android Programming Glossary: mcallback
How to navigate in fragments? onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try mCallback Callback activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? checks for a null whenever it reads mCallback since the days of API 3 1.5 it seems can't check Honeycomb of..
How to pass values between Fragments Fragment_1 extends Fragment OnFragmentChangedListener mCallback Container Activity must implement this interface public interface.. the callback interface. If not it throws an exception try mCallback OnFragmentChangedListener activity catch ClassCastException.. if f2 null f2.isInLayout f2.setName name else mCallback.onButtonClicked name return view MainActivity.Java package..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method progressDialog OnCarListItemSelectedListener mCallback private boolean connectionStatus Container Activity must implement.. the callback interface. If not it throws an exception try mCallback OnCarListItemSelectedListener activity catch ClassCastException.. stub CarDetail car CarDetail adapter.getItem position mCallback.onCarSelected car return v class DownloadCarDetail extends..
Restful API service Service final RemoteCallbackList IRemoteServiceCallback mCallbacks new RemoteCallbackList IRemoteServiceCallback public void onStart.. super.onCreate public void onDestroy super.onDestroy mCallbacks.kill private final IRestfulService.Stub binder new IRestfulService.Stub.. void registerCallback IRemoteServiceCallback cb if cb null mCallbacks.register cb private final Handler mHandler new Handler public..
OpenID for android apps that require SignIn mAccount type options activity mCallback mHandler define callback and handler yourself for where to return.. handler yourself for where to return When the user reaches mCallback in your mHandler the login process is done. The usual google..
Android REST client, Sample? String private String mRestUrl private RestTaskCallback mCallback Creates a new instance of GetTask with the specified URL and.. RestTaskCallback callback this.mRestUrl restUrl this.mCallback callback @Override protected String doInBackground String..... @Override protected void onPostExecute String result mCallback.onTaskComplete result super.onPostExecute result An AsyncTask..
Finish the calling activity when AsyncTask completes extends AsyncTask Void Void Void private TaskCallback mCallback public MyTask TaskCallback callback mCallback callback doinbackground.. TaskCallback mCallback public MyTask TaskCallback callback mCallback callback doinbackground etc protected void onPostExecute mCallback.done.. callback doinbackground etc protected void onPostExecute mCallback.done There you go it gives you more flexibility to custom each..
Android ICS 4.0 Placing Flash WebView into full screen calls hideAll Method? client.onShowCustomView mLayout mOrientation mCallback void hideAll if mHidden return for ChildView v mChildren v.mView.setVisibility..
How to navigate in fragments? in the onAttached method. For example @Override public void onAttach Activity activity super.onAttach activity try mCallback Callback activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement Callback.class.getName..
Jelly Bean DatePickerDialog — is there a way to cancel? of the possible correction that I posted above. And since checks for a null whenever it reads mCallback since the days of API 3 1.5 it seems can't check Honeycomb of course it won't trigger the exception. At first I was afraid..
How to pass values between Fragments android.widget.EditText import android.widget.Toast public class Fragment_1 extends Fragment OnFragmentChangedListener mCallback Container Activity must implement this interface public interface OnFragmentChangedListener public void onButtonClicked.. This makes sure that the container activity has implemented the callback interface. If not it throws an exception try mCallback OnFragmentChangedListener activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement.. activity Say ing Hi in Progress... Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show if f2 null f2.isInLayout f2.setName name else mCallback.onButtonClicked name return view MainActivity.Java package com.example.fragmentexample import android.os.Bundle import..
Stop AsyncTask doInBackground method CarListAdapter adapter private ListView mList private ProgressDialog progressDialog OnCarListItemSelectedListener mCallback private boolean connectionStatus Container Activity must implement this interface public interface OnCarListItemSelectedListener.. This makes sure that the container activity has implemented the callback interface. If not it throws an exception try mCallback OnCarListItemSelectedListener activity catch ClassCastException e throw new ClassCastException activity.toString must implement.. selectedView int position long id TODO Auto generated method stub CarDetail car CarDetail adapter.getItem position mCallback.onCarSelected car return v class DownloadCarDetail extends AsyncTask String String ArrayList CarDetail @Override protected..
Restful API service apologies in advance public class RestfulAPIService extends Service final RemoteCallbackList IRemoteServiceCallback mCallbacks new RemoteCallbackList IRemoteServiceCallback public void onStart Intent intent int startId super.onStart intent startId.. IBinder onBind Intent intent return binder public void onCreate super.onCreate public void onDestroy super.onDestroy mCallbacks.kill private final IRestfulService.Stub binder new IRestfulService.Stub public void doLogin String username String password.. Config.ACTION_LOGIN mHandler.sendMessage msg public void registerCallback IRemoteServiceCallback cb if cb null mCallbacks.register cb private final Handler mHandler new Handler public void handleMessage Message msg Broadcast to all clients the..
OpenID for android apps that require SignIn to Account mAccount AccountManagerFuture options response mAccountManager.getAuthToken mAccount type options activity mCallback mHandler define callback and handler yourself for where to return When the user reaches mCallback in your mHandler the login.. options activity mCallback mHandler define callback and handler yourself for where to return When the user reaches mCallback in your mHandler the login process is done. The usual google login dialogue will be used if the user is not already logged..
Android REST client, Sample? APIs. public class GetTask extends AsyncTask String String String private String mRestUrl private RestTaskCallback mCallback Creates a new instance of GetTask with the specified URL and callback. @param restUrl The URL for the REST API. @param.. when the HTTP request completes. public GetTask String restUrl RestTaskCallback callback this.mRestUrl restUrl this.mCallback callback @Override protected String doInBackground String... params String response null Use HTTP Client APIs to make the.. the call. Return the HTTP Response body here. return response @Override protected void onPostExecute String result mCallback.onTaskComplete result super.onPostExecute result An AsyncTask implementation for performing POSTs on the Hypothetical REST..
Finish the calling activity when AsyncTask completes Context as a parameter you have TaskCallback public class MyTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Void private TaskCallback mCallback public MyTask TaskCallback callback mCallback callback doinbackground etc protected void onPostExecute mCallback.done There.. class MyTask extends AsyncTask Void Void Void private TaskCallback mCallback public MyTask TaskCallback callback mCallback callback doinbackground etc protected void onPostExecute mCallback.done There you go it gives you more flexibility to custom..
Android ICS 4.0 Placing Flash WebView into full screen calls hideAll Method? .hideAll WebChromeClient client mWebView.getWebChromeClient client.onShowCustomView mLayout mOrientation mCallback void hideAll if mHidden return for ChildView v mChildren v.mView.setVisibility View.GONE mHidden true Its basically hiding..