android Programming Glossary: mcollapsedheight
How to implement expandable panels in Android? View mContent private boolean mExpanded true private int mCollapsedHeight 0 private int mContentHeight 0 public ExpandablePanel Context.. 0 0 How high the content should be in collapsed state mCollapsedHeight int a.getDimension R.styleable.ExpandablePanel_collapsedHeight.. a if mExpanded a new ExpandAnimation mContentHeight mCollapsedHeight else a new ExpandAnimation mCollapsedHeight mContentHeight..
How to implement expandable panels in Android? private final int mContentId private View mHandle private View mContent private boolean mExpanded true private int mCollapsedHeight 0 private int mContentHeight 0 public ExpandablePanel Context context this context null public ExpandablePanel Context context.. context.obtainStyledAttributes attrs R.styleable.ExpandablePanel 0 0 How high the content should be in collapsed state mCollapsedHeight int a.getDimension R.styleable.ExpandablePanel_collapsedHeight 0.0f int handleId a.getResourceId R.styleable.ExpandablePanel_handle.. implements OnClickListener public void onClick View v Animation a if mExpanded a new ExpandAnimation mContentHeight mCollapsedHeight else a new ExpandAnimation mCollapsedHeight mContentHeight a.setDuration 500 mContent.startAnimation a mExpanded mExpanded..