android Programming Glossary: mcamera
camera app not working? Called when the activity is first created. private Camera mCamera private CameraPreview mPreview private Button btnCapture btnStop.. Toast.makeText this Camera found Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show mCamera getCameraInstance mPreview new CameraPreview this mCamera preview.addView.. mCamera getCameraInstance mPreview new CameraPreview this mCamera preview.addView mPreview System.out.println prepareVideoRecorder..
Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH replacement for Android 2.1 to set it public boolean setFlashlight boolean isOn if mCamera null return false Camera.Parameters params mCamera.getParameters.. if mCamera null return false Camera.Parameters params mCamera.getParameters String value if isOn we are being ask to turn.. try params.setFlashMode value mCamera.setParameters params String nowMode mCamera.getParameters .getFlashMode..
android camera surfaceview orientation this question The way I implemented it private Camera mCamera private OrientationEventListener mOrientationEventListener private..
3D cube transition in Android [closed] Inside getChildStaticTransformation ... Camera mCamera mCamera.rotateY distance 40f you should divide.. Inside getChildStaticTransformation ... Camera mCamera mCamera.rotateY distance 40f you should divide by the parent's.. ... Camera mCamera mCamera.rotateY distance 40f you should divide by the parent's width..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? a couple of changes to the code the commented out code try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay.. holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder And the SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_NORMAL.. private SurfaceHolder mHolder private Camera mCamera private boolean isPreviewRunning false private byte rgbbuffer..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails private final String TAG CameraSurfaceView private Camera mCamera private List String mSupportedFlashModes public CameraSurfaceView.. Context context super context mContext context mCamera setCamera mCamera mSurfaceView new SurfaceView.. context mContext context mCamera setCamera mCamera mSurfaceView new SurfaceView context addView mSurfaceView 0..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? mHolder preview.getHolder mHolder.addCallback this Camera mCamera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder Turn on LED Parameters.. mHolder.addCallback this Camera mCamera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder Turn on LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters.. mHolder Turn on LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH..
camera app not working? my code is public class VideoDemoActivity extends Activity Called when the activity is first created. private Camera mCamera private CameraPreview mPreview private Button btnCapture btnStop private MediaRecorder mMediaRecorder FrameLayout preview.. this Camera not found Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show finish else Toast.makeText this Camera found Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show mCamera getCameraInstance mPreview new CameraPreview this mCamera preview.addView mPreview System.out.println prepareVideoRecorder.. Toast.makeText this Camera found Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show mCamera getCameraInstance mPreview new CameraPreview this mCamera preview.addView mPreview System.out.println prepareVideoRecorder btnCapture.setOnClickListener new OnClickListener @Override..
Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH replacement for Android 2.1 true on false off @return boolean whether or not we were able to set it public boolean setFlashlight boolean isOn if mCamera null return false Camera.Parameters params mCamera.getParameters String value if isOn we are being ask to turn it on value.. were able to set it public boolean setFlashlight boolean isOn if mCamera null return false Camera.Parameters params mCamera.getParameters String value if isOn we are being ask to turn it on value Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH else we are.. else we are being asked to turn it off value Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_AUTO try params.setFlashMode value mCamera.setParameters params String nowMode mCamera.getParameters .getFlashMode if isOn nowMode.equals Camera.Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH..
android camera surfaceview orientation smartphone android sdk 2.1 android camera share improve this question The way I implemented it private Camera mCamera private OrientationEventListener mOrientationEventListener private int mOrientation 1 private static final int ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT_NORMAL..
3D cube transition in Android [closed] does is it modifies the 3x3 matrix and provides 3D transformations. Inside getChildStaticTransformation ... Camera mCamera mCamera.rotateY distance 40f you should divide by the parent's width so your rotation values are 0 rotation.. is it modifies the 3x3 matrix and provides 3D transformations. Inside getChildStaticTransformation ... Camera mCamera mCamera.rotateY distance 40f you should divide by the parent's width so your rotation values are 0 rotation MAX_ROTATION.. the 3x3 matrix and provides 3D transformations. Inside getChildStaticTransformation ... Camera mCamera mCamera.rotateY distance 40f you should divide by the parent's width so your rotation values are 0 rotation MAX_ROTATION mCamera.getMatrix..
How can I manipulate the camera preview? be needed if you wanted a camera preview to show up. So a couple of changes to the code the commented out code try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder And the SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_NORMAL.. of changes to the code the commented out code try mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder catch IOException e Log.e Camera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay holder And the SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_NORMAL SurfaceHolder.SURFACE_TYPE_PUSH_BUFFERS for preview to.. extends SurfaceView implements Callback Camera.PreviewCallback private SurfaceHolder mHolder private Camera mCamera private boolean isPreviewRunning false private byte rgbbuffer new byte 256 256 private int rgbints new int 256 256 protected..
Android Camera will not work. startPreview fails SurfaceView mSurfaceView private SurfaceHolder mHolder private final String TAG CameraSurfaceView private Camera mCamera private List String mSupportedFlashModes public CameraSurfaceView Context context super context mContext context mCamera.. private List String mSupportedFlashModes public CameraSurfaceView Context context super context mContext context mCamera setCamera mCamera mSurfaceView new SurfaceView context addView mSurfaceView 0 mHolder mSurfaceView.getHolder.. public CameraSurfaceView Context context super context mContext context mCamera setCamera mCamera mSurfaceView new SurfaceView context addView mSurfaceView 0 mHolder mSurfaceView.getHolder mHolder.addCallback this mHolder.setType..
LED flashlight on Galaxy Nexus controllable by what API? preview SurfaceView findViewById SurfaceHolder mHolder preview.getHolder mHolder.addCallback this Camera mCamera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder Turn on LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH.. findViewById SurfaceHolder mHolder preview.getHolder mHolder.addCallback this Camera mCamera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder Turn on LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH.. mHolder.addCallback this Camera mCamera mCamera.setPreviewDisplay mHolder Turn on LED Parameters params mCamera.getParameters params.setFlashMode Parameters.FLASH_MODE_TORCH mCamera.setParameters params mCamera.startPreview ... Turn..