera.setPreviewCallback mPrevCallback However both when I change the preview format..
Android Camera RTSP/RTP Stream? I am not able to play my packets in VLC This is my code mCamera.setPreviewCallback new PreviewCallback public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder mCamera.startPreview mCamera.setPreviewCallback this public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder synchronized..
takepicture hangs on Android 2.3.3 mCamera.stopPreview try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder mCamera.setPreviewCallback mPreviewCallback catch IOException e Log.e TAG .surfaceCreated.. handler to freeze. I tried to clear the preview handler mCamera.setPreviewCallback null before calling takePicture and it works now. share improve..
Show my Layout while SurfaceView is loading Camera Preview surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder if mCamera null mCamera.setPreviewCallback null mCamera.stopPreview mCamera.setPreviewCallback null mPreviewRunning.. null mCamera.setPreviewCallback null mCamera.stopPreview mCamera.setPreviewCallback null mPreviewRunning false mCamera.release mCamera null ..
Widget for turning on/off camera flashlight in android void processOffClick if mCamera null mCamera.stopPreview mCamera.setPreviewCallback null mCamera.release mCamera null processOnClick method private..
Apply custom filters to camera output in the camera output and show them. What I've tried so far mCamera.setPreviewCallback new CameraGreenFilter public class CameraGreenFilter implements.. you are not displaying the image at all. If you call this mCamera.setPreviewCallback new CameraGreenFilter mCamera.setPreviewDisplay null than your..
BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray() is returning NULL camParam mCamera.getParameters camParam.setPreviewFormat ImageFormat.RGB_565 mCamera.setParameters camParam mCamera.setPreviewCallback mPrevCallback However both when I change the preview format and when I leave it as its default of NV21 BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray..
Android Camera RTSP/RTP Stream? frame as data and I am able to catch it via Wireshark. But I am not able to play my packets in VLC This is my code mCamera.setPreviewCallback new PreviewCallback public void onPreviewFrame byte data Camera camera int width 320 int height 240 eth getInterfaces ..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder mCamera.startPreview mCamera.setPreviewCallback this public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder synchronized this try if mCamera null mCamera.stopPreview isPreviewRunning..
takepicture hangs on Android 2.3.3 w w Log.i TAG .surfaceChanged h h if isPreviewRunning mCamera.stopPreview try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder mCamera.setPreviewCallback mPreviewCallback catch IOException e Log.e TAG .surfaceCreated mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder Camera.Parameters p mCamera.getParameters..
Show my Layout while SurfaceView is loading Camera Preview mCamera null e.printStackTrace @Override public void surfaceDestroyed SurfaceHolder holder if mCamera null mCamera.setPreviewCallback null mCamera.stopPreview mCamera.setPreviewCallback null mPreviewRunning false mCamera.release mCamera null share improve..
Widget for turning on/off camera flashlight in android watchWidget remoteViews processOffClick method private void processOffClick if mCamera null mCamera.stopPreview mCamera.setPreviewCallback null mCamera.release mCamera null processOnClick method private void processOnClick if mCamera null try mCamera
Apply custom filters to camera output output How do I apply custom filters to single frames in the camera output and show them. What I've tried so far mCamera.setPreviewCallback new CameraGreenFilter public class CameraGreenFilter implements PreviewCallback @Override public void onPreviewFrame byte.. that. Your example does not work for several reasons. First you are not displaying the image at all. If you call this mCamera.setPreviewCallback new CameraGreenFilter mCamera.setPreviewDisplay null than your camera is not displaying preview at all you have to display..